News ID: 385105
Publish Date: 19 November 2016 - 11:32

36 memories of followers about martyr Ayatollah Seyed Mustafa Khomeini

NAVID SHAHED: in a time, saying word of “Khomeini” was illegal and its punishment was jail, combination of these 8 letters, K-h-o-m-e-i-n-I, as unique word of Khomeini in all books and newspapers were forbidden.

In the name of God

All attempt of Haj Mustafa was to protect Imam until, God forbidden, Imam’s position not becoming endanger. Both in political and physical aspects.

NAVID SHAHED: in a time, saying word of "Khomeini” was illegal and its punishment was jail, combination of these 8 letters, K-h-o-m-e-i-n-I, as unique word of Khomeini in all books and newspapers were forbidden. The only book that name of Imam Khomeini was written on was Tozih Almasa’el Mahshay of Ayatollah Borujerdi that his name was behalf of others as a Marja’ Taqlid and his name wrote in this way "kh…”.

For exhaustive understanding of historical realities especially attempts of the great son of Imam Khomeini, it is sufficient that reader review political situation in time of Haj Mustafa Khomeini’s departure; a time that mentioning name of Khomeini was a crime and its punishment was jail. Combination of 8 letters of K-h-o-m-e-i-n-I and writing it in shape of Khomeini in all books and newspapers was forbidden. The only book that name of Imam Khomeini was written on was Tozih Almasa’el Mahshay of Ayatollah Borujerdi that his name was behalf of others as a Marja’ Taqlid and his name wrote in this way "kh…”. Before Haj Mustafa Departure no preacher was allowed to mention. Imam’s name even for illustrating Shar’ee issues. The capable writer Mohammad Reza Hakimi when was writing great dreams of global famous artists, thinkers and reformers in book of "The sound of days” after taking about Imam Khomeini’s dream – of course without mentioning the name and using some dots instead of the name of Khomeini- illustrate his loneness and oppressed through this beautiful and persistent words: "Anyway the spirit of God left alone and …..” in this way speaking was because if he became arrested by Shah regime and questioned from them release himself from jail and torture with this excuse that he means the story of Jesus and the Apostles in Holy Qur’an. With dedication and martyrdom of Imam’s son the revolutionaries became more courage and the blue sky of revolution’s charter was giving hope for revolution. Thirty-six years is passed from departure of Ayatollah Seyed Mustafa, in that day the concept of Imam’s words that said: Mustafa’s death was one of divine hidden favors.” was unclear for everyone. Because death of our dearest loved one is overwhelming, how could interpreted that as a divine favor? Now after 4 decades passing from that event, rereading this Imam’s words and memories of martyr’s friends and relatives for readout of manhood and subtlety of that martyr would present in thirty-six readable and historical memory:

Watch for money

After releasing from jail and his exile to Turkey, he with Imam Khomeini came to Najaf. Turkish government because of global protests complained to Iran government and without saying to Imam brought him to Bagdad’s airport through Turkey. As Haj Mustafa say to me, when he arrived to airport hadn’t money even for taking Taxi for traveling to Kazemein. He said that we took a taxi and came to Kazemein’s shrine, I gave my watch to driver and told him: "I would bring the money for you.” Taxi money in that time was 1 Dinar. He said: I came to see a person and took money from there and gave to the taxi and got back my watch. Then I went to an inn near Musa ebn Jafar’s (a.s) shrine and I contacted with Najaf. The late Sheikh Nasrollah Khalkhali who were representative of Imam in Najaf, came to Kazemein and found a place for Imam. (the hope of Islam, Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Mousavi Bojnourdi)

Privet class

Our relationship with Haj Mustafa were so deep. Haj Mustafa attended like us in class of our father. He after one or two month after his entrance to Najaf requested from my father to have a privet class with him. At nights, after Maqreb and E’sh’ prayers there was privet class. A number of scholars plus him and my elder brother were attend in this lesson which that class length for 7 years. Each class was about 3 hours. He learnt transaction jurisprudence, but it was a weird topic. It was a beneficial lesson. Haj Mustafa always said that I learn a lot from this topic. (ibid)

Very educated at a young age

My late father said that Haj Mustafa’s scientific weight is more than his age. He said that Haj Mustafa’s abilities is better than Imam when he was in Mustafa’s age. He believed that if Haj Mustafa was alive would be very effective for Islam’s world. Because there are less ones who be excelled in philosophy, mysticism, jurisprudence, also in Osul, in interpretation, in Rejal, literature end even in poetry and history. In memory, he was the god of memorizing. Actually, he was a weird collection. There are less people in this age that had this amount of various scientific information. Thus, when he debated with grantees usually made them beaten. Very good felicity, phenomenal memory and amazing talent. (ibid)

