News ID: 385259
Publish Date: 29 August 2017 - 15:54

Martyr of religion and knowledge

Nearly since foundation of Qom seminary by Ayatollah Haeri Yazdi it was clear that this seminary beside the holy Najaf seminary will become another center for propagation and explanation of Shiite and Islamic cultures.
Martyr of religion and knowledge
 Nearly since foundation of Qom seminary by Ayatollah Haeri Yazdi it was clear that this seminary beside the holy Najaf seminary will become another center for propagation and
explanation of Shiite and Islamic cultures. 

With appearance of outstanding personality like Imam Khomeini(s.a)that in a short time changed to be the gratest feature of the century,gradually his followers initiated Islamic propagation and combat so a new generation consisted of Ayatollahs:Khamene
i,Motahari,Beheshti,Mufateh and Dr,Bahonar appeard. they from one hand insisted on accompanying their mentor Khomeini the great and from another hand insisted on the best combination of ancient knowledge with new dynamic sciences.

Martyr Dr,Bahonar with profound realization of new necessities while studing and teaching in seminaries could aquire PH.D of theology from Tehran university and turned to be one of future hopes of this Islamic movement. In gaining his scientific,religious and combat objectives he divided his responsibilities in three directions.

firstly with effective performance of composition and compilation of religious text books under supervision of Dr,Beheshti and Martyr motahari he could present the best religious books for introduction of Islam and Shiite.
secondly by preaching,propagating and writing non-text books he completed his spiritual activities as a clergyman and finally because of following maners and tradition of his
leader Imam Khomeini (s.a) he was repeatedly imprisoned and prohibited from preaching but he didn’t withdraw even for a moment .

with the victory of Islamic revolution Dr,Bahonar because of his experiences,virtue,sp
irituality and sciences was selected as a member of the revolution council by the order of the leader for benefiting from his experiences in significant decession makings and
when his colleague Martyr Rajaei was introduced as prime minister he appointed Dr,Bahonar as the minister of education .

on the other hand Dr,Bahonar was one of five main members of Islamic republic party beside Ayatollahs;Khamenei,Behe shti,Mousavi Ardabili and Hashemi Rafsanjani.the party which was the fruit of thousand martyrs among them was Dr,Beheshti who was martyrized 7Th Tir of of his followers in 72 with and Dr,Bahonar replaced him 1360 as general director of the party.

After appointment of Martyr Rajaei as president, with agreement of the leader and approval of the parliament Dr,Bahonar was selected as the prime minister but unfortunately after a short time the wicked hypocrites by exploding the primeministry building martyrized these two intimate colleagues who were the hopes of the revolution, specialy Dr,Bahonar who was indeed the martyr of religion and knowledge whose memory will be .permanently imprinted in the minds We will cherish their memory and follow their ideals.

 S: martyr bahonar
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