News ID: 266726
Publish Date: 16 September 2010 - 07:48

A Review on Emam Mousa Sadr’s Life

TEHRAN, (SCIB) - Simultaneously with education in “Hozeh Elmieh”? [The school for Islamic Sciences], Emam Mousa Sadr finished his education in high school. In 1329 [1950 - 1951] Emam Mousa Sadr entered University of Tehran as the first university student who was a clergyman too. He started education in the University of Tehran in the course of “Law in Economics”? in that year. He graduated from this university in 1332 [1953 - 1954] in this course.

Emam Mousa Sadr was born in the holy city of Ghom on Khordad 14th, 1307 [June 4th, 1928]. The deceased Ayatollah Seyed Sadreddin Sadr was his father. His father was one of the great “Marja’s”? at his time [Marja’ is a great clergyman who has obtained enough knowledge for writing a “Resaleh”? and people can follow his “Resaleh”?] and many people followed his “Resaleh”? [The book in which Islamic commands for life are written by a clergyman which are based on understanding of that clergyman of Islamic sources such as Holy Koran and etc.]. He was also the successor of the deceased Ayatollah Sheykh Abdol - Karim Ha’eri, the founder of “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”?. His father’s father was the deceased Ayatollah Seyed Esmaeel Sadr, the successor of Ayatollah Mirza Hassan Shirazi and the certain “Marja’”? of his time. His mother’s father was the deceased Ayatollah Haj Mr Hossein Ghomi, the successor of Ayatollah Seyed Abol - Hassan Esfahani and the leader of uprising of people against Reza Khan in Mashad City.
After graduating from guidance school and finishing primary stages of “Hozeh Elmieh”? studies, Emam Mousa Sadr formally joined “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”? in Khordad 1322 [May - June 1943]. Within a short time, he benefited from classes presented by Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Bagher Soltani Tabatabayee, Hazrat Ayatollah Sheykh Abdol - Javad Jebel Ameli, Hazrat Ayatollah Imam Khomeini and Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Mohaghegh Damad. During these classes, he finished the course of the level. Since the beginning of the spring of 1326 [1947], he entered the stage of “Kharej”? Course. He benefited from classes presented by great professors of “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”? and “Hozeh Elmieh of Najaf”? for almost 13 years. It lasted up to the end of fall of 1338 [1959].
As for his main professors in “Kharej”? classes in “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom’; we can refer to Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Hossein Tabatabayee Boroujerdi, Hazrat Ayatollah Mohaghegh Damad, Hazrat Ayatollah Sadr and Hazrat Ayatollah Mohammad Hojjat. And as his professors on “Kharej”? lesson in “Hozeh Elmieh of Najaf”?; we can refer to Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Mohsen Hakim, Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Abol - Ghassem Khoyee, Hazrat Ayatollah Sheykh Hossein Helli and Hazrat Ayatollah Sheykh Morteza Al - e Yasseen.
Emam Mousa Sadr took philosophy courses with professors such as Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Reza Sadr and Allameh Seyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabayee in “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”? and also Ayatollah Sheykh Sadra Badkoube’ee in “Hozeh Elmieh of Najaf”?.
As for the people who were main friends of Emam Mousa Sadr and discussed with him during all these classes; we can refer to Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Mousa Shobeiri Zanjani, Martyr Dr Beheshti, Seyed Abdol - Karim Mousavi Ardabili and Sheykh Nasser Makarem Shirazi in “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”?. As for these people who were main friends and class mates of Emam Mousa Sadr in “Hozeh Elmieh of Najaf”?; we can refer to Ayatollah Martyr Seyed Mohammad Bagher Sadr. During his educational life in “Hozeh Elmieh”?, Emam Mousa Sadr trained and educated great and outstanding students. As for the most famous student of Emam Mousa Sadr in Iran; we can refer to Ayatollah Sheykh Yousef Sane’ee who is one of the great “Marja’”? at the present time. He also educated and trained Martyr Abbas Mousavi in Lebanon. He was the former secretary general of “Hezbollah”? of Lebanon.
Simultaneously with education in “Hozeh Elmieh”? [The school for Islamic Sciences], Emam Mousa Sadr finished his education in high school. In 1329 [1950 - 1951] Emam Mousa Sadr entered University of Tehran as the first university student who was a clergyman too. He started education in the University of Tehran in the course of “Law in Economics”? in that year. He graduated from this university in 1332 [1953 - 1954] in this course.
Before going to Najaf Ashraf City [A city in Iraq in which there is a great and creditable and important Hozeh Elmieh], he was assigned by Allameh Tabatabayee to supervise on “Religious Education Society”? Publication.
Concurrent with education in “Hozeh Elmieh of Najaf”?, he became a member of board of trustees in “Montadi - Al - Nashr”? Society. After going back to Ghom City [The religious city in Iran in which there is the biggest and most important Hozeh Elmieh], he started to administer and manage one of the national schools in this city. And at the same time, he accepted responsibility as the editor - in - chief in a newly - established magazine called “School of Islam”?. As for the most important activity carried out by Emam Mousa Sadr during the last year that he lived in Ghom City; we can refer to compiling a vast plan for reforming education system in different “Hozeh Elmieh”? [Religious schools]. This action was carried out in cooperation with Hazrat Ayatollah Dr Beheshti and Hazrat Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi.
Following advices made by Hazrat Ayatollah Boroujerdi, Hazrat Ayatollah Hakim and Hazrat Ayatollah Sheykh Morteza Al e Yasseen, Emam Mousa Sadr replied to the wish of the deceased Ayatollah Seyed Abdol - Hossein Sharafeddin, the dead leader of Shiite people in Lebanon in late 1338 [Early 1960]. He left his mother country, Iran for Lebanon as the successor of Ayatollah Seyed Abdol - Hossein Sharafeddin.
