News ID: 84814
Publish Date: 16 December 2007 - 04:15

Index of memories of martyr Haj Mahdi Araghi


Imam and martyr Araghi

Prophet Ayatollah Khameneyee and martyr Araghi

Martyr Ayatollah Beheshti and martyr Araghi

A simplified look at life and fights of martyr Araghi

A part of the martyr's will

The way of martyrdom

After victory to martyrdom



 Good brother and son of Prophet Imam Khomeini meaning the great martyr Haj Mahdi Araghi who after a life of war, fighting and prison accepted the invitation, and said yes to eternal flight.

Martyr Araghi a few days before his martyrdom had said to his sincere brother "we got out of prison and thank God the revolution was successful so we got caught doing operational duties , God forbid what if we die in bed and loose the privilege of martyrdom that we've been wishing for years. We have put many bloody martyrs to the ground I hope our blood won't go to waste".

Really to tell all about this great martyr we need ink the size of the ocean to be able to tell all of his hidden gifts. The one point that is unfortunate is that the heroisms of this great follower have not been told before God and this is the duty of his fellow fighters to roll up their sleeves and get what he deserved.

A martyr who in one word we can say his true goal was freedom from a canonist regime his to the teeth fight was freedom for society. Hope to God with the telling of his life story and fighting attitude we can fulfill our duties to him.

 2-Biography of martyr Araghi;

Martyr Haj Mahdi Araghi set foot to this world in 1930 in Pachnar region of Tehran into a religious family.

After his primary education he started helping his father in the Bazaar and going to high school at the same time and continued to the eleventh grade but his duties kept him from school .He participated in religious gatherings until he became one of the youngest leaders in the Pachnar area.

 His fight with another young man who was a boxer and very confident in wrestling and showed hostility towards faith, had been beaten by martyr Araghi in front of a crowd. This was one of the sweetest memories of his life and shows of his fighting spirit.

From the year 1955 he joined a group of Islamic Fadaies and soon for his bravery and exceptional attitude attracted the attention of martyr Navab Safavi and became a member of the central Islamic Fadai group. He was a member there till 1952 and a part of all the dangerous operation that took place. In the time of the Ghasr prison takeover he was arrested as Navab's right hand man.

He was present at the Shah's and his follower’s execution and escorting of Rezakhan's dirty body but the event never took place. He was in the incident of the conviction of Zarbin Kasravi and the demonstrations in the court house palace and afterwards in the revolutionary executions he was the defender of Khalil Tahmasebi but he was not charged with anything in his case. Martyr Araghi was always one of the main factors in the Islamic Fadais but in 1955 along with a few of his friends left those because of political differences but he always stayed faithful to martyr Navab Safavi.

In the year 1962 when he accepted the authority of the Islamic movement under Imam Khomeini he came back to the picture again until his martyrdom therefore he served under the Imam for 17 years 14 of which he spend in prison. He also had an important role in the uprising of 5th of June 1964 against the American capitalization and printing of the leaflets for Mansoor execution.

 In the organization of the allied population of Islam he was one of the main activists and with Imams blessing he started working for the spiritual congress with the membership of martyr Ayatollah Motahari , Ayatollah Beheshti , Ayatollah Anvari and Hojat-Ol-Islam Almoslemin Mollaee.

In the year 1443G when the military branch of this group with the blessing of the Imam got started martyr Araghi and martyr Haj Sadegh Amani accepted the responsibilities and along with their war time friends the great martyrs, Bokharai , Niknejad, Harrandi, Andarzgoo executed Hassanali  Mansoor who was on American payroll and for the charge of impudence to the Imam.

After the devotions of martyr Araghi along with his friends except Andarzgoo got arrested and six of them convicted to execution. Martyr Emami, Bokharai, Niknejad, Harandi Amani and Araghi who got discounted sentences of life behind bars, only three of them were sentenced to 5 to15 years. Martyr Araghi at the time of his arrest accepted much of the charges so a few of the other fighters would stay free.

 His exceptional psychological conditioning and withstanding of the unbearable Borazjan prison and the torchers he was put through for 14 years was the subject of conversation all over and he taught everyone the real meaning of serving God and God's creation.

Martyr Araghi towards the end of 1971 with the change of politics and beginning of Carters foolish democracy was released from prison. With receiving a message from Ayatollah Motahari talking about getting rid of the Pahlavi regime along with his followers secretly set the way for the critical years of 1977 and 1979 and became a member of the secret society.

 After Imam Khomeini from international pressure, cooperation of Shah and Sadam had to leave Iraq and immigrate to Paris it was the secret revolutionary group that took care of him there.


On the 1st of February when Khomeini returned to Iran martyr Araghi was with him and after entering he became a member of security for the Imam, different responsibilities such as supervising Ghasr prison, membership in the central committee and head of operations of the Islamic republic were a part of his service. He with the knowledge that the Keyhan newspaper was in need of some changes went there and too charge of the financial department.

3-Imam and martyr Araghi;

 One of the closest friends of Araghi describes his first meeting with the Imam. While still in Paris the Imam pointed to Araghi and ordered:

 Our brave youngsters tortured and bothered us so much in prison that I could not believe such a large figure could be so broken under Shah's torture. I have known him for about twenty years; Mahdi Araghi was like my dear brother and son. His martyrdom was very heavy on me, what makes it a little easier is that it was all for God. I congratulate his martyrdom to all Muslims. He had to be martyred dying in bed was not enough for him.

