News ID: 385276
Publish Date: 30 October 2017 - 09:22
Raised in visiting conference mangers of commemorative conference of Ayatollah Mustafa Khomeini:

The Supreme Leader’s narration from influential position of the late Mustafa Khomeini

The Supreme Leader said: the late Mustafa Khomeini was an excellent man in terms of talent, academic daring, self-purification, courage and struggling manner.

The Supreme Leader’s narration from influential position of the late Mustafa Khomeini

The Supreme Leader said: the late Mustafa Khomeini was an excellent man in terms of talent, academic daring, self-purification, courage and struggling manner.

The Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution in meeting with conference managers of commemorative conference of the late Ayatollah Mustafa Khomeini, on the eve of the 40th anniversary of his departure, after appreciating from holding this conference, declared that the late Mustafa Khomeini had different remarkable characteristic aspects and said: the late Mustafa Khomeini was an excellent man in terms of talent, academic daring, self-purification, courage and struggling manner.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out to influential position of the late Mustafa Khomeini in arresting day of Imam Khomeini in 1342 and added: he in that time, done a great and courage job with being in Hazrat Masume’s (PUH) shrine and gathering fighter beside himself and he could guide people’s movement.

The Supreme Leader believed strange and mysterious death of Haj Mustafa Khomeini in first of Aban of 1356 was a motif for people’s movement and said: Imam’s way of dealing with this loss is one of hidden divine mercy and a part of Imam’s great characteristic was in tolerating this disaster and being patient.

Ayatollah Khamenei with pointing out to self-purification and Seleucid tendency of the late Mustafa Khomeini and his simple and ascetic life noted: though he was the son of a great man such as Imam Khomeini, but there wasn’t any Gemini signs in him. He added: the late Seyed Mustafa Khomeini was deeply in love with Imam and couldn’t tolerant any insulting toward him.

Before the Supreme Leader’s words, Hojat al-Islam val- Moslemin Rashad, the head of the Policy Council of commemorative conference of Ayatollah Haj Seyed Mustafa Khomeini and Mr. Hamid Ansari, the conference secretory, spoke about programs and actions that were taken in commemorative conference of the late Haj Seyed Mustafa Khomeini.

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