News ID: 385250
Publish Date: 30 July 2017 - 12:00

who gave the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia the right to label people or nations as being Muslims or not?

Let us be clear from the very beginning: the greatest threat to Islam originates from Wahhabism, a cancerous phenomenon that has been allowed to fester and propagate for several centuries.
who gave the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia the right to label people or nationsas being Muslims or not?

Let us be clear from the very beginning: the greatest threat to Islam originates from
Wahhabism, a cancerous phenomenon that has been allowed to fester and propagate
for several centuries.

In a monumental campaign to bulldoze the more moderate strains of Islam, and replace
them with the Theo-fascist Saudi variety, Saudi Arabia’s top cleric, Grand Mufti
Sheikh Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al ash-Sheikh, has declared that Iran’s leaders are
not Muslims and regard Sunni Muslims as their enemy.

Before I go into details of what happened and why is it happening now, let me ask one
question: who gave the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia the right to label people or nations
as being Muslims or not? I will answer that: No One.

S: Young Shahed Monthly/ no. 144
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