4-Prophet Ayatollah Khamenei and martyr Araghi;

 The late Araghi was an exceptional character in the scene of combat and revolution he was a great asset in winning the revolution, he was a dear and sincere being. He sacrificed his youth and happiness to replace God's regime with that of Taghoot that's why we owe it all to the likes of him. Martyr Araghi and his co fighters in the beginning very seriously leaned towards the Imam and never lost sight of their goal.


5-Martyr Ayatollah Beheshti and martyr Araghi;

 The late Mahdi Araghi with all the ups and downs that he had to go through to the last days of his life his undying love was towards the Imam and all that he stood for. He was so fond of the revolution and its leader that he sacrificed his life for it.

 A simple look at Araghi's life and fights;

Born in 1930 in the region Pachnar in Tehran member of religious group and mourning Aeme Massoomin. Educating up to diploma level and working on the side to be able to live.

 1941 to 1942, beginning of his political fights concurrent with meeting martyr Navab Safavi membership in the central committee of Islamic fadaisat the age 16 or 17.

 Active role in Kasravi's terror on English payroll. Planning of Shah's death with the help of an Islamic Fadai member at the time of carrying Rezakhan's corps which never actually happened. Took part in the fights for nationalizing the oil company beside the late Ayatollah Kashani.

 1963 to 1979beginning of allied Islamic committee.

 Organization of 5th of June demonstrations from Tarehbar 

Square in Tehran.

Speeches at the University of Tehran.

Beginning of the armed group for the Allied Islamic Committee.

Organizing of the remembrance of 1963 Ashura from the stairs of Noroozkhan to Motahari School previously Sepahsalar which ended with his second imprisonment which he intelligently introduced himself as builder and was released in two months. Took part in executing three Pahlavi prime ministers named Abdolhossein ,Razmara and Hassanali Mansoor.

 In connection with terror of Mansoor he is tried and sentenced to be executed which is discounted to life imprisonment. When he hears of his life sentence he asks to be executed. Even in prison he will not stop his activity.

 He continues his movement in the kitchen as the prisoner’s representative and once when he was paying another prisoner he is caught and sent to Borazjan prison for a while but he is again transferred to Ghasr.

 In the year 1976 after withstanding 12 years of torture and hardship he is released from prison. With the invitation of Ayatollah Motahari he finds himself in a meeting of The Allied Islamic Committee and becomes a member again (this group claims the most involvement in the fights of the years 1978 and 1979.)

 After Imam's exile to Paris Motahari and Beheshti send him there to Nofle Lo shato, in charge of security of where the Imam stays. In the mean time he takes on the job of guarding the Imam's life from Paris to Tehran, after the babblings of then Prime Minister Araghi says we have executed 4ministers already, one more is easy.

6-Part of martyrs will;

 It's 1965, Araghi along with martyr Amani and his other collogues are awaiting their conviction of execution in connection with the execution of prime minister Mansoor which according to him are the best times of his life. And this is obvious word for word in his will we can see in times like this Araghi with writing three letters to his father, mother and brother; you will see the contents of these letters below.


 Mother ….how can I forget your love which like fire is hiding under the ashes. How can I step over my love towards you which after dividing has found more value and is in flames? Mother I am going where everyone has to go, somewhere that’s the beginning of eternal life. I say goodbye to you.

 Father! You, I and everyone our hearts are brimful with wishes. But you know at  the end of wishes there is always God and to get to it we have to try hard, father I know you  as a worthy Muslim and every Muslim knows everything of his to be God's just like we know life to be his way and martyrdom the beginning of eternal life. Father they have translated death for us the wrong way, but we are living in order to get to our second life which is called death. Therefore death is the beginning of our eternal life.

 Brother….we stepped into this world to please God ,you know that and we hope he accepts us and our goals to be found in an Islamic rule and fight against force and unfairness and we live with this hope and die for it . Now it is your responsibility to follow this goal and hope and to tell others about it. Brother I want from you but I won't force you to be a good and fair father to my children and to educate them in the shadow of Islam and to continue in the school they are in. I won't say no more.

7-The way of martyrdom;

 In the first hours of the forth day of Septamber 1978, martyr Araghi with his child in hand was murdered by Forghan leftist group these self sellers took a child from Imam Rahel in the beginning years of the revolution.

 The sacred bodies of Haj Araghi and child Hessam were transferred to the holly city of Qom with a certain respect. The burial ceremony took place in the presence of overcrowd of believers while the prophet Imam personally was doing the ceremonies from Saeidi square. They were both buried next to prophet Masoomeh.

 Martyr Araghi's activities after victory of the revolution 1979to 1978.

8-After victory to martyrdom;

 With the victory of the revolution and beginning of the Islamic Republic martyr Araghi underwent 12 years of torture and exile but never gave up and after prison he doubled his activities.

 His duties after winning of the revolution

 One of six responsibilities for security and welfare of Alavi School

Running of Ghasr prison with the cooperation of a few of his co fighters 

Head of operations at centre for the unfortunate

Financial management of Keyhan and board member

Member Central Islamic Republic Committee by invitation of Ayatollah Beheshti.


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