Passionate in Father’s path

The late Haj Mustafa was grow up by Imam and was a hope for him and he linked with Imam’s stormy political situation and Imam’s scientific development era and grew up with fate campaign, and he both had evolution and glorious ending and reach to success. It is obvious that he was a phenomenal talent. He was super intelligence. He had a strong memory and grew up in a free environment. In an environment that there wasn’t any suffocation. He grew up in especial freedom and peace that on one hand extreme brilliant talent and on other hand suitable training field with his dignity and made him this situation that he grew properly and reached to evolution. He was one of the few people who rapidly passed evolution levels of knowledge. In his education era, he thought too. He was both a capable instructor and a successful student. Of course, beside of these he had necessary steps of evolution, self-purification and spiritual training. He was a hardworking person, he correctly understood his situation and the institution that he was. He appreciated the clergies’ institution and institution of Hozeh Elmiya, and the important point about him is his attribution to remarkable scientific character of Huze who was his father. With beginning of Imam’s campaign movement and after departure of Mr. Boroujerdi and events after 15th Khordad, Haj Mustafa was in middle of this campaign and took the lead as a powerful arm and shield in behalf of his father and suitably understood father’s path and he continued his purposes as a scarified solider and proper power for serving his father. (Hojatol Islam Valmoslemin Seyed Mahmoud Doaee, the hope of Islam)

A replacement in the house

After Imam’s arrestment in 15th of Khordad and his restriction’s period he attempted for protecting and keeping especial place of father and as an alternative potential in Imam’s house started serving the patrons and it was in that time which I became familiar with him. I was a teenage student (Talabe) who came from my city for educating in Qom. The late Haj Mustafa beside his father as a devoted and scarified person and passionate in father’s path follow his role that issue of capitulation came up and finally Imam arrested and became exile. After him for defeating from father’s way and protesting to nasty action of the regime had strong existent in Qom. (ibid)

A position for continuing Father’s way

In shrine of Hazrat Ma’sume (a.s) were a glorious crowd interested in Imam, he spoke and encouraged them to resistance and stability, and went to house of late Najafi Mar’ashi as a position for continuing the way of father and he was select there for doing his purpose. Finally, the regime was inventible arrested him and put him in jail. From pleasant memories that narrated both from him and the late Forouhar was memories that he had in Qezel Qal’e with political prisoners. When he entered to prison political and record prisoners and personable person hug him as a candle and welcome him with respect and honor. When he released spoke about generosity and prowess of prisoner fellowships especially the late Mr. Forouhar. (ibid)

A memory from Turkey

Imam didn’t tell us much about Turkey memories and we never asked. Only we narrate from martyr Haj Mustafa. He said that one day Imam said to me: "let this curtain up, open the widow and let fresh air come in, and let sun shine in this room. I raised and open the curtain and window that fresh air come into the room which suddenly I saw an officer who was watching us. The officer came in angrily and closed the window, brought down the curtain and said to us: you not allowed to use fresh air and light of sun, it is forbidden. He closed the door and brought down the curtain”.

Imam’s behavior was calmly and legato and spoke a little and he spoke if it was necessity. Now he must seat and tell us what happened in the way! He hadn’t this mood. When we were going to Paris I said to Imam that in here pilot, Co-pilot and the flight engineer were Arab and were from Iraq, you can go to the cabin and see the view. Imam said that No, in my traveling to Turkey I went to Pilot’s cabin and sat there. In France trip, he only once looked out, he saw a sea and he asked: "where is this sea?” I answered: "Sir! I didn’t come here before and I do not know which sea is this.” He said: it seems is Turkish sea. (the book of memories of Hojatol Islam Ferdousi Pour)

The issue of occupation and exonerate in wedding warming

I was asked to write about my memories about Ayatollah Haj Mustafa Khomeini. My memories from the late Ayatollah Seyed Mustafa Khomeini are mostly family memories, because he was son in law of our elder uncle, the late Ayatollah Haj Sheikh Morteza Haeri, the great son of Qom’s Huze Elmiya establisher Haj Sheykh Abdolkarim Haeri Yazdi. I was born in 1324 so when Haj Mustafa with his father from Qom was exile to Turkey and then to Najaf I was about 19, and it could be some memories from Qom in my memory and it is too. But I prefer to narrate a memory that for readers had scientific and moral benefit. Our late uncle had two daughters, his elder daughter was wife of Haj Mustafa and Imam Khomeini’s daughter in law, and his younger daughter was wife of Seyed Abdolbaqi Tabatabaee the son of Allame Tabatabaee. The usual tradition in religious families was after marriage because of this happy marriage a wedding warming was hold in the house of bride’s father with name of "Pagosha”. The reason for this party was to invite close relatives of two family and they become familiar with new family. The late Ayatollah Haj Morteza Haeri held this invitation and had a simple dinner party (about 1341). The great guests were included:

1- Imam Khomeini, father of elder son in law

2- Allame Seyed Mohammad Hussein Tabatabaee (Saheb al-Mizan), father of the new groom

3- Ayatollah Seyed Muhammad Mohaqeq Damad (son in law of Haj Sheikh Abdolkarim and brother in law of Ayatollah Haj Morteza) my father.

4- Ayatollah Haj Sheikh Ahmad Qaravi son of the late Sheikh Mo’ases (my cousin)

5- Ayatollah Haj Mustafa, the elder son in law

6- Mr. Seyed Abdolbaqi (technical engineer) new groom

7- Haj Mirza Abbas Hedayati, the host’s neighbor.

The dear host let young to hosted guests and he was seating with guests and never forget them. The younger childes of family also were in the party. I also in that time was educating in high levels of Huze Elmiya and I was one of attendance of party and I was so excited that being in this ceremony which I could visit Islam’s scholars in a family ceremony, and there were scientific debates too and scholars were discussing with each other. When this situation was happening, I listened carefully to learn more. If I wanted an explanation I spoke with my father or other relatives especially my elder brother. Some of these parties was more useful for me than any other classes. In that night, the late Ayatollah Haj Morteza Haeri, as Hadiths were recommended Muslims, invited his neighbor who was a respectful shopkeeper of Qom’s Bazar. This respectful man who was a pious man, when saw this ceremony seize the time and asked a question without pointing out to especial person for the answer. The asked question of this respectful man made a controversial and interesting debate and I exactly remember it. He asked the question in this way:

"I have a grocery and I have a balance and with that I weight my staffs such as rice, tea, beans, pea and… and I sell them to customers. It is years that I weight with this. Recently I understand there is a hole under one of my weights and I didn’t know from when this happen and because of this I sell less and I am responsible about customers and I owe to them.” His question was: what is my religious duty and how do I must pay my liability?

The late Mohaqeq Damad who was smocking and was silent and perhaps was thinking to the answer. Imam Khomeini break the silence and answered. He for illustrating his opinion declared to some points. The late Mohaqeq Damad finished his smocking and after turned it off gave opposite answer. I couldn’t explain exactly the answers but they perhaps were discussing the issue of occupation or exonerate?

The late Haj Mustafa who were one of remarkable scholars of Huze, came through the discussion and support his father’s opinions and for defeating from that theory, declared detailed comments. The late Mohaqeq Damad was become silent then listen his comments and after that continue his words. Again, Haj Mustafa in Huza’s style continue his discussion and insist on his ideas then he became silent with pointing of Imam’s eyes and eyebrow that means be silent and listen to front view. (Ayatollah Seyed Mustafa Mohaqeq Damad, the hope of Islam)

In the way of Forat

In year of 1347, after visiting Najaf, I went to Imam and Haj Mustafa. After that I was with those two. In evenings, we attend to his Osul class. He had class of interpretation that we also attended. He had class until 1356 and the lesson of Ethic was held between these classes. He practically gave us Ethic lessons. In year, we several times from Najaf went to Karbala by walking in especial days for pilgriming Imam Hussein (a.s), Arbae’en and A’rafe. During the year, we way off with a group and Caravan, the late Haj Mustafa also came with us. In our trip, we went from Forat River and this way was farer, but it was more prosperity and water was available, we had a few days in the way. Distance between Najaf and Karbala is about 78 kilometers. In that time the desert was fruitless. We couldn’t walk in that hot weather. So, we went from Kufah. The late Haj Mustafa on the way, when we stopped for rest he usually for amusing friends arranged matches or asked questions or solved a problem. One thing that it was very important for him and all of us knew it, it was not talking about someone’s back. When he realized that a person want to speak about someone’s back immediately changed the subject. (Ayatollah Muhammad Reza Hekmat, the years of Najaf 21-84)

Who is the A’lam?

