News ID: 385483
Publish Date: 23 September 2018 - 15:30
A thesis which was written by Hussein Dehghani

The social effects of martyrdom in Shia

A thesis was written with a title of " The social effects of martyrdom in Shia " by Hussein Dehghani in 1999 . it is available in the specific library of Issar and Martyrdom .
A thesis was written with a title of " The social effects of martyrdom in Shia " by Hussein Dehghani in 1999 . it is available in the specific library of Issar and Martyrdom .

By the report of Navideshahed ( IRAN ) :

A thesis was written with a title of " The social effects of martyrdom in Shia " by Hussein Dehghani in 1999 . it is available in the specific library of Issar and Martyrdom . Hussein Dehghani prepared a thesis with the title of " The social effects of martyrdom in Shia " . he had completed it with the cooperation of Dr. Mahdi Adibi Saddeh .

The statements of Imam Khomeini ( RA ) about martyrdom :

Martyrdom in the path of God results a proud life and is like a guide for all the nations .

The social effects of martyrdom in Shia

Martyrdom is an gift for those whom are qualified , on the behalf of GOD . martyrdom is the highest and the best level from the point of view of Islam . so we can say that :

Islamic revolution will be stable with culture of Issar and Martyrdom . we will find a Laic system ( regime ) when we did not work on our religious culture which is martyrdom . you never will find a religious that had no enemies so we prepared the research to show the social effects of martyrdom in Shia .

Those who enjoy the topic , can easily find it at the specific library of Issar and Martyrdom in Tehran.

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