News ID: 53471
Publish Date: 25 July 2007 - 09:05

Different ways of absorbing public cooperation for reverencing martyrs and their families in Lorestan Province

In this research, you will encounter two main variables. First, we talk about the subject and variable of reverence of martyrs and their families. The second subject and variable of this study is absorption of public cooperation in complementing martyrs and their families.

In this research, you will encounter two main variables. First, we talk about the subject and variable of reverence of martyrs and their families. The second subject and variable of this study is absorption of public cooperation in complementing martyrs and their families.


1-1.           Introduction:

 In this research, you will encounter two main variables. First, we talk about the subject and variable of reverence of martyrs and their families. Undoubtedly, the key role of preserving merits and principles governing our Islamic society is up to martyrs and their great families. If there was not honored martyrs’ sacrifice and their families’ patience, sobriety, and resistance, aliens and their elements have treaded our dear country, and there was not only no sign of values and norms of the Islamic republic of Iran, but also whoever may even think about it would now suffer prison, torture, and execution. Martyrs irrigated the tree of Islam with their blood. Their families transferred their message of sacrifice to the next generations with persistence and played the role of their messengers in the age of darkness, corruption, blasphemy rule, and the global dominance on humanism.

 Then, complementing these martyrs materialistically and spiritually and supporting their great families is a heavy task, which weighs on people and the Islamic republic authorities’ shoulders.  Facts in the third decade of the Islamic republic governance reveal that public cooperation in complementing martyrs have been decreased and there is the probability of an oblivion about martyrs’ messages and mission by decreasing public cooperation in martyrs’ reverence. Martyrs and their families play a significant role in preserving alliance and norms of the society.

This role necessitates people and authorities to try more seriously in reverencing them. Not considering such a matter in the present situation of the society reveals the necessity of performing a scientific research for finding ways to increase people’s cooperation as well as authorities in reverencing martyrs and their families’. Consequently, merits they had made might become less important and gradually, their goals and objectives will be forgotten passing the time. Then, cooperation of people in martyrs’ reverence and complementation will result in preservation of values coming from their altruism and reverend families. 

The main question of this survey is to absorb public cooperation for reverencing martyrs and their families. One of the most necessary social needs of the Islamic society of Iran is to pay attention to martyrs and their families as well as reverencing them. For example, Giving material awards, governmental trophies, the advantage of universities admittance, employment in the governmental organizations, introduction of complementing people in medias, honoring of the high-ranked authorities in the system from complementing people, production of movies and documentaries from revering people’s lives.

Requesting adaptability of authorities’ life with martyrs’, presenting citations to the ones who complemented martyrs, performing martyrs’ wills, revealing real face of martyrs to the society, increasing the propagandas about the model role of martyrs, and so on so forth, are other ways of reverencing martyrs. The second subject and variable of this study is absorption of public cooperation in complementing martyrs and their families.

 In fact, what is public cooperation and how does it happen? What are the backgrounds of emerging such a phenomenon? In addition, how we can succeed to encourage social groups to cooperate voluntarily in such affairs, which have a prominent role in social alliance and all society? Cooperation in collective lives and playing social roles are the most important needs in a society and can be considered as the most urgent and elementary paces in actualizing a civil society and afterwards, reaching the social justice and convenience.

Although people’s social cooperation does not aim directly the redistribution of the society’s resources, at least, it can provide the essentials of saving people from falling into deprivation trap and overcoming other data-x-items of this trap such as isolation, fragility, poverty, continuance of deprivation, etc. by rejecting the theory of “Powerlessness” and providing the basics of playing a social role and cooperating in decision-makings through “Empowerment.” In other words, society has been formed from a balance between two basic elements of “Individual” and “Society.” Combination of these two elements makes three distinct statuses theoretically.  The first status is mere disorder. In this status, the person is independent and apart from the mass as a need machine. Here, he can never satisfy his greedy needs and so, he is affected to mere Anomie.

