News ID: 80813
Publish Date: 25 November 2007 - 04:06
Being an active and voluntary deed that is devoid of any self centeredness, martyrdom is regarded as a valuable action and God considers a great reward for the martyrs. Since martyrdom affects different people differently, it is essential that the degree to which society is affected by this culture be investigated; in addition the other factors that influence the culture of martyrdom should also be surveyed. In order to achieve this goal i. e. the degree to which society is affected by this culture, a specific questionnaire was provided the stability of which is satisfactory. The research community includes all the junior students at the high schools of Guilan Province during the academic year of 2000 - 2001. This community was divided in to three different areas: West, East, and Centre among which 405 students were chosen at random. The means of this research were descriptive statistics (Percentage, average, variance and ….) and deductive statistics (T – Test, Variance analyze, Chaffee Test). The findings of this research indicate that:
1.There is meaningful relationship between the occupation of fathers and how well the students are affected by the culture of martyrdom at the stage of 0/1. Using variance analyze test and Chaffee Test it was clarified that the illiterate fathers are lower with regard to the degree that they are affected with this culture in comparison with the other groups. However, this degree does not change so much between the other groups of job and hence it is no meaningful.
2.There is meaningful difference between fathers and children in how well they are affected by the culture of martyrdom: a = % 1. Using the T – Test, it was clarified that fathers are more influenced by the culture of martyrdom in comparison with their children.
3.There is a meaningful difference between male and female students in the degree that they are influenced by the culture of martyrdom and this degree is about % 1. In order to measure the impact of this culture T _ Test was used and the result shows that this difference is meaningful for the advantage of the female students that is the female students are more affected by this culture.
4.There is a meaningful relationship between the major of students and the degree that they are influenced by the culture of martyrdom and this degree is about % 1. Using variance analyze test and Chaffee Test it was clarified that the mathematics students are less affected by the martyrdom culture than the students of science and humanities.
5.There is a meaningful relationship between the occupation of students’ mothers and the degree that atudents are influenced by the culture of martyrdom; that is the children of mothers with different occupations were affected by the culture of martyrdom almost similarly and the small difference is the result of mistakes in sampling.
6.There is a meaningful relationship between the occupation of students’ mothers and the degree their children are influenced by the culture of martyrdom and this degree is about % 1. Using variance analyze test and Chaffee Test it was clarified that those students whose mothers were illiterate were more affected by the culture of martyrdom and those whose mothers held academic degrees more than Bachelor Degree (B. A.) were less affected by this culture.
7.There is a meaningful relationship between the occupation of students’ fathers and the degree their children are influenced by the culture of martyrdom and this degree is about % 1. Using variance analyze test and Chaffee Test it was clarified that those students whose fathers were illiterate were more affected by the culture of martyrdom and those whose fathers held academic degrees more than Bachelor Degree (B. A.) were affected by this culture less than any other job groups and this difference was meaningful when compared to the other job groups the members of which were illiterate, or had the primary or secondary knowledge.
8.There is not a meaningful relationship between the location of the settlements of the students’ fathers – City or Village, and the degree their children are influenced by the culture of martyrdom and this degree is about % 1. Using T – Test it was determined that those students whose fathers were living in the country are more affected by the culture of martyrdom.
9.There is not a meaningful relationship between those students whose fathers were a member of the martyr families and those who are not in the degree their children are influenced by the culture of martyrdom and results of the T – Test showed that the small difference is the result of mistakes in sampling.
10.There is a meaningful relationship between the students whose fathers attended the forefront of the forced war and the degree their children are influenced by the culture of martyrdom and this degree is about % 5 and this is the outcome of the T – Test.
11.There is not a meaningful relationship between the monthly income of the family and the degree that their fathers were affected by the culture of martyrdom and the Variance Analyze Test showed that the small difference is the result of mistakes in sampling.
12.There is a meaningful difference between the viewpoints of students and their fathers about the success of the activities of Martyrs Foundation in conveying the aims of the martyrs and the meaningfulness of this difference is about % 1. this is the outcome of the T – Test and it was clarified that father have a more positive view about the success of the Martyr Foundation in conveying the aims of the martyrs in comparison to their children.
13.There is not a meaningful difference between the viewpoints of students and their fathers about collecting and keeping the cultural works remained after the martyrs such as letters and wills and etc. by Martyr Foundation. Using the T – Test among different groups it was clarified that the small difference is the result of mistakes in sampling and students and their fathers believed that Martyr Foundation should collect and kept the cultural works remained after the martyrs.
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