As for main objectives of this immigration; we can refer to reform of cultural, economic and political issues of the Shiite Society of Lebanon and using unique capacities of Lebanon. In order to achieve these objectives and considering social and political geography of Lebanon in the region and the world, since entering this country, Emam Mousa Sadr organized his activities in three parallel fields. These fields are namely as the following:

* Rebuilding Historical Identity, Solidarity and Honor of the Shiite People of Lebanon:
Since winter in 1338 [1960] and concurrent with beginning of his religious and cultural activities in a great level in Shiite living areas of Lebanon, Emam Mousa Sadr started conducting deep studies in order to find roots and elements which resulted in the fact that Shiite people of Lebanon lagged behind in social, economic and cultural affairs.
Short - term, medium - term and long - term programs were the results of these studies. These programs were implemented since mid 1339 [Late 1960]. These programs had been designed and implemented in line with policy of eliminating deprivation. In the winter of 1339 [1961] and after rebuilding “Al - Barr va Al - Ehsan”? Charity Society Organization, Emam Mousa Sadr presented an immediate program for meeting financial needs of families with low income and very bad economic situation. This way, he eliminated the problem of beggary in “Soor”? City and the surrounding.
Between 1340 [1961 - 1962] and 1348 [1969 - 1970] and in the frame work of a medium - term program, Emam Mousa Sadr established tens of charity societies as well as cultural and skill training institutions in Lebanon. To achieve this goal, he covered a long distance of hundred thousands kilometers between cities and villages throughout Lebanon.
And this activity resulted in the fact that thousands of poor families found jobs and became economically independent. The percentage if illiteracy decreased and public culture grew. Hundreds of small and big civil projects were implemented in the deprived regions of that country. In the summer of 1345 [1966 - 1967] and after huge gathering of the Shiite people of Lebanon - which lasted for few days - for promising with him, Emam Mousa Sadr asked the then government of Lebanon to establish a parliament – like other tribes of this country - in order to organize the Shiite tribe and solving their problems.
As the first part of long term program of Emam Mousa Sadr, “Shiite Supreme Islamic Council”? was established on Khordad 1st 1348 [May 22nd, 1969]. And with the highest votes, Emam Mousa Sadr was chosen as the president of this council.
Since the spring of 1348 [1969] to mid summer of 1352 [1973], Emam Mousa Sadr negotiated with the then government of Lebanon. This way, he intended to encourage the then government of Lebanon to implement infrastructural projects and fulfill legal duties to the Shiite living and deprived regions of that country. Following decline of the Lebanese government for accepting these requests and following giving the government an ultimatum, movement of deprived people of Lebanon was formed in the early 1353 [Spring of 1974]. This movement was led by Emam Mousa Sadr.
Following forming of this movement, people held big demonstrations in “Baalbek”?, “Soor”? and “Saida”? cities against the government.
Increase of Middle East crisis and peak of this crisis as well as lining of radical Christian parties against the Palestinian resistance and also entrance of few arguments of the Arab World to Lebanon caused Emam Mousa Sadr to temporarily stop different sectors of people from standing against government in order to protect stability of the country and prevent suppression of the Palestinian people. He decided to postpone following up activities for asking true requests of the Shiite people until the time that the next president of Lebanon is selected.
Despite severe obstruction of the Lebanese government, Emam Mousa Sadr was again selected as the president of “Shiite Supreme Islamic Council”? in 1354 [1975 - 1976]. He was selected as the president of the council with the highest number of votes. Concurrent with the beginning of the domestic war of Lebanon in Farvardin Month of 1354 [March - April] 1975, Emam Mousa Sadr made his best efforts to defuse the crisis. In Khordad Month [May - June] of the same year, Emam Mousa Sadr went on strike in “Amelieh”? Mosque in Beirut City. Relying on his public legitimacy and vast popularity among people as well as his charismatic character among the people of all religions, Emam Mousa Sadr brought back peace to Lebanon in the summer of that year.
Following start of war and appearance of defeat for Muslims for the next time, Emam Mousa Sadr forced Hafiz Assad to bring peace back to this country by dispatching Syrian forces to Lebanon. It happened in Ordibehesht Month of 1355 [April - May, 1976]. Emam Mousa Sadr controlled the domestic war in Lebanon by solving problems of Egypt with Syria and later holding “Riyadh”? Conference in Mehr Month of 1355 [September - October 1976]. This peace lasted in Lebanon by the time Emam Mousa Sadr lived in Lebanon.
* Pioneering Movement of Dialogue between Religions and Making Religions Closer to each other in Lebanon:
Emam Mousa Sadr had a strategic objective. He intended that the Shiite tribe in Lebanon takes part in all political, social, cultural and economic fields of the country. He intended that the Shiite tribe participates in these fields just similar to other tribes of this country not prior to them. Since the first days of his immigration to Lebanon in the winter of 1338 [Early 1960], Emam Mousa Sadr established bases of friendly relationships and sincere cooperation with “Matran Yousef Al - Khori”?, “Matran George Haddad”?, “Sheykh Mohieddin Hassan”? and other Christian religious leaders as well as Sunni leaders of this country.
During the two decades that Emam Mousa Sadr lived in Lebanon, he did not lose participating in any happy or sad occasion for which the Shiite people held ceremonies. And a number of Christian and Sunni intellectuals always accompanied him in all these ceremonies.
He manly supported an ice cream seller who was a Christian person. It was in “Soor”? City and the summer of 1341 [1962]. He issued a clear “Fatva”? [Religious prescription given by an Islamic Mojtahed] based on which all people who follow Godly religions are clean [Before that there was a belief among some people that people with other religions are not clean]. And this “Fatva”? attracted the attention of all Christian societies in Lebanon to Emam Mousa Sadr. Late in the summer of 1341 [1962] “Matran Gregoar Haddad”? came to “Soor”? City and invited Emam Mousa Sadr to become a member of Board of Trustees of “Social Movement”?. Since late 1341 [Early 1963] Emam Mousa Sadr started to go to churches, convents as well as religious and cultural gatherings of the Christian people of Lebanon. He had an active participation in these gatherings and places. The historical lectures made by Emam Mousa Sadr in “Deyr - ol Mokhles”? [It is a name of a convent] located in the south of Lebanon and “Marmaron”? Church located in the north of Lebanon during the years 1962 and 1963 left deep spiritual effects on the Christian people of this country.
