News ID: 385836
Publish Date: 23 June 2019 - 11:27

The Biography of Martyr Ali Toranlou

Ali Toranlou was born in 21/02/1957 in a religious family. He grew up in an Islamic family. during the Adolescence period, he became familiar with the Imam Khomeini's revolution. finally he had joined the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.

The Biography of Martyr Ali Toranlou

Ali Toranlou was born in 21/02/1957 in a religious family. He grew up in an Islamic family. After the Adolescence period, he became familiar with the Imam Khomeini's revolution. After the Islamic revolution Victory he had joined the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps.

Navideshahed - Ali Toranlou was born in 21/02/1957 in a religious family. He grew up in an Islamic family. After the Adolescence period, he became familiar with the Imam Khomeini's revolution. After the Islamic revolution Victory he had joined the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps. During the Adolescence period he stood against the Pahlavi Regime after the Islamic victory had joined the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in 1980. He fought against the Kurdistan conflict against the anti-revolution elements.

Ali moved to the region and participated in different operations. Martyr Ali Toranlou went to Syria with Haj Ahmad Motavaselian. When the Bathi forces attacked to our country he set as the deputy commander of Ansar al Rasoul (SA) battalion. He participated in the Fath al Mobin and Bait al Moghadas operations and finally martyred in the Kheibar Operation.

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