The second status is Heteronomy in which the person is like a cultural puppet in hand of social powers and men-in-power. The last status is Self-determination in which the person owns the moral of responsibility by gaining an integrated and independent personality through the process of socialization. Then, he will move alongside of personal and collective goals in an innovative, criticizing, and constructive manner. (Chalbi, Masoud, 1375).

Therefore, from the point of sociology, it is observed theoretically that to create necessary motivation in people for expanding their social cooperation, the society needs some elements, necessities, and backgrounds to fulfill such a thing. In this research, regarding the counted backgrounds, we are going to recognize ways of expanding people’s cooperation in reverence of martyrs as a social value from the point of people and governmental authorities.  

The main question of this study is that how we can increase public cooperation in revering martyrs and their families. The questions of the study consisted of:

1. How much and how people may participate in martyrs’ reverence?

2. How much governmental organizations cooperate in martyrs’ reverence.

 3. How we can increase people’s cooperation in martyrs and their families’ reverence?

4. Can we increase martyrs and their families’ honor in society by doing the following things? Giving material awards, governmental trophies, the advantage of universities admittance, employment in the governmental organizations, introduction of complementing people in medias, honoring of the high-ranked authorities in the system from complementing people, production of movies and documentaries from revering people’s lives, adaptability of authorities’ life with martyrs’, presenting citations to the ones who complemented martyrs, performing martyrs’ wills, revealing real face of martyrs to the society, increasing the propagandas about the model role of martyrs, etc.  The study has been done by the descriptive method and geodesic method as well as a questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by experts’ certification, and its stability was confirmed by calculation of the Richardson Coefficient.

The sample population was whole residents of Lorestan Province aged between 15 and 64 who were about 1100000 people. They had been selected by the method of multi-session sampling and Talk man table. This way, 600 sample people were selected from throughout the Province.  To analyze the data, researchers used the program Spss and the conclusion by calculating the frequency tables, correlation coefficient, and factor analysis. Finally, they found the most important ways that are as follows. According to authorities of organizations, the most important ways of increasing public reverence of martyrs based on factor analysis of data consist of:    1.Presenting in Obsequies of martyrs

2. Presenting in martyrs’ funerals

3. Presenting on martyrs’ graves 

4. Visiting martyrs’ families 5.Satisfying cultural, artistic, athletic, and material needs martyrs’ families

6. Giving priority to martyrs’ reverencing people in university admittance and governmental jobs employment

7. Introduction of martyrs’ reverencing people 

8. Giving material awards and governmental trophies to martyrs’ reverencing people

9.         Reverence from high-ranked authorities of the system and giving citations to them  

10. Printing books and making movies of martyrs’ reverencing people These are in priority from the point of people (According to factor analysis):

1. To continue martyrs’ way by being martyred

2. To extend martyrs’ values and culture

3. To satisfy cultural needs of martyrs’ families

4. To express martyrs’ prominent features for everyone  The following suggestions were made after reviewing the survey results:

1. Taking encouraging policies in form of instructions, bylaws, etc. for reverencing people

 2. Extending martyrs’ values and culture through mass media

3. Special attention to meeting public needs of martyrs’ families

4. Awarding cultural and social advantages to reverencing 

2-1. expressing the question  5.The main question of this survey is to absorb public cooperation for reverencing martyrs and their families.  One of the most necessary social needs of the Islamic society of Iran is to pay attention to martyrs and their families as well as reverencing them. For example, Giving material awards, governmental trophies, the advantage of universities admittance, employment in the governmental organizations, introduction of complementing people in medias, honoring of the high-ranked authorities in the system from complementing people, production of movies and documentaries from revering people’s lives.

Requesting adaptability of authorities’ life with martyrs’, presenting citations to the ones who complemented martyrs, performing martyrs’ wills, revealing real face of martyrs to the society, increasing the propagandas about the model role of martyrs, and so on so forth, are other ways of reverencing martyrs.

 Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic republic of Iran, says in Shahrivar 31, 1361 (22nd September, 1982) “You should cherish the memory of devoted martyrs to whom the Islamic republic and nation’s victories owe. You should gratify dear paralyzed, damaged, and homeless people who were resistant for the sake of God’s dominance. You should mollify martyrs’ families.”

