News ID: 385546
Publish Date: 06 November 2018 - 10:01
A research about sociology and psychology ;

Analyzing the effects of martyr's photos on the society

The present research will analyze the effects of martyr's photos as calligraphy , banner , billboard , poster etc to the public in city .
The present research will analyze the effects of martyr's photos as calligraphy , banner , billboard , poster etc to the public in city .

By the report of Navideshahed ( IRAN ) :

The present research will analyze the effects of martyr's photos as calligraphy , banner , billboard , poster etc to the public in city . a research was prepared with the title of the effects of martyr's photos to the society by Abbas Hajipoor Arani in 2004 .

Analyzing the effects of martyr's photos on the society

The research analyzed the effects of martyr's photos on the people of Tehran and the researcher prepared it during the limited time .

The recent research is being prepared in 4 chapters .

First chapter : anonymous art in the world

Second chapter : the nature of the martyr's photos

Third chapter : the social reaction of people as they faced with the martyr's photo

Fourth chapter : the research results in Tehran

The importance of the research :

8 years holy defense created an important parts in the Iranian history and it had it effects on our life . we saw different photo of martyrs every days . We saw different photos as ; calligraphy , banners , posters , billboards etc .

Now here is a question : Is it a right action to show the martyr's photos in such a way ? and what was the reaction of people as they saw the photos ?

The recent research is trying to analyze the effects of martyr's photos in Tehran as Sociology and Psychology.

In the present research , the researcher collected different photos of martyrs and displayed them in the society with a scientific questionnaire in order to achieve an appropriate result .

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