Imam’s interest in an answer that gave in classes became obvious which was a love accompany with respect through him. The late Haj Mustafa said that I asked three kinds of questions from Imam. One, when I didn’t understand Imam’s issue, I had problem, I asked and Imam explain and I would understand the issue. Sometimes I looked around and realized the audiences, scholars and virtuous who are in the class, didn’t understand Imam’s words and I would question and Imam explain more till others understand the topic. Third, he said that I felt that Imam had a scientific point and it is proper to discuss more and I must encourage Imam and then Imam gave comprehensive explanations. When Imam started scientific debate, no one could reach to him so the late Haj Mustafa asked and Imam answered and he again questioned. When Imam started his explanations then Haj Mustafa became happy that made Imam became happy. The late Sheikh Mojtaba Lankarani who was one of virtuous of Najaf who was unaffected and unselfish, was a person who debated with the late Khoee and Ayatollah Milani but yet he learned Makaseb, even he didn’t involve in Kharej and after the late Ayatollah Hakim, a number of students (Talabe) for Marjaeeat went to him and he was humorous. They asked him that Sir! From these men who is the A’lam? That time there were the late Ayatollah Shahroodi, Ayatollah Khoee and other, and also Imam Khomeini. The late Ayatollah Lankarani had said I was debating with Mr. Khoee and Mr. Milani. Mr. Milani understood better than us. Mr. khoee also was repartee. And I also that… (he joked in his way of joking) then they asked that how about Haj Rouhollah? With this sentence Sheikh Mojtaba Lankarani who was experienced said: if Haj Rouhollah come with his scientific tool nobody is opponent with him. Scientifically he was excelled of all and nobody could resistance against Imam. The late Haj Mustafa said that I realized Imam had a scientific point and I encourage him to tell the point. Imam yet scientifically and characteristically was a great man also from emotional point was too kind and clement. Imam was too pleasant especially he with those who were in contact with him was generous. He had a special attention to Haj Mustafa. (ibid)

Interested to father

All attempts of Haj Mustafa were to protect Imam that, God forbidden, his position didn’t come into risk. Nor politically and physically. The late Haj Mustafa at end of his life was protect and take care of Imam, Haj Mustafa played the same role in the time of exile in Turkey and Iraq and taken care of Imam. (ibid)

Friendly consolation

Yearly, five times we went to Karbala by walking with Haj Mustafa. From Najaf to Karbala was about 80 kilometers. We were in way for two days. We pilgrimed Karbala, Kazemein and Samera. We went to Haj of O’mre. We pilgrimed Hazrat Zeinab (a.s). We were very close. We were congenial. In Najaf’s issues, I was his consulate. Because I was born in Najaf and I was aware of all details and because he hadn’t known much about Najaf we were telling him. We were good consultant for each other. (Ayatollah Seyed Muhammad Mousavi Bojnourdi, the years of Najaf, vol 2, P3)

Imam: I don’t think to anything

Usually Imam had class at Sheikh’s mosque at 10 O’clock, then get back to the house, the late Haj Mustafa sat outside and sometimes for a few minutes went inside and again came out and if there was a question he proposed it. The late Haj Mustafa said that one day I came in and saw Imam is seated behind the window and looking to the yard. The yard of Imam’s house was only 25 meters. Said: I asked: Sir! What are you thinking to? Imam said that I don’t think to anything. The late Haj Mustafa said: but is it possible to think to nothing?! Imam said: yes. My thought is in my control and any time that I want I can think and think to good thinks. We don’t absolutely understand this. One of great scholars said that I attempted for 25 years then I could think to nothing only for 15 minutes. Imam was say I can control my thinking. Any time that I want I could think. Now what is this power and how long he worked on it, is a remarkable issue. This is the attendance of heart. (ibid)

Suggestion for continuing the campaign

with his suggestion, was utilize from Iraq’s radio waves and finally in its evolutionary level establish a wave for voice of campaign Clergies that it is continues and had good effects. (Hojatal Ialam Valmoslemin Seyed Mahmoud Doaee, previous)

a determinative event

an existential effects and benefits of the late Haj Mustafa for Imam was an event that happened and it was appointed from God to take him from Imam. After this bitter and unpleasant event (after that became clear it was determinative) one personal, spiritual and mystical aspect of Imam became visible. And that was the way of encountering with a great tragedy, not giving up through a painful issue. I believed, if this event didn’t happen we don’t find out Imam’s spiritual greatness and greatness level of submission through divine providence. This heavy sorrow and event related to greatness of determinative role of Haj Mustafa beside Imam Khomeini. Imam Khomeini in the time of exile identified a companion. (ibid)

comfortable sleeping

he physically had lung disease. It was almost Asthma. When we went to Karbala, at nights that he wanted to rest, he didn’t sleep in the tent at cold nights of winter that everyone was asleep. He usually slept out of tent but with more blankets that could breathe easier. (Ayatollah Muhammad Reza Rahmat, previous)