 The nation’s leader focused on martyrs’ families and giving priorities to them this way in his command to found the martyr foundation:

1. Cultural Priority: it means that they must enter schools and universities without any exam or barrier and with full convenience.

2.         Economical Priority: it means that they must be provided with houses, properties, life utensils, and other life requirements.

 3. Employment Priority: it means that disabled and martyrs’ families must have priority in governmental employment without any professional test or job experience. Reverencing martyrs and their families means honoring them and regarding a theoretical and practical value for them in social, cultural, and economical affairs, which are required. Based on this, it must be clear in this survey that firstly, how to reverence martyrs and their families, and secondly, how people and governmental organizations are persistent in such reverence, and how much they cooperate in this question.

The last question is that how we can increase this participation. Can we increase their reverence by giving them material or spiritual awards? Can we increase their reverence by giving them citations, governmental medals, university admittance without any pain, governmental employment regardless of their level of education, skill, or experience, introducing reverencing people in mass media and making movies and documentaries based on lives of reverencing people as well as writing books and printing them? 

Can we reverence martyrs by leveling the life style of system authorities with martyrs? Can we reverence martyrs by performing their wills, which were about giving the most service to people from authorities? Can we reverence martyrs and make people participate more in their reverence by revealing the real face of martyrs to people? (By printing books, making films, and writing in Press) Can we increase people’s participation by increasing role model of martyrs in society? These are questions and variables to which we could not find any scientific and reliable answer in this research.

 Three processes cause public cooperation in everything, the socialization process, internalization process, and the process of putting public and volunteer activities into practice. To increase people’s cooperation in reverencing martyrs and their families, first, the majority of the society must regard a role model for martyrs; second, the spirit of volunteer activities about this thing must be developed among them. 

3-1. the necessity and goals of research:  Undoubtedly, martyrs and their families play a significant role in preserving alliance and norms of the society. This role necessitates people and authorities to try more seriously in reverencing them. Not considering such a matter in the present situation of the society reveals the necessity of performing a scientific research for finding ways to increase people’s cooperation as well as authorities in reverencing martyrs and their families’. 

Goals of this research are originated in a social cooperation theory and its effect on developing a region as follows:

1. Scientific goals: it consists of opening a scientific way for martyrs and their families and their situation in society

2 .Functional goals: 

2.1.      Studying the amount of people’s cooperation in reverencing martyrs and their families 2.2.studying the amount of organizations’ cooperation in reverencing martyrs and their families

2.3. Offering methods in order to expand people's cooperation and organizations in reverencing martyrs and their families

4-1. the study questions  Reverencing martyrs and their families means honoring them and regarding a theoretical and practical value for them in social, cultural, and economical affairs, which are required. Based on this, it must be clear in this survey that firstly, how to reverence martyrs and their families, and secondly, how people and governmental offices are serious in such reverence, and how much they can participate in this question.

 The main question in this study, which was affected by the issue of reverence toward martyrs and their families, was that “What are suitable ways in which we can increase and internalize people, authorities, and organizations’ cooperation and participation in reverencing martyrs and their families?”  Following them, these questions 1.How much people cooperate in reverencing martyrs and their families in the society? 2. How much do governmental organizations cooperate in reverencing martyrs and their families in the society?

3. How much can we increase their cooperation in reverencing martyrs and their families?

4. Can we do that by presenting on martyrs’ graves? 

5. Can we do that by visiting martyrs’ families?

6. Can we do that by satisfying cultural, artistic, athletic, and material needs of martyrs’ families?

7. Can we do that by giving priority to martyrs’ reverencing people in university admittance and governmental jobs employment?

8. Can we do that by introduction of martyrs’ reverencing people?

9. Can we do that by giving material awards and governmental trophies to martyrs’ reverencing people?

10. Can we do that by reverence from high-ranked authorities of the system and giving citations to them? 

 11. Can we do that by printing books and making movies of martyrs’ reverencing people?

12. Can we do that by leveling authorities’ life styles with martyrs’ life styles?

13. Can we do that by giving citations to martyrs’ families and the ones who reverenced them? 14. Can we do that by performing martyrs’ wills that was about giving the most service to people by authorities?

