News ID: 385017
Publish Date: 29 October 2016 - 10:06

Major General Soleimani in the First Martyrdom Anniversary of Martyr Hamedani

"Syrian regime could tolerate pressure and blockade after five years with Iran’s help and now the world confesses to that these groups are terrorists. We were not fighters rather we help Syrian; If Takfiris were not blocked in Syria, today all the regions would be involved in fighting with ISIS.

"Syrian regime could tolerate pressure and blockade after five years with Iran’s help and now the world confesses to that these groups are terrorists. We were not fighters rather we help Syrian; If Takfiris were not blocked in Syria, today all the regions would be involved in fighting with ISIS."

NAVID SHAHED: Commander of Quds Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Qassem Soleimani in the first martyrdom anniversary of Martyr Hussein Hamedani that was held in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Mosque in Martyr Mahallati district remarked: "Though Moharram month is sorrowful, its spirituality is not less than Ramadan month for society. The same transformation that may accrue in Qadr nights happen in Moharram as well."

"Muharram is a multidimensional purification for society and it is one of Shi’ite honors." he added.

Major General Soleimani noted: "Commander Hamedani was a lover of Ahlol Beit (A.S) and Hazrat Zeinab’s (A.S) holy shrine and finally he was martyred in this path.

With pointing out to this issue that Imam Hussein (A.S) guaranteed Islam and its survival, Major General Soleimani said: "The whole event of Karbala from beginning to end was settled cautiously and all its details are panacea for humankind."

He with emphasizing that the present ISIS is worse than Khavarej in Imam Ali’s (a.s) era, specified, "Isis put their shiny and keen swords over the throat of prisoners but the prisoners never gave up their religion and this is an outcome of Karbala."

General Soleimani with mentioning this point that device and movement of Imam Hussein (A.S) remained the same from beginning to end and never stopped or changed, declared, "Our youth today are wearing the black mourning clothes for Imam Hussein (A.S) which is a very good ritual. Imam Hussein’s (A.S) culture has always made us win. This culture had previously only one branch in Iran but now it has many branches like Yemen’s Ansarollah and Iraq’s Hashad al-Sha’bi that also fallow Imam Hussein (A.S)."

Quds Force Major highlighted Commander Soleimani’s last moments of martyrdom and said: "I saw commander Hamedani just a few hours before his martyrdom. I saw a sort of youth freshness in his face. He was extremely patient. His personality remained unknown unless one got close to him. During the holy defense I was not so close to him but in Syria I had the chance of close acquaintance with him."

"At the last moment when I saw him, I was shocked. I felt he was aware of his martyrdom. Later when I talked with his family, I made sure that he had been aware of his martyrdom. He had told me smilingly to take a photo with together. "Maybe it would be our last picture”, he had said."

Major Soleimani with declaring this point that "when we lose martyrs then we become aware of their value", he noted, "we feel the absence of martyrs Hamedani, Baqeri, Kazemi, Ali Hashemi and many others who were peerless and people like them come in every 100 years."

"When we lose martyrs then we feel their absence. Nobody was like Malek Ashtar to Imam Ali (A.S). Commander Hamedani was not only a martyr, but a corps and the nation just like martyr Beheshti that according to Imam Khomeini (R.A) was a nation.", Major General Soleimani added.

Major General Soleimani with drawing attention to this point that martyr Hamedani had three important functions during the Holy Defense specified that: "One was the cutting sword of Ansar al-Hussein Army which was dispatched wherever a threat to the Order arose. Another martyr Hamedani’s function was his valuable role as a commander from the beginning of war to the end in all operations and victories which he led."

In continue, Quds Force Major stated, "the third action of martyr Hamedani was more important than the first two actions and it was what made the Holy Defense stuck in minds and hearts was establishing the ideology school where he trained tens of thousands of youths from Hamedan and other cities for the religion."

After highlighting that the second part of martyr Hamedani’s life is a lesson for us, he reminded, "the war ended and he came back to this society. He was a Commander and brigadier general and had family and grandchildren; these are locks that stuck human to the earth but such belongings and emotions were not his ultimate goal."

Major General Soleimani continued, "martyr Hamedani did not let these worldly attachments become his purpose. So he changed his title to "Abu Wahab” and replaced the Ansar al-Hussein Army with the sweet name of "Guards of Zeinab’s (A.S.) Holy Shrine”."

"Martyr Hamedani in 60 years of his life achieved the most beautiful outcomes. He was basically influential in Syrian resistance. Why the world is mobilizing around Syria? Is the issue only a person or a dictatorship? The problem is somewhere else. In the Arab world, there are various wealthy countries and except for a short period, we saw the infamous Camp David occorred whereby Anvar Sadat stabbed the Muslims from the back.", Commander of Guards Corps’ Quds Force remarked.

"All these countries communicated with Israel cryptically or publicly, except for one country that consented to sacrifice its security and territorial integrity for Muslims. In time of Clinton's presidency, it was supposed to contract a peace between Syria and Israel in Paris and Hafez Asad went to Paris, but he did not go to the meeting because he knew the effect of compromising on stability of Syria’s resistance front against Israel.", Major General Soleimani added and continued that, "in time of Bashar Asad, Malak Abdullah came to Syria and took Bashar Asad’s hands and went to Lebanon that pushed out Syrian army and brought down the status of Hafez Asad and had said, "My son, this Lebanon is for you", but what he wanted? He wanted Bashar Asad to refuse Iran, however, Bashar Asad did not accept it which has been considered as an important and great outcome and the national interest."

In continue Commander of Quds Force Major said, "The second crown prince of Saudi Arabia who is very impatient and perhaps is likely to kill his king, went to Russia to mediate for Syria in a meeting with attendance of Russians and a person from Syria. The crown prince of Saudi Arabia asked about Bashar Asad’s condition which he had said that the problem was ISIS while crown prince of Saudi Arabia had asserted that the ISIS was not a threat and would become over, but the problem was Syrian relation with Iran and if they cut this connection, everything would end."

Noting that the problem of Syria's enemies is the resistance front and communicating with Islamic Republic of Iran, he highlighted, "we do not only defend Syria, rather we defend Islam and Islamic Republic of Iran. ISIS and Takfiri groups have not been created for Syria but for Iran."

Major General Soleimani remarked, "if resistance was not conducted and those who have this delusion to pray Sallah in Omavi’s Mosque and run an empire would become successful and Isis would establish a government and then God knows what disaster would happen in Islam World.

Reminding this point that Islamic Republic of Iran proudly stood against this disaster, he continued, "Syrian regime could tolerate pressure and blockade after five years with Iran’s help and now the world confesses to that these groups are terrorists. We were not fighters rather we help Syrian regime; If Takfiris were not blocked in Syria, today all the regions would be involved in fighting with ISIS."

"Takfiris have lost or are losing in all fronts now. I believe the Syrian people are undefeatable with supporting their government. Today, the Europe is paying heavy costs for its security and its reason is their support from these groups.", he added.

General Soleimani pointed out that martyr Hamedani had significant effect on Syrian triumphs and reminded, "we must trust the intelligence and wisdom of our leader and appreciate that; today, it is because of the insight of the Supreme Leader that the Islamic revolution has astonished the enemies."

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