News ID: 385675
Publish Date: 09 February 2019 - 12:03

Testament of shrine Defender Martyr" Sajjad Tahernia"

thanks for your unsparing efforts, I am ashamed of not being beside you and do the service. I hope Hazrat Ali)AL) and Hazrat Zahra(SA) be your intercessor. forgive me.

Testament of shrine Defender Martyr


In The Name Of GOD, The Most Compassionate The Most Merciful

Two important recommendations:

1) Every day read the Ashura Pilgrimage
2) Contentment in all affairs

My Parents:

thanks for your unsparing efforts, I am ashamed of not being beside you and do the service. I hope Hazrat Ali)AL) and Hazrat Zahra(SA) be your intercessor. forgive me.

I beg you, as always, help and support my wife and children.

My Dear Wife:

I beg your health and patience from Hazrat Zainab (SA). thanks for every thing, since you support me in all parts of our life. tell my children how much I love them. remember to put your trust in GOD and contentment in all stages. I apologize for the hardships of life. give my greetings to your parents and tell them, thank you for every thing.

Hello to my children that GOD knows how much I love you. help your mother and study your lessons well. think to GOD in all parts of your life. dear Fatemeh observe your Hijab like your mother.
Dear Mohammad Hussein that I did not see you, I believe that, like your sister, you are the gift behalf of Hazrat Roqiyyeh to me. Although I'd like to see you but I could not.
forgive your father and don't leave your mother alone. follow Imam Khamenei, respect your grand parents. I'd like Fatemeh being Hafiz of Quran and Mohammad Hussein being reciter of the Quran.

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