News ID: 385239
Publish Date: 17 June 2017 - 09:05
handwritten martyr ahmadreza ahmadi

Waiting for Qadr night, a hidden night and waiting for divine destiny

Sunday morning (1362/12/24) we came to the front for sending to group of Fajr and after saying goodbye to our brothers we went to martyr Chamran’s Base. In the way, all fellows had indescribable mood and all of us were in a same operational militant.

Waiting for Qadr night, a hidden night and waiting for divine destiny

Sunday morning (1362/12/24) we came to the front for sending to group of Fajr and after saying goodbye to our brothers we went to martyr Chamran’s Base. In the way, all fellows had indescribable mood and all of us were in a same operational militant. All were singing Nohe and songs. Until we arrived. It seems all fellows were waiting for a miracle from divine eternity, all of them were happy with an especial joyfulness while were in queue of God’s soldiers. It wasn’t clear that how many days we must wait for a short training.

Our work when started that we became grouped and each of us went to its niches. At first, we weren’t familiar with each other but gradually fellows became friends. Days we were mountaineering and equipped our staffs and noon or nights we were in mountains and then start walking. While we hadn’t enough rest.

At nights, after our praying fellows started joking with each other. Fellows with a lot of doubts which, were hidden behind their eyes accepted the divine satisfaction. These are people who with their joking raise mood of other ones. They in their praying cry and chanted like a passionate mystic and morn for Hussein (PUH) and in morning fight like a brave lion. They came here with sea of knowledge and love.

When I comare myself with them , I realize who is the lover of Hussein (PUH) and who would become martyr. There are fellows who among these pious and devoted people become martyrdom. I see them with my eyes. I would kiss their face. I understand their passion. Therefore I would see a time that some of them martyred and must be waited.

Now, I am amazed about who is going to be martyred and what would happen for whom, I would trusted on God and wait for His destiny. O’Lord I am satisfy with your will.

I knew all these, because I were with some dearest friends in a Qods base in Ramadan of 1361 and we were talking, but now they are gone. At the morning of 22th of Ramadan of that year we were hobnobing with fellows and we were not thinking to the coming night. We didn’t know what is going to happen? We were seeing our friends but we didn’t know a few hours later they will leave us. In a one night evrey thing changed. Among fellows a group of them was selected, some of them martyred, one become missed, one became arrested, one injured and one became disable.

In the day of waiting a night hidden… in the day of waiting the divine will happened at night, and night slowly become close to us. Till that night was finished. A Qadr night that angles and the soul came down by Lord’s will and regard with some of them and secure them till the doomsday. Now, for some, before and after this night is two worlds, a living world and a death world and this is an amazing event. In that night lover birds rolled in their blood and with bloody wings went to their God.

Some also didn’t deserved and stayed. They stay to observe the absence of their fellows. They stay to fight for vanishing oppression. They stayed to wait for a new aurora and new greeting.

Now, I think that event is repeating and another night is coming that an opening verse coming through. Now also we saw our friends and jock with each other but we do not know which of them become martyr.

S: herman hour/ handwritten martyr ahmadreza ahmadi/ 1390
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