News ID: 61475
Publish Date: 26 August 2007 - 06:59
Among freemen, there are individuals that in artistic areas have shown their creativities and interests and improved a lot. During captivity, they used their arts and skills to teach other Iranian prisoners so that many of interested prisoners during captivity got require advantages and grew their talents in these areas. Each of individuals had special abilities that greatly used provided situations like; learning foreign languages, handicrafts despite less facility indeed with the worst facilities, different sports, theater, painter, nicely written art, continue studying, get familiar with basic culture and geography of our country's different regions (there were prisoners from each village and city of Iran). Even Iranian prisoner doctors like masters taught basic medical science to interested individuals; therefore, our dear freemen entered Iran with a heavy backpack full of experiences and constructive trainings.

One of these interested and talented freemen is Mr. Abas Falahati that has been interested in painting since eight years old and many different times practiced painting and in this way his father encouraged him. His attempt reached to the point that at age sixteen created his first picturesque story. In revolution era used his paint and designing in political areas and in serving at the revolution's goals enjoyed them. After calling to serve in military and participate in battlefield used his art in areas of exciting and encouraging soldiers and warlords. And during captivity, by his friend's request established designing classes that daily had eight classes of designing and painting, teaching, different stages like anatomy, perspective, landscapes and colors were taught. Each class course was seven or eight months and many prisoners that had creativity and artistic interest took a lot advantages. These artistic activities caused that prisoners forget the suffering and pain of captivity, and with enthusiasm and interest thought of a triumph future but these activities caused the anger and enmity of Iraqis and they prevented the classes' continuing. As a result, teaching continued in secret and individually. Till after accepting resolution the possibility of openly activity provided that the consequence of this period work, was writing a picturesque story called "Baz Mande" (Survivor) that for many times was read by prisoners in barracks and camps that was effective in their spirit lifting and stability.
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