News ID: 385503
Publish Date: 30 September 2018 - 12:19

Martyr Mahdi Bakeri's Testament

Major General Mahdi Bakeri, martyred in the Badr operation in Majnoon Island. He is Ali Bakeri’s brother ( martyr of revolution).

Martyr Mahdi Bakeri's Testament

By the report of Navideshahed ( Iran ):

Martyr Mahdi Bakeri’s testament includes 2 parts. The first part which is available on the cyberspace, but the second part is a hand write script to his wife which expressed his willing…

Major General Mahdi Bakeri, martyred in the Badr operation in Majnoon Island. He is Ali Bakeri’s brother ( martyr of revolution).

Ali who was graduated from Sharif University in chemistry engineering field martyred by SAWAK ( a crucial organization during Pahlavi’s period ).

This is the unpublished parts that you read …

Oh my lord … how write my testament? Since I feel guilty … I know how generous and gracious you are , but I afraid that you do not forgive me …

My GOD … I want to die in your path, how lovely you are.

My great leader of revolution (Imam Khomeini) who saved us from the crucial regime. We should be his soldiers, we should be aware of inner temptation. You the lover of Imam Hussein, … we shall welcome the testimony.

Now I want to talk with my mother, father, brothers , sisters and relatives…

Islam is the only way of rescue and happiness, always remember your creator and obey him and try to grow your children up in the path of martyrdom like Hazrat Abbas ( AL ) and finally I hope God bless me.

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