First Name : Saeed
Last Name : Sadeghi
Post : Martyr's Father
Explanations: any image has a review to the section of reality. The scenes that are full of life, defends and courage. The eye which looks at this reality and gives that for registration in history, for sure can be counted favored and Seed Sadeghi is one of these good persons that has been effective in the war events since 1980 to 1988. One of great activities that is belonged to him is providing the exhibition of pictures of Sacred defense in the museum of contemporary arts during 1984, 1985 and 1981. He is a member of picture judges and the news of sacred defense for four years- the anniversary of Fajr movie , in the 12th and 14th anniversary of on October 1999, he has been the secretary of photography anniversary in the Islamic world during 2003, also he has been able to provide some rewards such as the rewards that were given in January 30 due to first position in the matches which were performed during these days of the years 1988 and 1986, The first position reward in Khatem Al Anbiya Matches in 1985 . He was succeeded to receive the great reward of UNISCO picture match in 1988. The opted images by Saeed Sadeghi, have been represented in exhibitions several times that the watchers of these pictures have expressed many thanks to them.