In the winter of 1342 [1963] and within a two - month trip to countries in the north of Africa, Emam Mousa Sadr suggested and developed a new idea for cooperation of Islamic centers in Egypt, Algeria and Morocco with different Shiite “Hozeh Elmieh”? [Islamic Religious schools] in Lebanon.
In the spring of 1344 [1965], Emam Mousa Sadr started the first round of dialogues between Islam and Christianity in presence of great people of these two divine religions. These dialogues were established in “Al - Nadouh Al - Lobnaniat”? Institution. After the six - day war of the Arabs and Israel in 1346 [1967], Emam Mousa Sadr rushed to meet with Pope. The meeting which had been predicted to last half an hour lasted more than two hours following the request of Pope.
Emam Mousa Sadr joined “Strasbourg Islamology Center”? since 1347 [1968 - 1969]. Following exchange of views and holding several seminars in that center, Emam Mousa Sadr paved grounds for publishing valuable works such as “Thinking Brain of the Shiite World”?.
In the spring of 1348 [1969] and immediately after inauguration of “Shiite Supreme Islamic Council”?, Emam Mousa Sadr invited “Sheykh Hassan Khalid”?, the Sunni mufti of Lebanon to cooperate with him in order to find a way for unifying values, mottos, celebrations and social activities of the Islamic tribes in Lebanon. In this respect, he proposed a compiled plan to the “Islamic Discussions Assembly”? in Cairo in 1349 [1970 - 1971]. And later, he joined this assembly as a permanent member.
In 1349 [1970 - 1971] Emam Mousa Sadr invited religious Muslim and Christian leaders of south of Lebanon to gather together in the frame work of “Committee of Defending South”?. By carrying out this action, Emam Mousa Sadr aimed at finding a way to resist against attacks of the Zionist Regime to this region.
In the winter of 1353 [1975] and in a unique action, Emam Mousa Sadr delivered lecture on the occasion of fasting feast in “Kaboushiyeen”? church in Beirut. This lecture was delivered in presence of high ranking Christian officials of Lebanon. He had intended to invite the Maronite Cardinal of Lebanon to deliver one of the lectures in one of the Friday Prayers held in Beirut if the domestic war did not start.
In the winter of 1355 [1977] and in gathering of editors - in - chief of publications, news papers and magazines of Beirut, Emam Mousa Sadr clearly predicated omission of gaps and process of globalization in late 20th century. He called the 21st century as the century in which followers of different religions and people with different cultures and civilizations live together peacefully. He emphasized on the historical mission of Lebanon for presenting a successful model and example in this field.
In mid summer 1357 [1978] Imam Mousa Sadr succeeded to persuade Muslim and Christian leaders of Lebanon to establish a national and nationwide battle field. He progressed in this way so that he even fixed the date of establishment and the first gathering together for the time he returns from his trip to Libya.

* Establishing Lebanese Resistance and Resistant Society against Aggression of Israel:
Since 1343 [1964 - 1965] and one year before establishment of Palestinian Movement of Fat’h, Emam Mousa Sadr decided to change the consumerist society of Lebanon into a society resistant to the future aggressions and attacks of the Zionist Regime. In the spring of 1344 [1965], he dispatched a group of Shiite religious and pious young people to Egypt in order to learn military skills in a six - month course. The first common operation of Palestinian and Lebanese combatants began in the north of the occupied Palestine when these young people - who were the first resistance group - came back from Egypt.
Combatants and fighting forces consisted mainly of the Shiite young people of Lebanon. And the operation was commanded mainly by Palestinian combatants. This type of common operations continued till early 1972. The first Shiite martyr in the operation carried against the Zionist Regime was one of the young combatants from the border town of “Naghoureh”? who was martyred in 1347 [1968 - 1969].
In Mehr Month of 1348 [September - October, 1969], Jebel Amel Industrial Institution or workshop of Emam Mousa Sadr formally started activities. Following severed bombardment in the south of Lebanon by the Zionist Regime in 1349 [1970 - 1971] and lack of suitable reaction of the then government, people went on a unique strike which had been formed based on call of Emam Mousa Sadr. This strike forced the then - government to establish southern parliament in order to reconstruct the war - engaged and war - damaged regions and build strong shelters in these regions. Since early 1341 [1962] the operation of the Shiite young groups inside the occupied Palestine found independent form. Although the honor of these operations were recorded for “Special Forces of Fat’h Palestinian Movement”? up to few years after that, these operations were actually carried out by the Shiite young groups of Lebanon. It was what Emam Mousa Sadr had decided. In Shahrivar Month of 1351 [August - September, 1972] and during less than 24 hours after the 48 - hour occupation of two villages of “Ghana - ye Jali”? and “Jouya”? by the soldiers of the Zionist Regime, the extraordinary session of the “Shiite Supreme Islamic Council”? was held in “Jouya”? village. This session was held in presence of all members of this council.
Since that day, Emam Mousa Sadr sowed the first seeds of “Lebanese Resistance”?. One month after this event and concurrent with the aggression of the Zionist forces to “Favough”? village located in the south of Lebanon, the first informal operation of “Resistance of Lebanon”? was carried. And it resulted in death and injury of few Israeli forces.
The military training for the Shiite young groups accelerated since the fall of 1351 [1972]. “Fallah Sharafeddin”?, the 14 year old “Moazzen”? [Some one who says Azan before every prayer] of Jebel Amel Industrial Institution was the first martyr of “Resistance of Lebanon”?. He was martyred in the winter of 1352 [1974] in the border village of “Bent Jabeel”?. He was martyred after killing a number of soldiers of the Zionist Regime in this village. In Khordad Month of 1354 [May - June, 1975] and following occurrence of an explosion in “Eyn - ol - Banieh”? Military Camp located in “Bogha’”? Mountains- which resulted in martyrdom of 27 Shiite young people - Emam Mousa Sadr formally announced establishment of “Resistance Groups of Lebanon”?.
