The list of Memoirs of the martyrs of the Islamic coalition committee
The victory and obedience of the successor of God the ideal of Islamic coalition Memories mentioned by the friends A part of the Answer of martyr Morteza Neiknejad A part of the Answer of martyr Saffar Harandi A part of the Answer of martyr Mohammad Bokhara’ee A part of the Answer of martyr Sadegh Amani The last Will of the martyrs to the people of Iran June 16th, is the remembrance of a bloody day in which four Muslim devotees were brought to the main square for lynching just because of their belief in God and commitment to the leadership of the successor of God and the leader of Islamic revolution, and because of defending the Mohammedan Islam altogether and the revolutionary execution of Hasan Ali Mansoor and consequently to frighten the followers of Imam (Rah). But they were even like their leader and happily welcomed the martyrdom and they become eternal and went to heavens and their pure blood raised the people and started another armed uprising which kept the weapon in the hands of the divine devotees until the victory of the revolution. God respected them and belittled their enemies and the tree of the Islamic revolution bore fruit and burgeoned again. The great martyrs called Amani, Bokharaee, Morteza Neiknejad, Reza saffar Harandi and their brave comrades of Islamic association blazed the black night of the devil with glaring light of the bullets and in the era in which the tyrant regime and the American and British masonry ranted that Islamic revolution has shied away!! And then they captured the leader of the revolution and exiled him to Turkey and hereby they wanted the devotees to give up. In the era of (suffocation, dictatorship and prostitution) these courtly men silenced those who presumed the successor of God, and they were captured and belittled their superficial majesty and strengthened the combats because they had a religious place in the society and all clearly knew about their truthfulness religiousness and commitment legitimized the armed combat. And they opened the way for Revolutionary Guards and when the enemies heard that the Revolutionary Guards have prepared a list of 83 mercenaries, those who should be killed, they were frightened and the power of Islam and the followers of Imam cleared for all of them. When martyr Sadegh Amani was asked in case you had no financial problem and why did you fight against the previous regime? He explained in this way that our leader Imam Khomeini in his lecture about the immunity of military experts of USA mentioned that < Following and obeying the successor of God the main end of Islamic association They always tried to act just according to the commands of God and or God’s successors and even to execute the king and Mansoor they didn’t want to do it without the permission of clergies. They asked Imam Khomeini to determine some clergies so that if he himself was not available they could be able to ask them about their questions. And he confirmed martyrs: Motahari and Beheshti and when they were martyred the Islamic association members asked for new persons to be confirmed via Mr. Askar Oladi and Imam replied I confirm Mr. Khameneh’ee and Mr. Hashemi. A noticeable point: It is so interesting that about the abovementioned subject, he never want them to refer to persons like Mr. Montazeri and even after the martyrdom of the holly persons like Motaharei and Beheshti he introduced Mr. Khamenei and Mr. Hashemi Rafsanjanee and this is so important that our leader paid so much attention to Mr. khamenei and Mr. Hashemi since 1980, to lead the Islamic movements. Some memories of the friends of the Martyr When martyr Saffar Harandei was asked at the court of the previous regime: why didn’t you follow the national movement, national uprising and liberal movement according to your attendances at their sessions? And how did you start your activities with Imam Khomeini? And he said when I attended at his meetings and heard what the great leader of Shietts said about turning the society into Islam to solve the problems then I recalled a poem which said as this: < Martyr Aziz Neiknejad was so weak because of food poisoning and not being cured completely and couldn’t attend all the sessions of the court and so that martyr Araghi said that if possible he will attend the next session and today let him not attend and when the court was informed about that, the foreman said that he should be brought anyhow even on the stretcher. So that while two other brothers helped us, we brought him to the court. At the court when prosecuting attorney saw him, offensively, he told him<< when you started your movement you didn’t think about these days? And at this stage your weakness manifests. It would be better if you had thought about your destiny at the starting day in which you wanted to kill the minister so that not to shake now. Martyr Neiknejad regardless his illness hearing these words rose and replied: All the weakness belongs to the ratters like you and all of you are mortal. I am not afraid of anything; your unsanitary jail has made me sick. Martyr Neiknejad added: and he said:” I have asked God for several times in the Holly month of Ramadan to be martyred and I see I am approaching this moment now”. Then in the reply of prosecuting attorney who had told him these people had misled you to execute the Hassanali Mansoor, he said:” God is the witness, everybody who had lead me in this way I pray for them and wish them to be healthy because in fact they have led me to the right way and I hope to be martyred consequently”. Any of the great martyrs has told something that night which is worth hearing. And Mr. Araghi has told them: “they performed ablution before martyrdom and they said prayers and recited some sentences from Holly Koran and they accepted their martyrdom and when the soldiers got back to our ward surprisingly said that what confidence they had”. Mr. Hashemi Rafsanjani tells about his seizure and inquiry: “Our inquirer was called Koochesfahani… he inquired me so long until noon and mainly related to preaches in the mosques telling about the facts of Ali and … and then about the associated groups, financial help and… and when he reached here we stopped… Colonel Malavi came, the inquirer were sitting and asked the same questions. And we said all these are wrong and just insulations. And started to read the arraignment and said that Milani had ordered you to kill Mansoor and you should