News ID: 386227
Publish Date: 30 December 2024 - 23:30
The following is the full text of the speech delivered by Imam Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with a number of elegists and eulogists. The meeting took place in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah on December 22, 2024, the birth anniversary of Lady Fatimah Zahra (pbuh), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

All praise is due to God, Lord of the Worlds, and may peace and greetings be upon our Master and our Prophet, Abul-Qasim al-Mustafa Muhammad, and upon his untainted, pure, chosen Progeny, particularly the Remnant of God on earth.

I would like to offer my congratulations to you on the blessed birth anniversary of the Lady of the Women of the Worlds and the chosen one of the Seal of the Prophets, Fatimah Zahra (pbuh). Our gathering today is very luminous, spiritual, and pleasant. Both you, the dear brothers and sisters who are listening, and the performers and reciters have truly, really provided us with the spiritual mood we all needed today. May God protect you and support you, God willing. I would like to share a few words on Fatimah Zahra (pbuh), followed by a short discussion about matters related to elegies and elegists. I will also touch upon some current issues.

Almighty God cites two women as examples for all of humanity, both men and women, "And Allah cites an example for those who believe: the wife of Pharaoh ..." (Quran 66:11) and then, "And Mary, the daughter of Imran ..." (66:12). These are two women whom Almighty God has chosen as models for all of humanity, not just for women but for both women and men. A narration from both Shia and Sunni sources has been reported in various ways in which it’s reported that the Prophet (pbuh) said, "The virtue of my daughter, Zahra, is greater and higher than those two women" (Ibn Shahr Ashub, Manaqib al-Abi Talib, 3: 323). It’s important to note that when it’s said that these women are examples, it’s not just talking about their virtues. Pay attention to this fact that they’re also role models. They’re a peak.

You and I may never reach that peak, and we definitely won’t, but we must nevertheless move toward it. During the brief period of Fatimah Zahra's (pbuh) life after the Holy Prophet (pbuh), which was 2 or 3 months according to various narrations, everything that was manifested by this noble lady and was seen by everyone can serve as a model for all of humanity, not just for Muslims.

The fact that a young woman who was alone rose up against a large crowd, a power, a government, defended what was right, was courageous, convinced all logical people with her reasoning, didn’t leave any matters half-finished, and continued to state those same truths and the solid foundations of faith whenever the women of Medina would come to visit her until the very last days of her life was something that could only be accomplished by an eminent, distinguished, unique figure like Fatimah Zahra (pbuh).

However, each of these qualities is a model: standing up for what is right, courage, outspokenness, strong reasoning, and standing firmly. This is what Almighty God has stated in the Quran, "Rise up for Allah’s sake in pairs or singly" (34:46). If there are two of you, rise and stand firmly for God against that which is contrary to His command. If there aren’t two of you and you are alone, still rise up. The true example of this noble verse is Fatimah Zahra (pbuh).

Khwarazmi, a Sunni scholar, narrated a hadith in which he said that the Messenger of God (pbuh) addressed Salman. Salman was his top companion, number one. The Prophet stated, "The love of my Fatimah is beneficial in one hundred places." The love of my Fatimah is beneficial for you in one hundred places. That is, one hundred places after this worldly life. "The easiest of those places is at death and in the grave" (Maqtal al-Hussain, 1: 100). So, the love of Fatimah will benefit you in one hundred places, and the easiest of those is at death and in the grave.

Very well, so this hadith is about the love of Fatimah Zahra (pbuh). At first glance, the meaning of this hadith is that if you love Fatimah Zahra (pbuh), this virtue belongs to you. Well, this is indeed correct and there is nothing wrong with this meaning. Your love for Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) has this quality that it will benefit you in one hundred places. But when we look more closely, we see there is another meaning alongside this one as well, which is that "Fatimah Zahra’s love for a person" has this benefit.

This is also common in our Persian expressions. They say, "So-and-so's friendship will be useful for you." What does that mean? It’s referring to his/her friendship with you. Very well, this is important. This is difficult. That first meaning is easy. Anyone who sees that sun, that radiant moon, those shining stars, and those virtues will develop a love for her. But the second part, where she develops a love for you, that is the difficult part.

What’s suitable for our gathering with elegists and eulogists is a part of this statement. Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) develops a love for someone who looks at her characteristics as a model in their life. One of these characteristics is "clarification." From the very beginning, Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) began to clarify matters. She presented the truth to the entire audience and all those who were unaware of it, were aware but were ignoring it, or were aware but had forgotten it. "Clarification" is the most important thing Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) did.