Following finishing of domestic wars of Lebanon and transfer of clashes to the south of this country, units of Resistance of Lebanon formally settled in strategic border regions. The first great operation of Resistance of Lebanon against the aggression of Israel was carried in late 1355 [Early 1977]. After few days of fighting, the operation resulted in freeing towns of “Tayyebeh”? and Bent -e Jabeel”?.
In the winter of 1356 [1978], Emam Mousa Sadr was the first person who revealed the compromising plan of settlement of the Palestinian refugees in the south of Lebanon. By his brave positions, he prevented fulfillment of this plan. In the massive attack of Israel to the south of Lebanon in 1357 [1978 - 1979] and despite withdraw of the left wing parties and Palestinian groups, the young people of “Resistance of Lebanon”? and students of Jebel Amel Industrial Institution remained in the occupied region. In spite of few necessities of life, this group stood against the Zionist occupiers till the end.
Although Emam Mousa Sadr had considered Lebanon as the main place of his activities he never neglected other issues of the Islam World.
Islamic Revolution of Iran, security of “Hozeh Elmieh”? [Different Islamic religious schools], Islamic Arab Union for fighting against Israel and development of Shiite in the black Africa were the most important concerns of Emam Mousa Sadr out of Lebanon Country.
Following arrest of Imam Khomeini and in early 1342 [1963], Emam Mousa Sadr went to Europe and north of Africa. By these trips, Emam Mousa Sadr aimed at pressurizing the Shah of Iran into releasing Imam Khomeini by Vatican and “Al - Azhar”?.
And when Imam Khomeini was released at the end of this trip, Ayatollah Khoyee emphasized on the fact that this freedom owes to the trip of Mr Sadr more than any thing. And when Imam Khomeini was exiled to Turkey in the fall of 1343 [1964], Emam Mousa Sadr carried out similar actions. By carrying out these actions, Emam Mousa Sadr intended to make sure about the security of Imam Khomeini and meanwhile he intended to arrange works to transfer Imam Khomeini to holy cities of Iraq [The cities in which there are “Hozeh Elmieh”? and holy shrines of imams].
In second half of the 1340’s [1960’s] and when the first military groups of “Resistance of Lebanon”? had been prepared, tens of Iranian fighter young people came to Lebanon. They learned military skills from these resistance groups. In late 1340’s [1960’s] and concurrent with establishment of the “Shiite Supreme Islamic Council”?, Imam Khomeini described Emam Mousa Sadr as his hope for administering government [Ruling the country] after Shah. Imam Khomeini said this sentence in reply to some Iranian clergymen who lived in Najaf [Name of a city in Iraq].
In the winter of 1350 [1972] and based on request of Maraje’ of that time [Maraje’ is the plural form of Marja’. It is explained in the article], Emam Mousa Sadr negotiated with the Shah of Iran about some of the political prisoners in Iran. Some of these political prisoners including Hojjat - ol - Eslam Hashemi Rafsanjani were released after a short time after that negotiation.
When Hafiz Assad reached to power in 1350 [1971 - 1972] and close cooperation began between him and Emam Mousa Sadr, Syria changed into the safest Middle East country for Iranian fighters. In the summer of 1356 [1977], Emam Mousa Sadr held funeral ceremony for Dr Shariati in Beirut. He held prayer ceremony for him too. He also held special ceremony on the occasion of the 40th day of his martyrdom. This way, he prevented weakening of relations between the educated young people with clergymen.
Following demise of Haj Mr Mostafa Khomeini [the son of Imam Khomeini] in the fall of 1356 [1977], Emam Mousa Sadr asked his cousin, Martyr Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Bagher Sadr to support Imam Khomeini more than before. In the spring of 1357 [1978], Emam Mousa Sadr sent Lucian George to Najaf City. Lucian George was the representative of Le Monde News Paper in Beirut. Emam Mousa Sadr wanted Lucian George to conduct the first international interview with Imam Khomeini. This way, he wanted to make the public opinion of the world people familiar with the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Within several meetings with leaders of Syria, Saudi Arabia and some other countries of the Arab World in 1357 [1978 - 1979], Emam Mousa Sadr reminded the significance of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and its victory that would be achieved in the near future as well as necessity of their alliance with this revolution.
In Shahrivar Month of 1357 [August - September, 1978] and one week before being kidnapped, Emam Mousa Sadr published the article of “Call of Prophets”? in Le Monde News Paper. In this article, Emam Mousa Sadr introduced Imam Khomeini as the only leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Doubtlessly, it was the greatest service of Emam Mousa Sadr to the Islamic Revolution of Iran that he made the public, the Shiite people in particular and especially the members of Resistance of Lebanon familiar and connected with the Islamic Revolution of Iran. And it was in the years 1356 [1977 - 1978] and 1357 [1978 - 1979] and following almost two decades of propagating great and beautiful values of the true Islam in Lebanon.
On Shahrivar 3rd, 1357 [August 24th, 1978] and during the last round of his periodical trips to Arab countries - based on invitation made by Muammar Gaddafi - Emam Mousa Sadr entered Libya and was kidnapped on Shahrivar 9th, 1357 [August 31st, 1978]. Judiciary departments of Lebanon and Italy governments as well as researched conducted by Vatican formally refuted the claim of the Libyan Regime based on which Emam Mousa Sadr had left that country and entered Rome. The entire apparent and secret information which had been obtained during the last two decades indicate the fact that Emam Mousa Sadr has never left the land of Libya.
Meanwhile, there are many evidences that show that Emam Mousa Sadr is still alive and is in life imprisonment like some other Islamic clergymen. The last news spread by the website of “National Salvation Front of Libya”? on internet on Ordibehesht 13th, 1380 [May 3rd, 2001] claims that Emam Mousa Sadr has been seen by some of the prisoners of “Abu - Salim”? Prison in Tripoli City. Based on this piece of news, Emam Mousa Sadr had been transferred to another place a short time before Ramadan Month.

