News ID: 385677
Publish Date: 10 February 2019 - 12:11

Testament Of Martyr "Mohammad Ahmadi Javan"

Thanks GOD, since you deserve me into the right religion. thanks to help me being as the follower of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Testament Of Martyr


In The Name Of GOG, The GOD Of Martyrs and Innocence

Thanks GOD, since you deserve me into the right religion. thanks to help me being as the follower of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
My Lord I'll come toward you to protect the religion which I believe in. I am very happy as you blessed me Jihad to protect the shrine of Hazrat Zainab (SA).

Dear Father and Mother
I am ashamed of you if I had a bad behavior of you. forgive me and pray to the Lord to not to be ashamed in eternal life.
my dear brother and sister; I order you to fear of GOD. you should support Imam Khamenei completely.
Now I walk firmly toward Jihad and I request my families and friends forgive me.

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