News ID: 385457
Publish Date: 08 September 2018 - 12:44
IN 2010 – 2011

The analysis of Martyr's Testament

A thesis was written by the title of " the analysis of martyr's testament " according to the martyr's view by Dr. Hujjatullah Frahani in 2010 – 2011 .

The analysis of Martyr's Testament

By the report of Navideshahed ( IRAN ) :

A thesis was written by the title of " the analysis of martyr's testament " according to the martyr's view by Dr. Hujjatullah Frahani in 2010 – 2011 .

A thesis was written by the title of " the analysis of martyr's testament " with the cooperation of the foundation of martyr's testament and Veteran Affairs in 2010 – 2011 .

This is a study on the martyr's testament who emphasized on prayers, Dua and Quran explained about personality outcomes , cultural and political – social out comes.

The main researcher of this thesis was Dr. Hujjatullah Farahani , he had completed it with the cooperation of Farnaz Azaramnia , Laleh Sameh and Dr. Abbas Rahimi Nejad .

Analyzing the martyr's view in connection with Dua , prayer and Quran was the main goal of the researcher . there are 18 questions in the recent research which had been reviewed as ( prayer , Dua , and Quran ) the martyr's view and their implications according to their testaments . this testament had been carried out on 1300 testaments , the testaments had been selected accidently .

The results showed that ; martyrs emphasized on prayer more than everything and they also emphasized on Dua and reading holy Quran . they totally emphasized on the ethical , social and political effects of prayers .

This research divided into 5 sections. Now let's read the following questions as listed :

1) How much they emphasized on prayer according to their testament ?

2) How much they emphasized on daily prayer according to their testament ?

3) How much they emphasized on congregation prayer according to their testament ?

4) How much they emphasized on Friday prayed according to their testament ?

5) How much they emphasized on night prayer according to their testament ?

6) How much they emphasized on the unread prayer according to their testament ?

7) How much they emphasized on ethical implication of prayer according to their testament ?

8) How much they emphasized on personality implication of prayer according to their testament ?

9) How much they emphasized on cultural implication of prayer according to their testament ?

10) How much they emphasized on social – political of prayers according to their testament ?

11) How much they emphasized on Dua according to their testament ?

12) How much they emphasized on naming God?

13) How much they emphasized on reading holy Quran according to their testament ?

14) The differences between the martyr's emphasis on prayer , Dua and Quran according to their testament ?

15) The differences between the martyr's emphasis on personality , cultural , social – political and ethical implications of prayers according to their age ?

16) The differences between the martyr's emphasis on personality , cultural , social – political and ethical implications of Dua according to their age ?

17) The differences between the martyr's emphasis on personality , cultural , social – political and ethical implications of reading holy Quran according to their age ?

18) The differences between the martyr's emphasis on personality , cultural , social – political and ethical implications of naming God according to their age ?

Those who enjoyed the thesis can find it at the specialized library of Issar & Martyrdom in Tehran .

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