Written by:
Dr Mohsen Kamalian
Emam Mousa Sadr Cultural and Research Institution

Emam Mousa Sadr was born in the holy city of Ghom on Khordad 14th, 1307 [June 4th, 1928]. The deceased Ayatollah Seyed Sadreddin Sadr was his father. His father was one of the great “Marja’s”? at his time [Marja’ is a great clergyman who has obtained enough knowledge for writing a “Resaleh”? and people can follow his “Resaleh”?] and many people followed his “Resaleh”? [The book in which Islamic commands for life are written by a clergyman which are based on understanding of that clergyman of Islamic sources such as Holy Koran and etc.]. He was also the successor of the deceased Ayatollah Sheykh Abdol - Karim Ha’eri, the founder of “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”?. His father’s father was the deceased Ayatollah Seyed Esmaeel Sadr, the successor of Ayatollah Mirza Hassan Shirazi and the certain “Marja’”? of his time. His mother’s father was the deceased Ayatollah Haj Mr Hossein Ghomi, the successor of Ayatollah Seyed Abol - Hassan Esfahani and the leader of uprising of people against Reza Khan in Mashad City. After graduating from guidance school and finishing primary stages of “Hozeh Elmieh”? studies, Emam Mousa Sadr formally joined “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”? in Khordad 1322 [May - June 1943]. Within a short time, he benefited from classes presented by Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Bagher Soltani Tabatabayee, Hazrat Ayatollah Sheykh Abdol - Javad Jebel Ameli, Hazrat Ayatollah Imam Khomeini and Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Mohaghegh Damad. During these classes, he finished the course of the level. Since the beginning of the spring of 1326 [1947], he entered the stage of “Kharej”? Course. He benefited from classes presented by great professors of “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”? and “Hozeh Elmieh of Najaf”? for almost 13 years. It lasted up to the end of fall of 1338 [1959]. As for his main professors in “Kharej”? classes in “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom’; we can refer to Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Hossein Tabatabayee Boroujerdi, Hazrat Ayatollah Mohaghegh Damad, Hazrat Ayatollah Sadr and Hazrat Ayatollah Mohammad Hojjat. And as his professors on “Kharej”? lesson in “Hozeh Elmieh of Najaf”?; we can refer to Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Mohsen Hakim, Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Abol - Ghassem Khoyee, Hazrat Ayatollah Sheykh Hossein Helli and Hazrat Ayatollah Sheykh Morteza Al - e Yasseen. Emam Mousa Sadr took philosophy courses with professors such as Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Reza Sadr and Allameh Seyed Mohammad Hossein Tabatabayee in “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”? and also Ayatollah Sheykh Sadra Badkoube’ee in “Hozeh Elmieh of Najaf”?. As for the people who were main friends of Emam Mousa Sadr and discussed with him during all these classes; we can refer to Hazrat Ayatollah Seyed Mousa Shobeiri Zanjani, Martyr Dr Beheshti, Seyed Abdol - Karim Mousavi Ardabili and Sheykh Nasser Makarem Shirazi in “Hozeh Elmieh of Ghom”?. As for these people who were main friends and class mates of Emam Mousa Sadr in “Hozeh Elmieh of Najaf”?; we can refer to Ayatollah Martyr Seyed Mohammad Bagher Sadr. During his educational life in “Hozeh Elmieh”?, Emam Mousa Sadr trained and educated great and outstanding students. As for the most famous student of Emam Mousa Sadr in Iran; we can refer to Ayatollah Sheykh Yousef Sane’ee who is one of the great “Marja’”? at the present time. He also educated and trained Martyr Abbas Mousavi in Lebanon. He was the former secretary general of “Hezbollah”? of Lebanon. Simultaneously with education in “Hozeh Elmieh”? [The school for Islamic Sciences], Emam Mousa Sadr finished his education in high school. In 1329 [1950 - 1951] Emam Mousa Sadr entered University of Tehran as the first university student who was a clergyman too. He started education in the University of Tehran in the course of “Law in Economics”? in that year. He graduated from this university in 1332 [1953 - 1954] in this course. Before going to Najaf Ashraf City [A city in Iraq in which there is a great and creditable and important Hozeh Elmieh], he was assigned by Allameh Tabatabayee to supervise on “Religious Education Society”? Publication. Concurrent with education in “Hozeh Elmieh of Najaf”?, he became a member of board of trustees in “Montadi - Al - Nashr”? Society. After going back to Ghom City [The religious city in Iran in which there is the biggest and most important Hozeh Elmieh], he started to administer and manage one of the national schools in this city. And at the same time, he accepted responsibility as the editor - in - chief in a newly - established magazine called “School of Islam”?. As for the most important activity carried out by Emam Mousa Sadr during the last year that he lived in Ghom City; we can refer to compiling a vast plan for reforming education system in different “Hozeh Elmieh”? [Religious schools]. This action was carried out in cooperation with Hazrat Ayatollah Dr Beheshti and Hazrat Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi. Following advices made by Hazrat Ayatollah Boroujerdi, Hazrat Ayatollah Hakim and Hazrat Ayatollah Sheykh Morteza Al e Yasseen, Emam Mousa Sadr replied to the wish of the deceased Ayatollah Seyed Abdol - Hossein Sharafeddin, the dead leader of Shiite people in Lebanon in late 1338 [Early 1960]. He left his mother country, Iran for Lebanon as the successor of Ayatollah Seyed Abdol - Hossein Sharafeddin. As for main objectives of this immigration; we can refer to reform of cultural, economic and political issues of the Shiite Society of Lebanon and using unique capacities of Lebanon. In order to achieve these objectives and considering social and political geography of Lebanon in the region and the world, since entering this country, Emam Mousa Sadr organized his activities in three parallel fields. These fields are namely as the following: * Rebuilding Historical Identity, Solidarity and Honor of the Shiite People of Lebanon: Since winter in 1338 [1960] and concurrent with beginning of his religious and cultural activities in a great level in Shiite living areas of Lebanon, Emam Mousa Sadr started conducting deep studies in order to find roots and elements which resulted in the fact that Shiite people of Lebanon lagged behind