News ID: 385236
Publish Date: 11 June 2017 - 10:08

Ascending from prison

Iran Islamic Revolution is a social phenomena that its dimensions should be evaluated to understand its reality and outstanding role of Imam and his followers and students

Ascending from prison

navide shahed: Iran Islamic Revolution is a social phenomena that its dimensions should be evaluated to understand its reality and outstanding role of Imam and his followers and students .In the years after the exile of Imam and increasing strangulation for devastate the results of 15 Khordad 1342uprising, prosperous students of Imam tried to follow his way and protect those results. One of the greatest Imam’s students was Martyr Ayatollah Saeidi who had no fear of being captured , tortured and killed and incessantly reminded the name of Ayatollah Khomeini as the only religious and political leader and always gained his messages via different sources and published and distributed them spreading the principles of Islamic Movement.

Ayatollah Saeidi had studied in Mashad and Qom’s Howzeh Seminaries and was an outstanding student in classes .Some of his mentors were Ayatollah Boroojerdi and Imam Khomeini. When his beloved mentor, Imam was captured and exiled, Martyr Saeidi left Howzeh and began to publicize religious facts and finally, benefiting his unique and bravely statements, could attract many Tehrani eager youths to follow the way of Imam.

One of his important activities was publishing "Enjoining the Good and forbidding the Evil” thesis of Tahrirolvasileh .From the beginning of movement ,Imam had declared that for applying this important religious commandment , a powerful institution is necessary and omitting it from Islamic Laws will end to pushing aside Islam.

There are some serious signs of necessity of establishing Islamic Government in Imam’s Thesis, many years before it is apparently stated and theorized.

Another important activity of Martyr Saeidi was publishing of "Velayat-e Faghih” Thesis that is a collection of Imam’s teachings in Najaf Howzeh. Martyr Saeidi distributed this thesis in an extensive level by help of university students and political combatants.

His activities for spreading Imam’s thoughts, besides his serious protest against American investing capitals which was considered as Capitulation’s supplement , resulted his being arrested and prisoned and finally martyred in 21 th Khordad 1349.

His martyrdom, as one of the famous followers of Imam Khomeini, created a huge movement that was very affective in methods of political activities in 1350 decade which ended to establishing Islamic System in 1357.

Nevertheless, his efforts are not introduced suitably and his personality is not known by many youths, hence this special issue has been prepared to compensate this negligence.

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