News ID: 90321
Publish Date: 03 February 2008 - 15:11
Saied Ali Reza Hosseini

Bashfulness among the Shahed Children of Birjand

Training and Educational Sciences
Degree : Training and Educational Sciences
Supervisor : Mohammad Mehdi Khadivi Zand

Bashfulness if one of the social inabilities that have complicated behavioral, social and growth dimensions. Shahed children are more exposed to the problems resulted from social and emotional growth. This research in order to draw the attention of management people to support the shahed children is intended to investigated bashfulness and its issues among the shahed children. The research community includes 94 male shahed students in secondary and high school stage in 2001 _ 2002 in Birjand. Categorically 18 persons were chosen.
The main means of the present research is clinical interviews on the bases of the theories of uproars and live psychological environment.
The results of the research show that:
1.% 67 percent of the people under research are afflicted with bashfulness the degree of which is in 4 situations of deep, severe, average and weak.
2.In people who are deeply bashful, educational fall is too great.
3.% 80 of the bashful people has been two years old at the time of their fathers’ deaths.
4.Mothers of % 75 of the bashful people have married again.
5.% 85 of the bashful people has been punished in their childhood or has been witnessing their mothers’ punishment.
6.% 58 of the bashful people has been punished by their teachers and %50 of them has been belittled by their children.
7.The more the shahed children are punished in schools and home, the more and the deeper their bashfulness
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