15. Can we do that by revealing the real face of martyrs to people through making movies and printing books about the life styles of martyrs and their families? 

1-3. Research Method This research has been done using descriptive method and geodesic method. 

2-3. Sample population This research has two sample populations:

1.Residents of Lorestan Province who were between 15 and 64 years old and were about 1100000 people according to the statistics of 1375

2. all Administrative officials of governmental organizations in Lorestan Province who were about 100 people

 3-3. Sampling method

 1. The sample of authorities of governmental organizations who were selected by statistics was about 100 people

2. The sample of people who were used for this survey and were selected by multi-session sampling method and the formula of sample volume as follows:

2.1. Cluster sampling of 10 civil points in regions of the province that were recognized suitable according the details of next pages

2.2. Selecting clusters of 10 blocs from each city in the first phase

2.3. Selecting random clusters of living units from every civil bloc using base number of 2 and distance number of 6

2.4. Random selection of responsive person living in each unit using the base number of 3 and the distance number of 4 from among inhabitants over 15 years old of families residing in each unit. It was described in the previous pages. 

4-3. Sampling volume and the method of determining it:  The sampling volume of the governmental organizations’ authorities using the method of statistics was about 100 people. The sampling volume has determined using Talkman table and in order to making sure of validity and stability, sampling was determined 600 people (approximately two times of 384 people suggested by Talkman’s table)

 5-3. Tools for measuring data In this study, we used two techniques of primary and secondary collection as follows:

1.         The primary technique consists of two actualized questionnaire including governmental authorities’ questionnaire having 1 open question and 26 closed questions, and people’s questionnaire having one open question and 30 closed questions. Besides, firstly, a questionnaire was provided for heuristic and primary study about finding the mentioned ways in research, and offered to people and governmental authorities. Then, the main questionnaires were edited using the mentioned questionnaires results. 

2.         The secondary technique including library studies were done in order to editing the theoretical part of the research.   6-3. Validity and stability of research To measure the validity of research, we used the opinions of Educational Science, Psychology, and Sociology experts.

 To measure stability of research, we used the method of “Test-retest” in which the Richardson coefficient was equal to 0.76 showing the stability of research tool.  7-3. Data analysis technique This project has been done using software “spss”, specialized for social science, frequency tables, and graphical graphs. In necessary conditions, we calculated non-parametrical coherent coefficient and research data analysis. 

8-4. Operational expression of definitions In this survey, two main variables of methods of absorbing public cooperation, and reverencing martyrs and their families were studied. The meaning of methods of absorbing public cooperation is discovering ways of absorbing people in presence that is more influential, organized, and impressive in a social affair. In this research, according to the study questions, 11 variables were studied whose operational definition is as follows:

1.         Giving material awards to reverencing people the means we should complement the ones who tried to reverence martyrs and their families by designing a bylaw and in form of paying money.

2. Giving governmental citations means we should give the reverencing people a governmental medal or citation by designing a bylaw.

3.         Giving the priority of admittance to universities and employment in governmental organizations means we should give these priorities and advantages to the ones who tried to reverence martyrs and their families in any way possible.

4. Introduction do reverencing people means that we should provide facilities for introducing reverencing people from mass media to everyone, or producing and making movies based on their lives to encourage other members of society.

5. Complementation of high-ranked governmental authorities from reverencing people means once in a year, we should send reverencing people to meet the supreme leader and the three powers heads collectively in order to expand the culture of reverence.

6. Making movies from their lives means we should produce movies from prominent points of their lives in order to expand their role model in the society.

 7.        Adaptability of governmental authorities’ life styles to martyrs means that the system’s authorities must have a plain life following martyrs’ life styles and avoid convenience and luxury in order to preserve martyrdom culture in the society.

8.         Giving medals to reverencing people means that we should give reverencing people citation boards signed by governmental authorities and propagandize about this matter as much as possible.

9.         Giving services by authorities to people means that martyrs’ wills must be performed saying that authorities must be servants of people.