The practice of Maddahi [the recitation of elegies and eulogies] is a way to follow Fatimah Zahra (pbuh) in her act of clarification. Let me add here that the programs carried out by these gentlemen today involved clarification. In other words, along with them expressing their emotions and love for the Ahl al-Bayt (pbut), they also clarified the truth. They explained current realities. Fatimah Zahra also explained the realities of her time, the issues that arose in her time and were current-day issues. She spoke of them. Clarifying the issues of the day is a very important duty.

Thus, it has been narrated that the Prophet (pbuh) said, "Indeed, a believer engages in jihad with his soul, his sword, and his tongue" (Tafsir Nemooneh, 15: 383). A believer engages in jihad. Sometimes this is with his own life, meaning he goes to the battlefield. Sometimes it’s with his sword, meaning he uses weapons. And sometimes it’s with his tongue. Going to battle using one’s tongue is one of the important forms of jihad, and at times it can be more influential and more significant than jihad with one's life. You, our elegists and eulogists who are here in this gathering, as well as all the elegists and eulogists throughout the country, are the ones being addressed here — jihad using one’s tongue.

Well, you have the tools for this jihad. You have a hybrid art. Maddahi is a hybrid art form. Both the framework and the content are art; both the words and the meaning are art. In other words, several arts have come together to create an elegy or eulogy. I want us to appreciate the value of Maddahi, both we and the reciters themselves should appreciate this. Maddahi is a combination of several arts: the art of voice, the art of melody, the art of poetry, the art of managing a crowd — which in itself is a great art — and the art of engaging with people face-to-face. You don't have face-to-face interaction with people in social media. But in a real gathering, in the real world, you speak to people face-to-face. This itself is an important art.

So, Maddahi is a full-fledged medium. Since it’s a medium, it can serve as a tool for clarification. It’s an important tool for clarification. We need clarification today. Today, sowing doubts is one of the enemy’s main methods. They devise plans. Now, some of this is evident in the news that you see, but some isn’t. [However,] we are aware of this. They devise plans and spend money to divert people’s minds from the truth. Who is the one who needs to respond to this? Who should set the record straight? Who should provide the necessary clarification? You are among those who are able to undertake this important mission.

If your act of Maddahi gives awareness — awareness first — then gives hope, isn’t discouraging, and is also motivating, that’s when you have accomplished a fundamental, great task, which cannot be achieved using many other tools of speech and propagation. You can combat the enemy's fearmongering. One of the enemy's main tactics is fearmongering, to frighten people. You can counter the enemy's attempts to sow discord and create despair.

You see, each of these points that I'm making is a fundamental element. Reviving society and those very things that you mentioned here, such as "We won’t be defeated," "We will raise the flag of Islam in the Golan," "We will defend the sacred shrine in Syria," and similar statements are related to these points. In other words, we must fight against the enemy's fearmongering, combat their attempts to sow discord, and counter their efforts to create despair.

The main tool of the enemy is to instill fear and fearmongering. You are strong, but they publicize your weaknesses to frighten you. Your hands are full, but they say that your hands are empty to discourage you. You need to pay attention to these matters.

In the early days of Islam during the Battle of Uhud, the Muslims suffered a setback. A person like Hamza, the Master of Martyrs, was martyred. Someone like Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh), the Commander of the Faithful, was wounded from head to toe. Even Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) himself was injured. Several people were martyred. When they returned to Medina, the hypocrites saw this as a good opportunity to sow seeds of doubt and to exploit this situation for propaganda purposes. They started to spread doubts by saying, "Indeed, the people have gathered against you, so fear them" (Quran 3:173). They started saying these things.

Almighty God revealed a verse because of this. This verse of the Quran states, "Indeed, that’s only Satan who is frightening his followers. So do not fear them" (3:175). [The Quran said that] it’s the devil that’s trying to instill fear in his followers, so don’t be afraid of them. The powerful words of the Quran silenced the deceitful hypocrites. Today, you must say, "Indeed, that’s only Satan." Those who are skilled in literature or poetry and intellectuals should sit down and think. They should create a logic that is both acceptable and pleasing to the audience that is presented in the form of poetry, uses the tone of elegies or eulogies, and is in the esteemed position of eulogizing and praising the Ahl al-Bayt. They need to convey this to the people, "Indeed, that’s only Satan who is frightening his followers."

