News ID: 385358
Publish Date: 19 May 2018 - 10:27

The Tondgouyan editorial!

The lonelyand aclose martyrto god! Martyr Mohandas Mohammad Javad tondgouyan was the most important high ranking state official of the IRI who was taken as a POW by the Saddam Regime’s Baathi Zionist mercenaries

The Tondgouyan editorial!

Navideshahed, The lonelyand aclose martyrto god! Martyr Mohandas Mohammad Javad tondgouyan was the most important high ranking state official of the IRI who was taken as a POW by the Saddam Regime’s Baathi Zionist mercenaries! The review of the life and the activities of this oil minister of the martyr Mohammad Ali Rajai cabinet who was taken as a POW exactly 40 days after the beginning of the imposed war would well reflect the story of the activities of the holy war years and oppressed companions of the great Khomeini.
Mohandas Tondgouyan who has been called beautifully the lonely martyr by the leader of the revolution who was taken as a POW by the cooperation of the enemy who was facing us and the fifth column internal enemies. He tolerated years of hard physical and psychological tortures and the pain of being away from his family and patry and did not say a word against his companions and co-citizens.
He gave his life in the peak of his youth for his highly valued ideas and rejoined the almighty walking tall. Tondgouyan was one of the young people who was passing his teenage years when Imam Khomeini began his rebellion in the early 1960s and Imam responding to the mercenaries of the Pahlavi Regime call them his movement’s companions. The
forecast of the vanguard of the movement was realized beautifully and Tondgouyan in the 1970s while acquiring the academic knowledge and enjoying the dear lecturers in the uinivercity like martyr Motahhari, Dr.Shariiati and Allameh Jafari began his open and hidden struggle against the regime and paid its price by going to jail and also being away from the good social positions his deserve. In continuation and by the victory of the Islamic revolution in 1979 Mohandas Tondgouyan was among the so many young people who were experts and ready to serve Islam and the patry and the field of management was the best bed for the services to the highly valued ideas of the Islamic revolution. But the occurrence of the imposed war took away so many of these expert young men from us. Tondgouyan in his loneliness stood firm like a libertine Cyprus strong with the intention of getting closer to the almighty God and registered his name with calamity and honor among these young men. He was a hero like other heroes of the scared defense. Young chieftains like martyrs Bakeri, Hemmat, Jahan Ara, Kolah Douz and so many other martyrs of the scared defense years.
May your memory be recalled with honor and dignity Mohammad Javad Tondgouyan thou the loneliest martyr thou the loneliest the closest to the most high god the all mighty.

source: shahed yaran

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