in social, economic and cultural affairs. Short - term, medium - term and long - term programs were the results of these studies. These programs were implemented since mid 1339 [Late 1960]. These programs had been designed and implemented in line with policy of eliminating deprivation. In the winter of 1339 [1961] and after rebuilding “Al - Barr va Al - Ehsan”? Charity Society Organization, Emam Mousa Sadr presented an immediate program for meeting financial needs of families with low income and very bad economic situation. This way, he eliminated the problem of beggary in “Soor”? City and the surrounding. Between 1340 [1961 - 1962] and 1348 [1969 - 1970] and in the frame work of a medium - term program, Emam Mousa Sadr established tens of charity societies as well as cultural and skill training institutions in Lebanon. To achieve this goal, he covered a long distance of hundred thousands kilometers between cities and villages throughout Lebanon. And this activity resulted in the fact that thousands of poor families found jobs and became economically independent. The percentage if illiteracy decreased and public culture grew. Hundreds of small and big civil projects were implemented in the deprived regions of that country. In the summer of 1345 [1966 - 1967] and after huge gathering of the Shiite people of Lebanon - which lasted for few days - for promising with him, Emam Mousa Sadr asked the then government of Lebanon to establish a parliament – like other tribes of this country - in order to organize the Shiite tribe and solving their problems. As the first part of long term program of Emam Mousa Sadr, “Shiite Supreme Islamic Council”? was established on Khordad 1st 1348 [May 22nd, 1969]. And with the highest votes, Emam Mousa Sadr was chosen as the president of this council. Since the spring of 1348 [1969] to mid summer of 1352 [1973], Emam Mousa Sadr negotiated with the then government of Lebanon. This way, he intended to encourage the then government of Lebanon to implement infrastructural projects and fulfill legal duties to the Shiite living and deprived regions of that country. Following decline of the Lebanese government for accepting these requests and following giving the government an ultimatum, movement of deprived people of Lebanon was formed in the early 1353 [Spring of 1974]. This movement was led by Emam Mousa Sadr. Following forming of this movement, people held big demonstrations in “Baalbek”?, “Soor”? and “Saida”? cities against the government. Increase of Middle East crisis and peak of this crisis as well as lining of radical Christian parties against the Palestinian resistance and also entrance of few arguments of the Arab World to Lebanon caused Emam Mousa Sadr to temporarily stop different sectors of people from standing against government in order to protect stability of the country and prevent suppression of the Palestinian people. He decided to postpone following up activities for asking true requests of the Shiite people until the time that the next president of Lebanon is selected. Despite severe obstruction of the Lebanese government, Emam Mousa Sadr was again selected as the president of “Shiite Supreme Islamic Council”? in 1354 [1975 - 1976]. He was selected as the president of the council with the highest number of votes. Concurrent with the beginning of the domestic war of Lebanon in Farvardin Month of 1354 [March - April] 1975, Emam Mousa Sadr made his best efforts to defuse the crisis. In Khordad Month [May - June] of the same year, Emam Mousa Sadr went on strike in “Amelieh”? Mosque in Beirut City. Relying on his public legitimacy and vast popularity among people as well as his charismatic character among the people of all religions, Emam Mousa Sadr brought back peace to Lebanon in the summer of that year. Following start of war and appearance of defeat for Muslims for the next time, Emam Mousa Sadr forced Hafiz Assad to bring peace back to this country by dispatching Syrian forces to Lebanon. It happened in Ordibehesht Month of 1355 [April - May, 1976]. Emam Mousa Sadr controlled the domestic war in Lebanon by solving problems of Egypt with Syria and later holding “Riyadh”? Conference in Mehr Month of 1355 [September - October 1976]. This peace lasted in Lebanon by the time Emam Mousa Sadr lived in Lebanon. * Pioneering Movement of Dialogue between Religions and Making Religions Closer to each other in Lebanon: Emam Mousa Sadr had a strategic objective. He intended that the Shiite tribe in Lebanon takes part in all political, social, cultural and economic fields of the country. He intended that the Shiite tribe participates in these fields just similar to other tribes of this country not prior to them. Since the first days of his immigration to Lebanon in the winter of 1338 [Early 1960], Emam Mousa Sadr established bases of friendly relationships and sincere cooperation with “Matran Yousef Al - Khori”?, “Matran George Haddad”?, “Sheykh Mohieddin Hassan”? and other Christian religious leaders as well as Sunni leaders of this country. During the two decades that Emam Mousa Sadr lived in Lebanon, he did not lose participating in any happy or sad occasion for which the Shiite people held ceremonies. And a number of Christian and Sunni intellectuals always accompanied him in all these ceremonies. He manly supported an ice cream seller who was a Christian person. It was in “Soor”? City and the summer of 1341 [1962]. He issued a clear “Fatva”? [Religious prescription given by an Islamic Mojtahed] based on which all people who follow Godly religions are clean [Before that there was a belief among some people that people with other religions are not clean]. And this “Fatva”? attracted the attention of all Christian societies in Lebanon to Emam Mousa Sadr. Late in the summer of 1341 [1962] “Matran Gregoar Haddad”? came to “Soor”? City and invited Emam Mousa Sadr to become a member of Board of Trustees of “Social Movement”?. Since late 1341 [Early 1963] Emam Mousa Sadr started to go to churches, convents as well as religious and cultural gatherings of the Christian people of Lebanon. He had an active participation in these gatherings and places. The historical lectures made by Emam Mousa Sadr in “Deyr - ol Mokhles”? [It is a name of a convent] located in the south of Lebanon and “Marmaron”? Church located in the north of Lebanon during the years 1962 and 1963 left deep spiritual effects on the Christian people of this country. In the winter of 1342 [1963] and within a two - month trip to