News ID: 385618
Publish Date: 02 January 2019 - 09:24

Martyr morteza motahhari

Apart from theses literal discussions, Shahid Motahhari was a reviver and his revivalism was more evident in issues related to young people.

Martyr morteza motahhari


Apart from theses literal discussions, Shahid Motahhari was a reviver and his revivalism was more evident in issues related to young people, as most of his audiences and students were young. Young people take advices and are ready to revive; therefore the look of Shahid Motahari in 1930s and 1940s was more inclined to young, thoughtful and academic society. Thoughts of Shahid Motahari jeopardized the position of young people and made them think. Each of his books was a reply to young people needs. For example women’s` right in Islam or Hijab met young people needs. Because the traditional women of that time wore Hijab, meeting young people needs was the main reason of writing these books.

source: Shahed Javan Monthly Magazine No 129
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