Shia Muslim pilgrims gather in Karbala for the Arbaeen religious festivalAn aerial view shows the shrines of Imam Abbas ibn Ali (front) and Imam Hussein during the Arbaeen religious festivalAn aerial view shows pilgrims gathering at the shrine of Imam Abbas ibn Ali, brother of Imam Hussein, in the holy city of KarbalaPilgrims reach out to touch the tomb of Imam al-Abbas located inside the Imam al-Abbas shrinePilgrims try to touch the tomb inside the Imam al-Abbas shrinePilgrims from Basra lead their camels as they walk through Najaf towards KarbalaShia Muslim pilgrims walk to the holy city of Kerbala, ahead of ArbaeenPilgrims walk to the holy city of Kerbala, for the Arbaeen ritualA member of the Iraqi presidential guard stands guard in Baghdad's Dora district as pilgrims head on foot towards the holy city of Karbala