walking in the way of Karbala

an issue that shows his resistance. He was a heavy person. When we walk to Karbala his feet became blister. I also usually treat by myself. In this cases I had stuffs and did outpatient treatments. One night that we were going to Karbala for Arbae’en, because days was hot we walk at nights, it took three or four days and our resting was more than our walking. Feet of the late Haj Mustafa was all blisters and walking with blisters was very difficult especially with heavy weight. I and one of my friends with a stick took his waist and he laid on it and walk slowly. One of our friends said that Haj Mustafa if you walk in this way we won’t reach to Karbala for Arbae’en and 48th we will arrive, means the martyrdom of Imam Mojtaba (a.s). suddenly we saw he start walking and speeded up that I and my friend must run to could reach to him but we couldn’t. in other word, he with those blisters on his feet walked so quickly.


He was a chivalrous man. In last part of my prisoning (in Iraq) Haj Mustafa had dream that I released from prison and he took me to his honorable father, took of my socks and showed my feet to his father. The deceased narrated dream for Imam and requested to follow up for my release, so after releasing I go to Imam and I realized he asking questions, of course I didn’t identify that Imam knew about Haj Mustafa’s dream, later I understood the base of Imam’s questions was Haj Mustafa’s dream, and I spoke to Imam about tortures of prison. (ibid)

The last visit

I remember my last visit with Haj Mustafa and we were together in funeral ceremony of the late Seyed Ja’far Mara’shi in Sheikh Ansari’s mosque. After ceremony, we came out and I was last person who left him. The next morning it was supposed to be funeral of Mr. Laeeni’s son from Behbehani’s school, so the classes were closed, when I went for funeral, I saw it was crowded in front of school. A friend by name of Sheikh Ramezan Ali Esfehani said: Haj Mustafa became massy and all friends are waiting for you in hospital. I went immediately to the hospital. I saw Mr. Boroujerdi with a Seyed named Razavi sat there, they said: Is Imam knows? And I also asked about Haj Mustafa, they said: he is in forensics. When I went to there, realized that there is no signs of life in him. When we put him in a coffin, I saw his left foot was bruised and only his toe was yellow. Some of his right leg veins and his forehead were going to bruised, so we confident on his martyrdom. Also Mr. Seyed Ali Shahroodi the son of Ayatollah Shahroodi when was ablution him said that vessel back waist beside of spinal cord also was bruised. (ibid)

The virtue of pilgrimage by walking

There is a costume in Iraq’s cities in especial days for pilgrimaging of Imam Hussein (a.s) that is Mostahab to went to Karbala by walking. They consider it as a virtue. Especially in 15th of Sha’ban, A’rafe and E’yd of Qorban. It is long for two or three days. In Najaf, a group that we were friends and were close to Imam, had been decided to walk from Najaf to Karbala. Usually were three days walking. In these walking, it was an honor to accompany with Haj Mustafa. He was our great and we respect him a lot. These walking, walking in groves at nights and discussions made our friendship more and more. This friendship was continuous until his martyrdom. In that time, I was in Iran. It was years that I never forget. (Hojat Al Islam Valmoslemin Seyed Taqi Dorchei, in the path of love)

The man of poetry and literature

As an example, you said Kompani’s Divan, I must say that, when we walk in groves, we hadn’t any work to do. One of Haj Mustafa’s features was walking for this trip. He even didn’t wear socks. I didn’t know that he had Nazr for it or it was his belief. Anyway, he Kompani’s Divan was in his hands and then he searched and found a good poem or a sonnet and sang it for us. When I am speaking about myself, I had a good voice. In these traveling, sometimes he found a sonnet and called me: Mr. Dorchei I found a poem, now is a good time, you read this. I also read it loudly. He also was interested; in the way, he was our encouraging. (ibid)

A memory from a trip

I can tell lyrics. The poem that I was said, it was a sonnet. I sang my sonnet. He heard it and applauded. He said: you sing nicely. He said: the poem is from who? I said: from myself. He said: you can tell lyrics? Sometimes I say something and then call it poem. He said: I was see thief of poetry but not like you. This poem is not from you! It is from a person named "X” (I don’t remember the name) I said: O, the poem is from me. Then I said: I attempted for saying it! Then I think a bit. It was only in my notebook. Who had seen? I was insisting this poem is from me and he was saying that No this poem is from someone else. We were walking forward. He touched my shoulder and said: Mr. Dorchei don’t be worry this poem is from you. I thought he is joking. I said if you are right, read it with recitation. From 9 lines of poem, he recited 8 lines. I said that Oh, you really play a trick! I only read the poem once, he had very strong memory that he recited the poem with hearing it for one time, of course he in middle of the way touched my shoulders and said that he was joking. He was predominated on his information. His relationship with all was very kindly and friendly. (ibid)