The main headlines in our region today are issues related to Syria. I don’t want to give an analysis. Others can do the analyzing, but I have a few things to say on this topic. First, a group of rioters with the help of foreign governments and their planning and schemes were able to take advantage of Syria’s internal weaknesses and sink it into instability and chaos.

About two or three weeks ago, I said in a speech right here that the US’s plan to dominate countries involves one of two things. They either try to establish a dictatorial regime with which they can negotiate, talk to, and divide the country's interests among themselves. Either this, or if this doesn't work, then chaos and unrest ensue. In Syria, [events] led to riots. They created chaos. Now, in their own delusion, they feel they’ve won.

The US, the Zionist regime, and those who are allied with them feel that they’ve achieved victory and they’ve started making extravagant claims. This is a characteristic of those who follow the devil. When they feel they’re victorious, they lose control of what they’re saying and start making ridiculous claims and speaking nonsense. Today, they have resorted to nonsensical talk.

One of the absurd statements that a US official has made is the following. This is the essence of what he says; he doesn't say it outright. He implies it, but it’s quite clear that what he’s saying is the following. He says that whoever creates riots in Iran will receive their support. The fools are illusional! First point, the first point is that the Iranian nation with their strong steps will trample underfoot any US mercenary [here] who accepts this role.

The second point is that the Zionists try to show they’re victorious and adopt the façade of victors. They come and speak, making extravagant claims and boasting. You wretched people! Where have you won? Have you won in Gaza? They’ve killed over 40,000 women, children, and infants with bombs, but they haven’t been able to achieve even one of the goals they initially announced. Is this victory? Have you destroyed Hamas? Have you freed your own prisoners?

You said you wanted to destroy Hezbollah. You martyred someone like Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah with all his grandeur. Were you able to destroy Hezbollah? Hezbollah is alive. The Palestinian Resistance is alive. Hamas is alive. Islamic Jihad is alive. You haven’t won. You’ve been defeated. Yes, the path was open for you in Syria. There wasn't even one soldier with a gun to stop you. You were able to advance a few kilometers [into Syria] with your tanks and military equipment. This isn’t victory. This isn’t victory. There was no obstacle blocking you. This isn’t victory. Indeed, the courageous, devout young people of Syria will definitely expel you from there.

The third point is that in their various propaganda — they’re dealing with the Islamic Republic, right? — they repeatedly say that the Islamic Republic has lost its proxies in the region. This is another completely false statement. The Islamic Republic doesn’t have proxy forces. Yemen fights due to its faith. Hezbollah fights because its powerful faith pulls it to the battlefield. Hamas and Islamic Jihad fight because their beliefs compel them to do so. They don’t act on our behalf. If we decide to take action one day, we don’t need proxy forces.

Honorable, faithful men are present and will continue to be present in Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, and, God willing, in Syria soon. They are fighting against oppression and crime for their own sake, and they’re fighting the sinister, imposed Zionist regime. We too are fighting, and, God willing, we will eliminate this regime from the region.

What I am saying is not a political statement. Rather, it’s truths that we have experienced firsthand. Hezbollah — it’s good for you to know this — Hezbollah, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, is an honorable, strong, solid, powerful group that emerged from the unrest in Lebanon in the 1980s. At that time, the entire region was in chaos. There were civil wars, riots, and insecurity. Amidst insecurity, from the heart of this threat, the opportunity of Hezbollah arose and it emerged.

Before [the loss of] our dear martyr, Sayyid Hassan [Nasrallah], there was the late Sayyid Abbas [Mousavi] and others as well. They too were martyred. Not only did their martyrdom not weaken Hezbollah, they strengthened it. It’s the same today, and it will be the same tomorrow. From the heart of threats, opportunities arise if we pay attention, have a sense of responsibility, fulfill our duties, and demonstrate what is in our hearts and in our words with our actions.

I foresee that a strong, honorable group will emerge in Syria as well. The Syrian youth have nothing to lose. Their universities are unsafe, their schools are unsafe, their homes are unsafe, their streets are unsafe, and their lives aren’t safe. What can they do? They must stand with firm determination against those who have orchestrated and brought about this insecurity, and, God willing, they [the Syrians] will prevail over them. By God's grace, the future of the region will be better tomorrow than what it is today.

May God’s greetings, mercy, and blessings be upon you.

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