News ID: 385194
Publish Date: 25 February 2017 - 15:58

NourAbadi: war memories are main materials of writing novels.

Muhammad Mahmoodi NourAbadi believed that hypothyroidism in Holy Defense’s field would face the danger of distortion and actually memories are main materials of writing novel.

NourAbadi: war memories are main materials of writing novels.

Muhammad Mahmoodi NourAbadi believed that hypothyroidism in Holy Defense’s field would face the danger of distortion and actually memories are main materials of writing novel.

Muhammad Mahmoodi NourAbadi said to NAVID SHAHED about utilizing from memory for creating novels about Holy Defense: if we extract and discover memories properly and fighters and commanders narrate their memories correctly we could be confident that positive events would happen for novels, screenplays, long stories and short stories.

He about recording Holy Defense’s memories added: with recording memories, Holy Defense literature wouldn’t become distorted. Artists and writer in future couldn’t discover reality without memories that is part of our contemporary history, then they might refer to outer recourses that record Islamic Revolution’s history and Holy Defense from their perception.

The author of "Ronj” with hoping that paying attention to literature and oral history of Holy Defense become important, said: because I was in battles, memories that reflected from those days are not much and I believed we didn’t pay attention worthy to Holy Defense literature. This might lead to distortion in history of Revolution and Holy Defense era. Recording oral history of Holy Defense era should be a priority because it is an important material for creating literary works.

He in answering to this question that how much recording war memories is effective for recording Holy Defense era’s culture and was he keeping a diary in those days, said: there was a good event in that time that gave notebooks to soldiers for keeping dairy but unfortunately all soldiers didn’t notice to this good habit.

Mahmoodi NourAbadi noted: we must try to seedling a plant and raise it properly until bring forth. If writing dairy was series in war era we won’t face with damages of writing memories and we had a huge amount of writings, which was very helpful. Unfortunately this is an eastern habit that they are relying on their memories and write less.

He with noticing to this point that he mostly was relying on his memory in his writings, added: I am grateful to God that I have a strong memory. I for writing "wild pears” and "Mehranjoon” I referred to my memory a lot and my memory is so strong and exact that my friends and fellows become surprised from remembering details!

This premier writer of Sepah in answering to this question that is surging process of recording memories of Holy Defense could industrialized this movement? He explained: we couldn’t consider this movement a negative point. There is differences in all levels, certainly views of a soldier and a commander to a same issue is different and all these views must recorded till Holy Defense literature won’t distorted.

Muhammad Mahmoodi NourAbadi in his 16th went to battles with Muhammad Rasullolah’s army from his village Mehnejan of Mamasani. He retired in 1385 and started writing. He wrote more than 20 books which including "wild pears”, "laughing meadow” and…. . Shahed publisher also published some of his works.

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