News ID: 385417
Publish Date: 06 August 2018 - 12:22

Newly Muslim Martyr

They went to the Martyr’s cemetery after two days. They were supposed to opened the grave and transfer the pure body to Tehran on the order of Foundation Of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs of Isfahan ( city in Iran ) province …

Newly Muslim Martyr

Now let’s read the full passage:

They went to the Martyr’s cemetery after two days. They were supposed to opened the grave and transfer the pure body to Tehran on the order of Foundation Of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs of Isfahan ( city in Iran ) province.

By the report of Navideshahed (IRAN ) : after the bombing of Sayyed Mosque ( is the name of mosque in Isfahan ) in Isfahan a martyr whose name was Anatoli Mirzaei had bring to the martyr’s Golestan ( Martyr’s Cemetery ) in 1986 . he is a alone martyr and has no family and relatives in Isfahan , people told us at the day . after the time we understood that he was Christian .

After the funeral ceremony, we buried him . some days later some Christian came us from Tehran and said : the martyr is one of family’s member so we will open the grave and transfer his pure body to Tehran by the order of Prosecutor . we will transfer him to the Armenian Cemetery in Tehran , there will be no problem if you can bring the order of prosecutor .

They had taken the prosecutor’s order and came back . according to the order which was given by the Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs of Isfahan , tomorrow we shall open the grave and transfer the pure body to Tehran . at night I dreamed the martyr who told me : Do not let them separate me from the other martyrs, since I am Muslim and no longer a Christian .

As I woke up in the morning I asked GOD to show me a sign for the dream. I postponed the grave opening for the healthy issues and told them : you should wait for some days .

During those days while I was waiting for a sign, a person who was from Khomeini Shahr ( city in Isfahan ) came , as I explained him the matter told me : Martyr Anatoli Mirzaei was the driver of my truck , he had changed his religious to Islam and prayed . as I hear the words , I explained the story to those Christian and they accepted .

Finally Anatoli Mirzaei’s pure body remained at the same martyr’s cemetery beside his friends .

Narrator : Asad Allah Makki Nejad

Source : 2010 – Gholam Ali Rajaei – 1th volume – Martyr’s Dignity – Celestial Moments

Publication : Shahed Publication

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