countries in the north of Africa, Emam Mousa Sadr suggested and developed a new idea for cooperation of Islamic centers in Egypt, Algeria and Morocco with different Shiite “Hozeh Elmieh”? [Islamic Religious schools] in Lebanon. In the spring of 1344 [1965], Emam Mousa Sadr started the first round of dialogues between Islam and Christianity in presence of great people of these two divine religions. These dialogues were established in “Al - Nadouh Al - Lobnaniat”? Institution. After the six - day war of the Arabs and Israel in 1346 [1967], Emam Mousa Sadr rushed to meet with Pope. The meeting which had been predicted to last half an hour lasted more than two hours following the request of Pope. Emam Mousa Sadr joined “Strasbourg Islamology Center”? since 1347 [1968 - 1969]. Following exchange of views and holding several seminars in that center, Emam Mousa Sadr paved grounds for publishing valuable works such as “Thinking Brain of the Shiite World”?. In the spring of 1348 [1969] and immediately after inauguration of “Shiite Supreme Islamic Council”?, Emam Mousa Sadr invited “Sheykh Hassan Khalid”?, the Sunni mufti of Lebanon to cooperate with him in order to find a way for unifying values, mottos, celebrations and social activities of the Islamic tribes in Lebanon. In this respect, he proposed a compiled plan to the “Islamic Discussions Assembly”? in Cairo in 1349 [1970 - 1971]. And later, he joined this assembly as a permanent member. In 1349 [1970 - 1971] Emam Mousa Sadr invited religious Muslim and Christian leaders of south of Lebanon to gather together in the frame work of “Committee of Defending South”?. By carrying out this action, Emam Mousa Sadr aimed at finding a way to resist against attacks of the Zionist Regime to this region. In the winter of 1353 [1975] and in a unique action, Emam Mousa Sadr delivered lecture on the occasion of fasting feast in “Kaboushiyeen”? church in Beirut. This lecture was delivered in presence of high ranking Christian officials of Lebanon. He had intended to invite the Maronite Cardinal of Lebanon to deliver one of the lectures in one of the Friday Prayers held in Beirut if the domestic war did not start. In the winter of 1355 [1977] and in gathering of editors - in - chief of publications, news papers and magazines of Beirut, Emam Mousa Sadr clearly predicated omission of gaps and process of globalization in late 20th century. He called the 21st century as the century in which followers of different religions and people with different cultures and civilizations live together peacefully. He emphasized on the historical mission of Lebanon for presenting a successful model and example in this field. In mid summer 1357 [1978] Imam Mousa Sadr succeeded to persuade Muslim and Christian leaders of Lebanon to establish a national and nationwide battle field. He progressed in this way so that he even fixed the date of establishment and the first gathering together for the time he returns from his trip to Libya. * Establishing Lebanese Resistance and Resistant Society against Aggression of Israel: Since 1343 [1964 - 1965] and one year before establishment of Palestinian Movement of Fat’h, Emam Mousa Sadr decided to change the consumerist society of Lebanon into a society resistant to the future aggressions and attacks of the Zionist Regime. In the spring of 1344 [1965], he dispatched a group of Shiite religious and pious young people to Egypt in order to learn military skills in a six - month course. The first common operation of Palestinian and Lebanese combatants began in the north of the occupied Palestine when these young people - who were the first resistance group - came back from Egypt. Combatants and fighting forces consisted mainly of the Shiite young people of Lebanon. And the operation was commanded mainly by Palestinian combatants. This type of common operations continued till early 1972. The first Shiite martyr in the operation carried against the Zionist Regime was one of the young combatants from the border town of “Naghoureh”? who was martyred in 1347 [1968 - 1969]. In Mehr Month of 1348 [September - October, 1969], Jebel Amel Industrial Institution or workshop of Emam Mousa Sadr formally started activities. Following severed bombardment in the south of Lebanon by the Zionist Regime in 1349 [1970 - 1971] and lack of suitable reaction of the then government, people went on a unique strike which had been formed based on call of Emam Mousa Sadr. This strike forced the then - government to establish southern parliament in order to reconstruct the war - engaged and war - damaged regions and build strong shelters in these regions. Since early 1341 [1962] the operation of the Shiite young groups inside the occupied Palestine found independent form. Although the honor of these operations were recorded for “Special Forces of Fat’h Palestinian Movement”? up to few years after that, these operations were actually carried out by the Shiite young groups of Lebanon. It was what Emam Mousa Sadr had decided. In Shahrivar Month of 1351 [August - September, 1972] and during less than 24 hours after the 48 - hour occupation of two villages of “Ghana - ye Jali”? and “Jouya”? by the soldiers of the Zionist Regime, the extraordinary session of the “Shiite Supreme Islamic Council”? was held in “Jouya”? village. This session was held in presence of all members of this council. Since that day, Emam Mousa Sadr sowed the first seeds of “Lebanese Resistance”?. One month after this event and concurrent with the aggression of the Zionist forces to “Favough”? village located in the south of Lebanon, the first informal operation of “Resistance of Lebanon”? was carried. And it resulted in death and injury of few Israeli forces. The military training for the Shiite young groups accelerated since the fall of 1351 [1972]. “Fallah Sharafeddin”?, the 14 year old “Moazzen”? [Some one who says Azan before every prayer] of Jebel Amel Industrial Institution was the first martyr of “Resistance of Lebanon”?. He was martyred in the winter of 1352 [1974] in the border village of “Bent Jabeel”?. He was martyred after killing a number of soldiers of the Zionist Regime in this village. In Khordad Month of 1354 [May - June, 1975] and following occurrence of an explosion in “Eyn - ol - Banieh”? Military Camp located in “Bogha’”? Mountains- which resulted in martyrdom of 27 Shiite young people - Emam Mousa Sadr formally announced establishment of “Resistance Groups of Lebanon”?. Following finishing of domestic wars of Lebanon