confess all these here… if you confess we can save yourself… and I told them that you are just claiming. Then he started to hit to force him to confess and went away… the members of Islamic association all were religious. And they were suffering from cultural falloff and making religious free place by the deviant regime. These Revolutionary Guards at the darkness of the night blazed for leading the movements towards the fight with the enemies and they were watering the sapling which was growing in the streets of downtrodden district. And their blood and some other have resulted into victory. Now after the victory of the Islamic Revolution at the anniversary of them we can hear the reflect of their voice to tell the other people in the world to oppose the tyrants and fight with the western paganism. It seems as if this Bokharaee sound reflects in the world. < A part of martyr Neeknejad’s Answer (Self-defense) This stress and choke in the hearts produces incurable virulence and this filthy propaganda doesn’t let the world hear the heart-rending voice of the downtrodden. The start of heresy and infidelity don’t let the supernal message be heard by people and the colonialism doesn’t let the freedom spread in the world. Don’t the oppressors know that the king will extinct and their hope tree will collapse? The end of a disgraceful life, iniquity and abuse. The end of daydreams and the end of the last page of the egoism book, smugness, aggression. And they are visiting the death. A part of the (self-defense) answer of martyr Saffar Harandi Unless you don’t consider the personal and moral independence of the people and to confirm it the people will fight and the events like the assassination of Mansoor will go on. Because you should solve the main problem. And coercing the emotional and moral forces and spoiling the youth offenses the hearts of anybody. The people love their citizens and don’t like to obey the foreigners they believe that they have been born free. At first they try to make understand the governor about his rights and then they reject him after that when the fires of aggression rises they will act in a way that makes them to be modest. The quite logic event of the February happened because they wanted to wake up those who didn’t see and hear about the betrayal and oppression. And if you don’t want to profit from this event then you should be waiting for some more and we will destroy them all. And at that day all the people will be so angry that the downtrodden at first will start the fight then all others will join. You can look at the neighbor countries to see how their people fought against the evil. Look at the adversity of the Vietnam how collapsed. A part of the answer of martyr Mohammad Bokharaee We announce that if you don’t want to mind the terror of Mansoor and to be guided then be prepared for some other programs from the side of the nation and other wise you will collapse. Dear Sirs! Why don’t you like to listen? The people like the Islam and they think that they are blissful with Islam and acting according to that. Why you pretend to act according to Islamic roles and you say that its roles are reactionary. By the way who says the Islamic roles are reactionary? Why were you silent until we shot him dead and announced the world about this suffocation? Mr. Khomeini the holly leader has said: those who don’t cry are guilty. And we cried and I swear you will undo the nation. At the dawn of June 16th they took the comrades of Imam Hossein to shambles and a soldier told me all about the event, and said: << all soldiers cried those who were out of the area and those who were taking them in, and the executers but the martyrs themselves were happy and they were advising us to walk towards God. The younger ones ran as if wanted to be hanged sooner. Martyr Neeknejad had slippers and said to martyr Amani: Hajji! Hurry up we are approaching. When they were fastened to the posts you could just hear the verses of God and Koran and the tears of the soldiers that shot them had wetted their hands. And their blood watered the land of Iran, and let the other flowers of Islam grow fester. Oh! The pure soul, come back to your God satisfied then enter into my group and enter the heavens. Hoping to be taught by all the teachers of love. And wishing high ranks for the martyrs. A part of answer of martyr Amani Perhaps, without any right they are imposing their thoughts and we want to disappear them. I am clearly watching the discrimination has spread in this country. It is so strange in a Islamic country in which the people are talking about Islam and Shietts there are no examples of Islamic life. The last will of the martyrs to the nation of Iran The martyrs of June 26th at the last moment had written a short will as following: Although I want to cover the moan But the heart says: I order you to cry We have prepared ourselves to be martyred. It is so offensive to see the weakness of bodies which are forced to obey and respect the king the cause of the adversity of Iran. We have shot the first effective bullet towards the enemies and wish you to follow us we are talking to you via beyond this world the nation of Iran, clergies and open-minded men, marital forces, young Revolutionary Guards, the university students please arise and with hearts full of belief start and eradicate the forces of evil and join the group of martyrs. In the name of the Lord of the martyrs who says the martyrs never die and to keep Holly the blood of martyrs whose hearts were splintered in the murderous city, and let’s respect their high endeavor and their backbone and piety too. And let’s watch the ever lasting of the martyrs who are standing at the shambles, and let’s get that the martyrs hereby want to make us to understand that the dieing for God is not meaningless but it means everlasting, they have devoted their hearts full of love and trustworthy and they opposed the enemies angrily to kill the helplessness and incapability in our hearts. Now you who are witnessing each Moharam and martyred in each Ashura and being sacrificed in each Karbala you can swell because your red blood is storming in the passageways. Look at these all and swell. Now in our hearts there is one martyr everlasting and awake and we are linked to them for ever. Never do we believe that any martyr has died. These spread flowers in the wind Those who are drunk of martyrdom wine The plastered whispers their name at the midnight Not to say that they are forgotten