10. Producing movies and books of martyrs’ lives is performed in order to make everyone know the real face of martyrs through movies, books, and theater for increasing people’s respect toward them.

11. Propagandizing about martyrs’ role play means that the prominent and significant humanistic and divine features of martyrs should be introduced to people in order to increase their respect toward martyrs.

Table 2 Row the name Population of town Percent of the town from


 Sample share of town whole population of towns each town 600 samples



45/675 %





























In cases in which the resident population in each bloc could not succeed to cover the mentioned coverage, we refer to the next bloc number in the same section on the map to fulfill this task.

1-5. answering the research questions: This study had four main questions. 1.The quality and ways of people’s cooperation in reverencing martyrs

2. The quality and ways of organizations’ cooperation in reverencing martyrs

 3. The quality and ways of increasing people’s cooperation in reverencing martyrs 4. The quality and ways of increasing organizations’ cooperation in reverencing martyrs In answering the first questions, the following results appeared: 1.88% of people answered by presence in martyrs’ funeral (popular) 2.89% of people answered by presence in martyrs’ memorial ceremonies (popular) 3.86% of people answered by presence on martyrs’ graves (popular) 4.65% of people answered by continuance of martyrs’ way (popular) 5.86% of people answered by extension of values accepted by martyrs (popular) In answering the second question, the following results appeared: 1.97% of officials answered by presence in martyrs’ funeral (official) 2.98% of officials answered by presence in martyrs’ memorial ceremonies (official) 3.98% of officials answered by presence on martyrs’ graves (official) 4.64% of officials answered by continuance of martyrs’ way (official) 5.97% of officials answered by extension of values accepted by martyrs (official)

 2-5. expressing the research results: To answer the second questions about the quality of increasing popular cooperation in reverencing martyrs, we used the method of factor analysis of data to get the desired results.

Factor analysis is performed in two phases: 1.Drawing the factor 2.Rotating the factor Besides, the following hypothesis must be regarded for the factor analysis:

1.         The index of sampling sufficiency (kmo “Kaiser”, Meyer, Olkin) must be, at least, 0.7 and preferably higher than that.

 2. The result of the Bartlett test of sphericity must be significant statistically.

3. The factor load of each question in a factor matrix and rotated matrix must be, at least, 0.3 and preferably higher than that.

4. Calculation of matrix determinant in order to drawing factors must be zero. After the above calculations and being sure about performing factor analysis, the calculation operation will go on. In this research, first, the factor analysis was performed primarily. To determine the number of factors, we used the curves and graphs. In the second phase, using the results driven from the first phase was used in order to rotating factors by the method of Varimax and Principle Method. The result of people’s responses in the factor analysis was as follows:

1. The index of sampling sufficiency is equal to 0.919 that is more than 0.7.

2. The level of significance of Bartlett sphericity test result was also less than 0.001. Then, we can conclude according to both criteria that performing factor analysis based on coherent matrix in sample groups will be provable. 

2. The primary results of factor analysis The primary results of main variables demonstrate that questions number 16 (satisfying artistic needs of martyrs’ families), 17 (satisfying athletic needs), 18 (satisfying material needs), 19 (giving material award to reverencing people), 20 (giving priority of university admittance and governmental job employment to reverencing people), 21 (propagandizing and introducing reverencing people from mass media), 22 (giving governmental medal to reverencing people), 23 (complementation of governmental authorities from them), 24 (printing biography and producing movies from reverencing people’s lives), 25 (adaptability of authorities’ life style to martyrs’ lives), 26 (performing their wills about giving services to people), 27 (giving citations to them) have factor load of less than 0.3. After being omitted, according to the curve of screen plot, two factors were drawn.

The first factor was martyrs funeral, and the second factor was reverencing their families and satisfying their needs.  By reviewing the rotated matrix, we find out that variables in the questionnaires 9, 10, 11, and 12 have loads on the factor. Questions number 13, 14, 15, and 28 have loads on the second factor. The factor rotation was performed three times.  In fact, these results demonstrate that according to people: 1. Presence in martyrs’ funeral can increase the reverence. 2. Presence in martyrs’ memorial can increase the reverence. 3. Presence on martyrs’ graves can increase the reverence. 4. Continuance of martyrs’ ways can increase the reverence. 5. Extension and merits of martyrs can increase their reverence.      