Good mood of Mustafa

Mr. Mustafa and Mr. Nezam the son of Mr. Elahi Qomsei were friends. In Mashhad and in next trips Mr. Nezam read Doa Komeil with good voice and Haj Mustafa listen to him or accompany with him. In pilgrimages trips, also Haj Mustafa had good moods. He was wondrous in friendly meetings. I grudged to him when he was prying. (Ayatollah Ali Asqar Morvarid, the hope of Islam)

On top of Shrine’s finial

I had another memory in Haj Ashraf Kashani’s house which in that time was one of famous meetings. He didn’t do much with the revolution. Before the movement started in years if 26 or 27, he had a good relationship with Haj Mustafa and said: one night I woke up and saw Haj Mustafa was standing in front of mirror and saying to himself: Mustafa! there is a world, there is a doomsday, be care full, there is a doomsday and…! Also, he was very joyful. I think, I heard this from him that one time in Hazrat Masume’s shrine, I went on top of finial and sat there and hung my feet. Accidently Mr. and Mrs. Khomeini also could see there. Madam said that do you see that child? Mr. Khomeini was saying that yes he is Mustafa. it is weird that he could climb that height of finial and …. He had strange moods. (ibid)

The story of carriage

We were good friends. One time we travel to Hamedan. I supposed in that trip Mr. Khomeini also was with us; Akhond Mola Ali who was a virtuous scholar also was with us. With Haj Mustafa decided to go to a pool in Hamedan that the electricity of that city was produce in there and it was a beautiful and entertaining place. We rent a carriage and we were going on. In middle of the way Haj Mustafa said that guys take off of carriage very slowly that the carriage driver doesn’t understand. Let him go to that top and realize we are here! It was happening so and we took off one by one. The carriage driver also went and reach to the top. When he looked at the carriage realized that there is no one in there. He attempted a lot to get to that height. But the morality of Haj Mustafa was in this way that he went to the carriage driver and gave his money and even gave more to made him satisfy. Most of his behaviors were cool and lovely. Also, there is a Khezr mountain in Qom that people for entertaining going there, some nights, we were going to there in vacations. He was too sociable. His behaviors and worshiping was remarkable. (ibid)

Oblivious to the world

He was oblivious to the world. I was with him in traveling to Mecca. It was for me interesting that he on the return trip left all his stuffs in the airport. Well, we bought souvenirs and things and we were worry about them that not became missed. Even I remember Mr. Satari who was with him said that one of his big suitcases that most of his stuffs was in it became missed. But he completely was reckless and as he hadn’t anything. Haj Mustafa had especial oblivious trough worldly issues. (Hojat al Islam val Moslemin Mohammad Tousi Bojnordi, previous)

A trip to Mecca

The year that I was with him in Mecca, a few friends also were with us. Some people also were coming from Iran to visit him. That days when we arrived to Mesjed al-Haram, there were paved ways and go to the Ka’ba. Hajis were go around Ka’ba. In the middle was like a triangle and was fulfill with gravels. Of course, now everywhere is paved. He was seat in a corner and rested and all friend were around him and listening to him. Meanwhile one of our friends who we knew him arrived. It seemed he didn’t pray. He sat beside Haj Mustafa and asked him: Haj Mustafa where is the Qibla? We all started laughing and Haj Mustafa with smile said: you don’t see this big Qibla?! Perhaps divine face of Haj Mustafa was made him like that which he lost the Qibla. (ibid)

Another memory

I had very enlightening memory about our lovely walking from Najaf to Karbala that was a lesson for our group. In that time, it was customary that clergies and people in different ceremonies (15th of Sha’ban, Arbae’in, Ashura, …) walk to Karbala. There were two kinds of walking, one the way of Asphalt. From Najaf to Karbala was 75 kilometers and it was about three hours. Another way was from river (Shat) and it was the longer way. Two or three towns were in the way. We with Haj Mustafa went to Karbala several times. We were resting in one of halting-places near the town of "Toerij” and each one in turn were cooking. That day was my turn. With one of our friends, God bless him, martyr Mohammad Montazeri went to the town of Toerij and buy stuffs for lunch and we were preparing them. I saw one of my friends, Mr. Sajjadi, who was sitting and laying under the tent. I called him: Mr. Sajjadi you lay under the tent and are eating and you are not helping us. Haj Mustafa heard my words from behind the tent. Haj Mustafa called me and said: Tavousi come and seat. He said: our today lesson is this that I want to tell you now. He read a poem from Hafez and from that day till know I don’t forget it. He read:

See honest and kindness of man not their sins which anyone who isn’t artist would see disadvantages

then he continued: the artist see good things of people. Mr. Sajjadi has so many virtues. I think this is general lesson for all society. Unfortunately, now we are living in a time that not only see people’s disadvantages but also their good manners are hidden from our eyes. (ibid)

Visiting in Qasr (prison)

We had many privet visiting, but I would say thing that I know about Haj Mustafa. Our first meeting with Haj Mustafa was in days that we were educating in Qom and we went to Kharej class of Imam in Salmasi’s Mosque and Imam taught principals of jurisprudence. In Imam’s classes I remember persons who were so activate and some of them had problems and asked questions from Imam and Imam also answered them. In first level was Ayatollah Ja’far Sobhani. In front of him was a youth about eighteen years old and he hadn’t yet had any beard. He also hadn’t turban and it was interesting that he sat with Imam’s students and sometimes even fussing. He was Ayatollah Yusef Sane’ee who was one of close students of Imam. Also, martyr Ahmad Reza Sae’di, Mr. Khalkhali, Mr. Ali Boroujerdi were from classes of Imam’s lieutenants.

But martyr Haj Mustafa sat in the final line and sometimes in that classes brought up questions and complaining. These was general visits that we had from him. After Imam’s exile and before Haj Mustafa became arrestment and his exile to Turkey, I had a memory and that is I was in Qom and Haj Mustafa invited me to his house. It was a poor place and had steps to upstairs. This memory is unclear for me because I don’t remember this invitation was from the late Mr. Ahmad or from Haj Mustafa. But I’m most certain that it was from Haj Mustafa because when Imam was exile to Turkey in 1344, I was in prison and after that event got Haj Mustafa and took him to Qezel Qal’e proson and after that took him to Qasr prison that we were there also, and from there sent him to Turkey. (Hojat al Islam val Moslemin Mohmmad Javad Hojati Kermani, the hope of Islam)

From those far years

My first acquaintance with Haj Mustafa returned to years of 1331-32 that Haj Mustafa came to Hojatiye’s school in a common room with Agha Sheikh Ali Alangei, Mr. Seyed Mohammad Khameniei. He with corporation of Mr. Sheikh Ali Alangei and a few people had scientific debates. Of course, when he came Mr. Seyed Mohammad Khamenei came out of his room and involved himself in other place and the room became for Haj Mustafa and their friends. I saw this every day because our room was in opposite of their room. The room that he had debates was in eastern middle park of Hojatiya’s school and our room was in a park in beside of the street, means in south east of the school. So, two rooms were exactly in opposite of each other. Of course, the distance was much. The yard of Hojatiya’s school was a distance between two parks so two room were far from each other. But when we seat then we could see the opposite easily. The late Haj Mustafa was a humors person. His debates and discussions also were with humors. I were usually in my room and studied, because my lessons were much and I might study more. Events that happened in that room was revealed to me and I saw them completely. Even, when they had joking I realized them. One time Haj Mustafa realized that I am looking on them. Because I was a youth and I didn’t know my behavior is not good, so he did something that I couldn’t say. (the laugh of interviewee) that I gave up from looking there and I concentrated on my works and I didn’t look at the opposite room any more. (the late Ayatollah A’mid Zanjani, the hope of Islam)

He was friendly with Imam

He was friendly with Imam. From my opinion, it was very effective and had basic role for health of Imam. After one year Imam’s wife and Haj Ahmad came from Qom, Imam’s wife took care of Imam a lot. Haj Ahmad was so young. Imam also recommended he does not do much with House affairs and he pay attention on his lessons. He studied in Qom a little but in Najaf started his study seriously and didn’t do much with Imam’s Beit. This duty was with Haj Mustafa. sometimes Haj Mustafa made a joke and said with these words that one tragedy for a house is enough for ever. Well, I’m here. Why you wore Haj Ahmad a turban. Tomorrow we would argue for father’s heritage (the laugh of interviewee). When Mr. Hojjat passed away, he had two adult sons and they both educated in Najaf, when Mr. Hojjat passed away they argue a lot and that was bad. They even damaged Mr. Hojjat’s reputation that was very important. Haj Mustafa was pointing to that. He said: like Mr. Seyed Hasan and Mr. Seyed Mohsen we would argue for Father’s heritage (the laugh of interviewee). In that time age gap of Haj Ahmad and Haj Mustafa were a lot. And almost Haj Ahmad see his brother as his father. (ibid)

