The following interview is conducted with the spouse of Commander Brigadier General Jafar Nasr Esfahani.
According to the reporter of Chemical Weapons Victims Information Base, martyr Nasr Efshani based on the narration of his wife:
Martyr Commander Brigadier General Jafar Nasr Esfahani was born in 1960 in Esfahan province. He accomplished his high school in Esfahan city.
His revolutionary conflicts were really fantastic and marvelous.
In a way that I later noticed that Mohammad Jafar had activity in the field of photography. He had gotten photography diploma. He would distribute the photos of Imam Khomeini in the dark room that he had constructed in his father’s house. He would produce many copies of the photos and then he would distribute them among the people.
After the victory of Islamic Revolution, Mohammad Jafar went to the military service. He accomplished his military service in Esfahan city. But during the final months of his military service, the imposed war era started. He was present in the southern and western battlefields. At that time his foot was badly wounded in Soosangared war zone.
Martyr Commander Brigadier General Jafar Nasr Esfahani during his service got familiar with major general Sayad Shirazi. He was a close friend and comrade for him too. This friendship was increased day by day.
"Martyr Sayad Shirazi liked Mohammad Jafar so much.”
Martyr Sayad Shirazi was the commander of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Ground Force Army and martyr Nasr Esfahani also came to Tehran from Esfahan province and he was working his office too.
Of course his military service had been finished and he worked in the Army voluntarily.
I got familiar with martyr Nasr Esfahani in 1982. At that time I had not entered the ground force of the army officially.
I got married with martyr Nasr Esfahani in the same year. After that based on the mutual thought that we had, we thought that if martyr Nasr Esfahani to serve for the Army is better than everything.
This suggestion had been recommended to martyr Nasr Esfahani by his friends specially martyr Sayad Shirazi.
As Mohammad Jafar had finished his military service, he was encouraged by martyr Sayad Shirazi and he joined the Official University of the Army Ground Force.
We had many difficulties in our life with several years. He was dispatched to the battlefields even he was a university student for the University of the Army Ground Force.
Mohammad Jafar became an officer in 1984; he abandoned us and he went to the battlefields of Iran-Iraq war.
He had a good morale and courage. Even though he would strongly stand against the enemy, still he was so kind to his friends and comrades as well.
During that difficult moment, he went to the war and he stayed in the war zone for several months. We kept in touch only by sending letters…
God knows when I would receive a letter from him; it was the same as I was born once again.
During Mersad military operation, during a combat he was severely injured in Marivan city.
A quiver had been left in his body and it was in his body until the martyrdom time. He was so active, though he was suffering from backache. Since his backache was intensified, the doctors suggested that he must be dispatched to foreign countries, because if he had been treated in Iran, his paralysis event was possible too.
But the most important issue was that my injured husband had been exposed to chemical weapons and it was an extra suffering and pain for him too.
Those quivers and the pains resulted from quivers had caused that the physicians do not pay much attentions to his chemical injury. On the other side, some obvious and transparent symptoms had not appeared on his body.
About three to four years before his martyrdom, his internal symptoms appeared and his health condition got worse day by day.
He was underwent surgeries for several times, but unfortunately he was not cured at all.
During the final days of his lifetime, his body had become so weak and his medicines were not effective anymore.
Chemotherapy was not useful anymore and the physicians announced that we should take him home.
- Unfortunately the medicines were not effective anymore
Finally Commander Brigadier General Jafar Nasr Esfahani was martyred on Saturday, November 09, 1996.
In fact he joined his ambition (martyrdom) at 16:30.