   The results taken from official samples are as follows:

1. The index of sampling sufficiency Olkin- Meyer- Kmo (Kaiser) was equal to 0.845, which is more than 0.7.

2.         The level of significance of Bartlett sphericity test was less than 0.0001. Based on both criteria, we can conclude that performing factor analysis will be provable.

2. The primary results of factor analysis: The primary results show that questions 29, 30, 31, 32 have less than 0.3 factors load. After omitting, according to the curve of screen plot graph, one factor was selected for drawing that included variables of memorial of martyrs.

The primary statistic results driven from the main variables show that the special value of these four factors is greater than 1. The amount of variance shared among variables for these four factors equals to 67/951% of variances of all variables. If one factor is driven from the sum of questions according to the results of performing factor analysis and the mentioned indexes, 43/235% of whole variance is defined. The special value of this factor equals to 7/35. Since we have driven just one factor, the rotary matrix is not defined. In fact, the written variables in questions 27, 28, 33, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, have loads on the first factor meaning we should perform such efforts for increasing martyrs’ reverence according to official responsive people.

1. Presenting in Obsequies of martyrs

2. Presenting in martyrs’ funerals

3. Presenting on martyrs’ graves 

4. Visiting martyrs’ families

5. Satisfying cultural, artistic, athletic, and material needs martyrs’ families 6.Giving priority to martyrs’ reverencing people in university admittance and governmental jobs employment

7.         Introduction of martyrs’ reverencing people  8.Giving material awards and governmental trophies to martyrs’ reverencing people 9.Reverence from high-ranked authorities of the system and giving citations to them   10.Printing books and making movies of martyrs’ reverencing people   We can see from comparing factor analysis of two groups of responders that popular and official responders have communion in variables related to martyrs’ funeral (6 variables), and in variable of satisfying cultural need of martyrs’ families; but they had discord in other variables. In other words, to encounter the increase of public and official cooperation in reverencing martyrs, it is necessary to provide people and organizations’ presence in martyrs’ memorial, continuance of martyrs’ way, extension of martyrs’ values and culture, expression of martyrs’ features for the society, and satisfaction of cultural needs of martyrs’ families as much as possible. According to governmental organizations, we must use encouraging policies as well as provide people’s presence in martyrs’ memorial. These policies include satisfying cultural, artistic, athletic, and material needs of martyrs’ families, giving university admittance and governmental employment, giving citations and material awards, propaganda and introduction, printing books and producing movies of reverencing people’s lives, and high-ranked authorities’ gratification from them. Then, it is observed that the selected model of research and its theoretical framework is approved by data using factor analysis.

3-5. research suggestions

1. Creating necessary motivations for more presence of people in martyrs’ memorial and funeral

2. Extending culture and values driven from martyrdom in society through actualizing martyrs’ wills by governmental authorities, leveling rulers’ life style with martyrs’ lives and providing the possibilities for continuance of martyrs’ way by providing the background of martyr like death in the society

3. Complete satisfaction of living, cultural, artistic, and athletic needs of martyrs’ families as well as permanent inspection of martyrs’ families by people and authorities.

4. Making encouraging policies for reverencing people in the society from governmental organizations and the Martyr Foundation throughout the country as well as increasing motivations of reverencing martyrs among social groups in the society. 5. We suggest that the Martyr Foundation approve bylaw of encouraging policies of increasing martyrs’ reverence and provide an execution guaranty for its performance. 6. We suggest that we should do necessary efforts to determine how particular social groups’ cooperation, especially adolescents and youth’s, can participate in increasing martyrs’ reverence and cherish their memories and objectives by complementary studies. 

Research Limitations:  Fortunately, the present research faced the least limitation. Maybe, as a kind of limitation, we can refer to not providing mentioned and suggested presents for offering responders. It was mostly because of financial shortages of the Martyr Foundation of Lorestan.

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