News ID: 385075
Publish Date: 05 November 2016 - 12:41

Full Attention Effective in Chemical Victims Recovery

According to a nursing M.A thesis, full attention could be effective in the recovery of chemical victims suffering from bronchiolitis obliterans.

According to a nursing M.A thesis, full attention could be effective in the recovery of chemical victims suffering from bronchiolitis obliterans.

According to quoting Moj News Agency, Soudabeh Mehdi Zadeh, the graduated master of nursing from Baghiyatallah University in her thesis reviewed the model of continuous health care which is really effective and significant on the quality of those chemically injured patients who suffer obstructive bronchiolitis.

Chronic lung disease is the most common disease for chemical warfare victims which are associated to medical diseases. This disease can cause impotence as a career, family and social roles and functions of daily life that can lead to reduced quality of life of patients.

This study is a quasi-experimental study in randomized, controlled trials which has been implemented in Baghiyatallah Hospital of Tehran on 62 chemically injured patients who suffered obstructive bronchiolitis. The chemically injured patients were divided randomly into two groups and applying continuous care model was run for 2 months in the group.

Results showed the mean scores in all domains of quality of life and overall quality of life scores in the test group than the control group that were significant, thus, applying this model in the care of these patients is recommended.

The End

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