News ID: 386116
Publish Date: 04 April 2020 - 01:10

The Society of Sacred Defense Photographers is a Souvenir of martyr Saeed Jan Bozorgi

Mujtaba Aghayee, the photographer of Sacred Defense Era and the comrade of martyr Saeed Jan Bozorgi said: "One of the most important characteristics of martyr Jan Bozorgi was that he would never give up any work uncompleted. Also establishing the society of Sacred Defense Photographers indicates this reality and indeed this society is a souvenir which has been left from this respectful martyr.”

 He added "Saeed was present in most of the scenes of sacred defense era and this presence made him able to create great and unique works and the photos of Halabja are a sample in this field.”

This experienced photographer of the Sacred Defense Era also pointed out to this issue that martyr Saeed Jan Bozorgi was a person who was so serious to follow his activities and he said: "One of the other characteristics that Saeed had was that he would take part in the meetings relevant to the Society of Sacred Defense Photographers and he would admire the other members to regularly attend the meetings as well.”

This photographer of Sacred Defense Era and the comrade of martyr Saeed Jan Bozorgi said: "The most important characteristic of Saeed Jan Bozorgi as a photographer of war was his modesty and humility.

Aghayee added: "Even though Saeed had great scientific degrees and even he presented a great thesis in this field, but he never attempted to show off.”

This photographer of the Sacred Defense Era and the comrade of martyr Jan Bozorgi at the end of this interview notified: "The other unsaid issues regarding martyr Saeed Jan Bozorgi can be seen among the photos that he has taken.”

The End

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