News ID: 385510
Publish Date: 20 October 2018 - 11:39

34 days resistance in Khorramshahr and the role of the Iranian Army Navy

The Iranian Army Navy played an important role in the 34 days of Resistance in Khorramshahr, while people and the Army forces fought against the enemies , shoulder to shoulder.
The Iranian Army Navy played an important role in the 34 days of Resistance in Khorramshahr, while people and the Army forces fought against the enemies , shoulder to shoulder.

By the report of Navideshahed ( Iran ) :

The Iranian Army Navy played an important role in the 34 days of Resistance in Khorramshahr, while people and the Army forces fought against the enemies , shoulder to shoulder.

We could call the Iranian Army Navy as an effective group during the 34 days of resistance in Khorramshahr against the Bathi regime ( Iraqi forces ) . Navy Forces commanders were fighting beside the Corps Guard Forces and people in Khorramshahr against the crucial Bathi and resisted against them . the bellow passage is a narration by one of those commanders .

People helped us to defend from Khorramshahr kindly . we never used our desert kitchen , since it was people who always prepared food for us .

It was 4th of Mehr ( the lunar date ) that the enemy ( Bathi forces ) had come to NOU Bridge ( name of a bridge through Shalamcheh road ) . Iranian forces stood against them and forced them to retreat and we caught 21 of them as captive .

Under the present circumstances we were looking for help , but no helping exist . the next day the Iraqi forces started a new attack , so we were forced to retreat. Finally we stopped them at the NOU bridge and did not let them to improve .

At night , the Iraqi forces were not good at operation and they really threat from their own shadow .

As they said: where ever we went the Iranian Navy forces were in .

The Iranian Army Navy and 34 days of resistance in Khorramshahr

It was 17th or 18th of Mehr that our forces identified the location of the enemy in a professional operation and decided to attack them at night . all the forces were organized around their location and commanders attacked them so they were forced to retreat for 4 kilometers .

103 forces of us were martyred and about 300 were injured during the 34 days of resistance in Khorramshahr . the most important operations during those days …. 1) Samen al Aemeh Operation 2) Fath ul Mobin operation and 3) Bait ul Moghadas operation

Before the Samen ul Aemeh operation , the commander battalion and a battalion from Khorasan started an operation with the name of Zolfaghar. During the operation the main road in Khorramshahr were under our control.

Some of our forces went and did not permit them ( the Iraqi forces ) to make a bridge on the BAhmanshir river . after that colonel Kahtari helped us and designed an important operation with the name of Zolfaghar in which 600 of Bathi forces were killed .

This lost caused the enemy's sprite weak , so the high degree commanders decided to create another operation against them .

Samen ul Aemeh , Fath ul Mobin and Bait ul Moghadas operations performed successfully which caused the victory of Khorramshahr .

The navi forces had an active role in the Bait ul Moghadas operation that carried the injuries who were participated in that operation among the Karkheh river ( name of a river ) and Karoun river ( name of a river ) . during the operation the western parts of Karoun river were under the control of the commanders when the other forces became closer from the north and the east north to Khorramshahr .

At the third of Khordad ( the lunar date ) when the other forces entered to the Khorramshahr from north , the navy forces entered to the Khorramshahr from the eastern parts of the Karoun river and it was the 3rd of Khordad which all the forces gathered together at the Rah Ahan square ( name of a squre in Khorramshahr ) .

At the moments many Iraqi forces retreated and many others were caught as captives .

Source: No 145 – Shahed Yaran – Monthly Magazine

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