I became scarified for his gramps

Haj Mustafa had a manner in Najaf that mostly I didn’t understand this manner and that was most of Haj Mustafa friends and classmates were against Imam. All of us saw this as a negative point. We were saying that he had pure love to Imam why he socialized with them?! They insulted Imam! They swore to Imam! They mucking Imam! Now why he accompanies with them? He not only accompanied with them but also go together with them. They were with each other for lunch and dinner and say and laugh together. When they say a joke about Imam, Haj Mustafa also add something and for example said: I became scarified for his gramps. The late Khalkhali who were attended to some of these friendly parties became so upset. Haj Mustafa laughed loudly (the laugh of interviewee). Sheikh Nasrollah was old. Haj Mustafa was joking with him and teasing him. Later we realized what was in his head. Those who swore to Imam and insulting him in that time, all of them gradually came to Imam’s classes. Then we understand this was a policy that Haj Mustafa done and we realized it meaning. Firstly, he controlled them. He understood what they were saying about Imam and perhaps say them to Imam. Secondly, he gained their trust and they gradually came to classes of Imam. Some of them are available now and I can’t mention their names. They doubt in Imam’s knowledge. They came to Imam’s class and became his disciple. On other words, they became purest and best Imam’s disciple (the laugh of interviewee) they were who Haj Mustafa attracted them with policy. (ibid)

Imam’s programs in Ramadan

His lesson classes became cancel but he had prayer and pilgrimaging programs as usual. About Eftar, also he never had any Eftar program, he wasn’t going for Eftar and also he didn’t give Eftar. I never heard. The only thing that I knew is that the late Haj Mustafa invited Imam one day in a month, I supposed, for dinner and the narrator of this is the late Forqani. Mr. Forqani said that when Imam went to Haj Mustafa’s house, told me that let’s go together. I was going too. In there, Imam sat me beside his self and hosted me. Meet, curry, food and any other good thing of table put in my plate and he eaten less. (Ayatollah Mahmood Qochani, Najaf vol 1, p 181)

Living without a woman is difficult

Haj Mustafa had especial interest on Imam, except father and son relationship, in other aspects also was this feeling and became so remarkable. In the time that Imam’s wife because of Najaf’s heat and visiting relatives went to Iran, Imam was alone in home. In these days Haj Mustafa tried to spent his time with Imam that loneliness doesn’t bother Imam. One day he narrated from Imam and said that Imam said: Living without a woman is too difficult but this also half of it is much. (ibid)

A book related to Monafeq

The day after departure of Haj Mustafa I went to Imam. Imam recommended me to took a taxi for him. He after understanding that Haj Mustafa passed away three times whisper "لا حول و لا قوه ...” and then said: I was planning that Mustafa be alive and serve Muslims. Imam’s interpretation was this and he never became upset. we were heard that if a disaster for someone come through, is better to cry to prevent from stroke, so we said to Mr. Forqani who had good voice to mourn about Imam Hussein (a.s). That Imam might cry a bit and God forbidden nothing badly happen to him. Because Imam in Imam Hussein’s (a.s) mornings cry a lot, in a way that his shoulders became shacked. Anyway, we said to Mr. Forqani to mourn. He also read about Ali Akbar (a.s) with heart-rending lyrics but Imam didn’t cry. Imam’s sorrow was not clear and he interpreted as divine grace. In that time Haj Ahmad narrated: I brought a book from Iran that was about Monafeq and Imam wanted to read it carefully that all subjects be in his mind and every day read a few pages. The day that Haj Mustafa passed away he done his daily reading and we never saw Imam’s sorrow. (Abbas Khatam Yazdi, vol 1, Najaf, p 112)

True dream

I had a dream that Haj Mustafa became martyr and entered his corps to the Shrine of Imam Ali (a.s) while human wasn’t under his coffin and angles were taking him, there was a Qur’an in front of the corps and Qur’an was moving and the corps came after it until entered to the shrine and disappeared. I attended to his classes every day, but I didn’t succeed to narrate my dream for him. My home was near his house, one day my father came and said Haj Mustafa is not well and took him to the hospital. I went to the hospital immediately and realized he passed away. We came to Imam Khomeini for telling the news. Mr. Forqani started mourning and I remember Imam said: "انا لله و انا الیه راجعون "and three time touched the ground!

(Ayatollah Sajjadi, vol 2, p 103)

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