Veterans documents

The memory of supreme leader about martyr Rajaei and martyr Bahonar

The memory of supreme leader about martyr Rajaei and martyr Bahonar

The supreme leader said: I was sick and I had just left the hospital. I was resting in a house close to Niavaran Neighborhood and I would get information about the situation as well. The late martyr Rajaei and martyr Bahonar and the other brothers would...
We should introduce martyr Babaei to the Islamic Ummah

We should introduce martyr Babaei to the Islamic Ummah

Martyr Babaei was a first lieutenant in the early years after the revolution. In the course of 3 years, he became a colonel and was appointed the chief commander of his base in Isfahan; that is he was promoted from a first lieutenant to Brigade General.
Resistance Excitement

Resistance Excitement

Each nation requires some symbols for its existence and its cultural historical identity invigoration and Seyed Mojtaba Hashemi is considered a symbol of resistance among the people who has stood against enemies of Islamic country.
Martyr of religion and knowledge

Martyr of religion and knowledge

Nearly since foundation of Qom seminary by Ayatollah Haeri Yazdi it was clear that this seminary beside the holy Najaf seminary will become another center for propagation and explanation of Shiite and Islamic cultures.

A Review on the Biography of Martyr Mohammad Hussein Saedi : He would say: “I don’t wish my body to return to the city after my martyrdom, because I’m a commander and I will be sorry for those martyrs whose corpses have been left in the battlefields.”

Biography Of Martyr Zargham

Imam Khomeini's speeches were so riveting to him that he tattooed May I devote my Life to you, Khomeini on his chest and began training his friends to become devoted revolutionary supporters.
Biography Of Martyr Ahmad Kazemi

Biography Of Martyr Ahmad Kazemi

Major General Ahmad Kazemi was an Iranian commander in the Army of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution and one of the most notable commanders in Iran–Iraq War.
A letter that martyr Abbas Daneshgar wrote to Ayatollah Khamenei

A letter that martyr Abbas Daneshgar wrote to Ayatollah Khamenei

One of the youngest martyrs of Defender of Zeinab (PUH) Shrine wrote a letter for Ayatollah Khamenei before his martyrdom.