and transfer of clashes to the south of this country, units of Resistance of Lebanon formally settled in strategic border regions. The first great operation of Resistance of Lebanon against the aggression of Israel was carried in late 1355 [Early 1977]. After few days of fighting, the operation resulted in freeing towns of “Tayyebeh”? and Bent -e Jabeel”?. In the winter of 1356 [1978], Emam Mousa Sadr was the first person who revealed the compromising plan of settlement of the Palestinian refugees in the south of Lebanon. By his brave positions, he prevented fulfillment of this plan. In the massive attack of Israel to the south of Lebanon in 1357 [1978 - 1979] and despite withdraw of the left wing parties and Palestinian groups, the young people of “Resistance of Lebanon”? and students of Jebel Amel Industrial Institution remained in the occupied region. In spite of few necessities of life, this group stood against the Zionist occupiers till the end. Although Emam Mousa Sadr had considered Lebanon as the main place of his activities he never neglected other issues of the Islam World. Islamic Revolution of Iran, security of “Hozeh Elmieh”? [Different Islamic religious schools], Islamic Arab Union for fighting against Israel and development of Shiite in the black Africa were the most important concerns of Emam Mousa Sadr out of Lebanon Country. Following arrest of Imam Khomeini and in early 1342 [1963], Emam Mousa Sadr went to Europe and north of Africa. By these trips, Emam Mousa Sadr aimed at pressurizing the Shah of Iran into releasing Imam Khomeini by Vatican and “Al - Azhar”?. And when Imam Khomeini was released at the end of this trip, Ayatollah Khoyee emphasized on the fact that this freedom owes to the trip of Mr Sadr more than any thing. And when Imam Khomeini was exiled to Turkey in the fall of 1343 [1964], Emam Mousa Sadr carried out similar actions. By carrying out these actions, Emam Mousa Sadr intended to make sure about the security of Imam Khomeini and meanwhile he intended to arrange works to transfer Imam Khomeini to holy cities of Iraq [The cities in which there are “Hozeh Elmieh”? and holy shrines of imams]. In second half of the 1340’s [1960’s] and when the first military groups of “Resistance of Lebanon”? had been prepared, tens of Iranian fighter young people came to Lebanon. They learned military skills from these resistance groups. In late 1340’s [1960’s] and concurrent with establishment of the “Shiite Supreme Islamic Council”?, Imam Khomeini described Emam Mousa Sadr as his hope for administering government [Ruling the country] after Shah. Imam Khomeini said this sentence in reply to some Iranian clergymen who lived in Najaf [Name of a city in Iraq]. In the winter of 1350 [1972] and based on request of Maraje’ of that time [Maraje’ is the plural form of Marja’. It is explained in the article], Emam Mousa Sadr negotiated with the Shah of Iran about some of the political prisoners in Iran. Some of these political prisoners including Hojjat - ol - Eslam Hashemi Rafsanjani were released after a short time after that negotiation. When Hafiz Assad reached to power in 1350 [1971 - 1972] and close cooperation began between him and Emam Mousa Sadr, Syria changed into the safest Middle East country for Iranian fighters. In the summer of 1356 [1977], Emam Mousa Sadr held funeral ceremony for Dr Shariati in Beirut. He held prayer ceremony for him too. He also held special ceremony on the occasion of the 40th day of his martyrdom. This way, he prevented weakening of relations between the educated young people with clergymen. Following demise of Haj Mr Mostafa Khomeini [the son of Imam Khomeini] in the fall of 1356 [1977], Emam Mousa Sadr asked his cousin, Martyr Ayatollah Seyed Mohammad Bagher Sadr to support Imam Khomeini more than before. In the spring of 1357 [1978], Emam Mousa Sadr sent Lucian George to Najaf City. Lucian George was the representative of Le Monde News Paper in Beirut. Emam Mousa Sadr wanted Lucian George to conduct the first international interview with Imam Khomeini. This way, he wanted to make the public opinion of the world people familiar with the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Within several meetings with leaders of Syria, Saudi Arabia and some other countries of the Arab World in 1357 [1978 - 1979], Emam Mousa Sadr reminded the significance of the Islamic Revolution of Iran and its victory that would be achieved in the near future as well as necessity of their alliance with this revolution. In Shahrivar Month of 1357 [August - September, 1978] and one week before being kidnapped, Emam Mousa Sadr published the article of “Call of Prophets”? in Le Monde News Paper. In this article, Emam Mousa Sadr introduced Imam Khomeini as the only leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Doubtlessly, it was the greatest service of Emam Mousa Sadr to the Islamic Revolution of Iran that he made the public, the Shiite people in particular and especially the members of Resistance of Lebanon familiar and connected with the Islamic Revolution of Iran. And it was in the years 1356 [1977 - 1978] and 1357 [1978 - 1979] and following almost two decades of propagating great and beautiful values of the true Islam in Lebanon. On Shahrivar 3rd, 1357 [August 24th, 1978] and during the last round of his periodical trips to Arab countries - based on invitation made by Muammar Gaddafi - Emam Mousa Sadr entered Libya and was kidnapped on Shahrivar 9th, 1357 [August 31st, 1978]. Judiciary departments of Lebanon and Italy governments as well as researched conducted by Vatican formally refuted the claim of the Libyan Regime based on which Emam Mousa Sadr had left that country and entered Rome. The entire apparent and secret information which had been obtained during the last two decades indicate the fact that Emam Mousa Sadr has never left the land of Libya. Meanwhile, there are many evidences that show that Emam Mousa Sadr is still alive and is in life imprisonment like some other Islamic clergymen. The last news spread by the website of “National Salvation Front of Libya”? on internet on Ordibehesht 13th, 1380 [May 3rd, 2001] claims that Emam Mousa Sadr has been seen by some of the prisoners of “Abu - Salim”? Prison in Tripoli City. Based on this piece of news, Emam Mousa Sadr had been transferred to another place a short time before Ramadan Month. Written by: Dr Mohsen Kamalian Emam Mousa Sadr Cultural and Research Institution
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