News ID: 385126
Publish Date: 27 November 2016 - 11:30

A Narration regarding Martyr Chamran’s Commandership in ‘Paveh Resurrection’

Navideshahed: ‘Paveh Resurrection’ is a documentary story regarding the realities of Paveh city in 1979. The story has been written by Mohtram Estki and it has been released by Setaregan Darakhshan Publication.

Navideshahed: ‘Paveh Resurrection’ is a documentary story regarding the realities of Paveh city in 1979. The story has been written by Mohtram Estki and it has been released by Setaregan Darakhshan Publication. The writer attempts to illustrate the atmosphere of Paveh city during the commandership of martyr Chamran in Paveh.

According to Navideshahed report, ‘Paveh Resurrection’ has been produced based on the demand of National Studies Center of Stable Security (Martyr Brojerdi) located in Imam Hussein University.

In this story a section of the crimes that were done by the anti-revolutionary militants in Paveh war zone.

The book consists of 12 narrations and 12 photos. Most of the photos have illustrated the difficult days of resistance against anti-revolutionary militants groups. The writer has attempted to indicate the atmosphere of Paveh city during the Commandership of Martyr Dr. Mustafa Chamran for the City Defenders.

This narration is sourced from the documents and written texts in this field and the events which took place in Paveh city after 6 months passing from the Islamic Revolution victory of Iran.

The book ‘Paveh Resurrection’ has been written in 93 pages. It was produced in 3000 copies. The price of the book is 20.000 Rials and it has been released by Setaregan Darakhshan Publication.

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