News ID: 385430
Publish Date: 19 August 2018 - 11:21

Multimedia software of “ Martyr Abbas Doran” published

A new multimedia software which explained the biography of Martyr Abbas Doran published with the title of “ My Hero “ .

Multimedia software of

By the report of Navideshahed ( IRAN ) :

A new multimedia software which explained the biography of Martyr Abbas Doran published with the title of " My Hero " .

My hero is the title of a new multimedia software which published for the anniversary of martyrdom of Martyr Abbas Doran . this multimedia which was published by Rahian Noor Central Foundation , helped us to be familiar with the martyr’s life and his characteristic .

It is one of the most complete software in this field which completely explained the life , characters and biography of the great martyr .

Let’s introduce some parts of this multimedia software :

Biography ( birth , childhood , education , martyrdom )

Operation ( before the war , holy defense , operations )

Photo , films , sounds ) this software also included : hand writings and testaments

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