News ID: 385206
Publish Date: 16 April 2017 - 10:35

“Index dictionary of martyrs”, the most important research source in life of martyrs

a note from Mahbub Shahbazi, the director general of Documents and Publications of Martyr and Veterans affairs Foundation on occasion of publishing index dictionary of martyrs of all country by Shahed Publisher.

NAVID SHAHED: The old land of Iran in its history was observing famous men and women who for protecting and developing the land not only expense their wealth but also they sacrifice their life to not allow enemy occupy the country. The stories of Arash, Rostam and Fereidoun are symbolic signs for people’s braveness, which repeated in different eras and people could create glory in contemporary history.

And how glorious it is that eloquent people and lovers of this land have kept alive names of these grandees as like that imposing history; and orally moved to their children till these names remain as long as world’s eternity.

Today also the child of those benevolent people, because of their duty that history gave them, attempting to keep alive the name of other famed martyrs; and in the first step create a complete, valuable and noble work by the name of "index dictionary of martyrs” to not only attributed from brave men and women of country’s history of recent decades but also bring their names among papers of famed pages of history of Iran.

Perhaps about 15 years ago codification idea of a documentary abstract about martyr’s life was performing in Martyrs Foundation to have a comprehensive source data about life of treasures of Holy Defense history and Islamic Revolution. The first step in this field, which accompany with attempt of Studies and Researches Centre, Administration of Documents, publishers and scholars’ aids, was codifying martyrs’ biography till at the first researches can access to basic data of martyrs’ documents.

In this attempt the basis of this work has established on heeding principals and essentials of academic research of a part of Iran’s history from 1342 and now that important part of this work is at the first level and with publishing provinces exes’ books of "index dictionary of martyrs” the importance of this work become more obvious than ever for everyone including for trustees’ of this historical movement.

It was Lord’s Mercy that we could publish this 42 volume collection of martyrs’ life comprehensively and documentarily and become accessible for writers, researches and people. In preparing this work, one of principles and essences was utilizing from witness’ knowledge and honest narrators, first aid documents to become verified and, thanks God, finally in the best way completed.

Another feature of this noble work is all information are documentary that are based on existence data in valid sources and data of Document Center of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs Foundation, which made it more wealthy.

Therefore, we could recognize "index dictionary of martyrs” the most important source for searching in an important part of Iran’s history, which in that a few individuals as representations of people very simply and yet with beautiful methods protect Iran from hurts of ill – wishers and recorded their names as sacrifice keepers of this land.

The notable point is this process with attempt of Document Center of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs Foundation presently would continue in two other levels of "index dictionary of devotees” and "index dictionary of prisoners of war”. Therefore we raise our helping hand to them that these two noble works, which are autobiography, would added to treasure history of country.

As a final point, we hoping that with getting help from martyr’s spirit and with attempt of scholars and writers the "index dictionary of martyrs” be a base for creating noble and effective works through life of martyrs; and could pay our right toward martyrs. Also we hoping that the thought of martyrs become their virtue and ideal for reaching to society without cruelty, a society that justice and equality be flow and in one word a society that in there the dignity of human attributed as a wealthy jewel.

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