News ID: 385353
Publish Date: 30 May 2018 - 09:41

Jesus of Kurdestan

What a strange century is 20th century. It seems the century is not yet over, though we are 11 years past it. This century was the century of Khomeini and his apostles’ emergence.

Jesus of Kurdestan

Navideshahed, What a strange century is 20th century. It seems the century is not yet over, though we are 11 years past it. This century was the century of Khomeini and his apostles’ emergence.

Mohammad Broujerdi Nasab inherited from a father who stood tall against feudals and khans and died in youth before he coulde see his 40. Mohammad had a young mother who took upon herself both the role of father and mother for him. With such background, he saw a horizon before himself that demanded seamless effort and endeavour. It looked liked as if he knew he would die sooner than his father and celebrate his 30th birthday in heavens.

Mohammad looked at every angle of life (education, going to cinema, working in a workshop, etc) an excuse for a harder endeavour. He wanted an Islamic Iran that none (Iran and Islam) would compromise for the other, but wicked men never wanted these two to co-exist.

He heard the call of his own time’s Hossein (Khomeini) that asked for help and responded with all his heart. He remained faithful to the end when he engaged in West of Iran Karbela. Mohammad as a rebel before Islamic revolution, or a Sipah commander in terbulant regions of the West of Iran, or even as a simple Sipah soldier always remained a faithful and incomparable soldier to his Imam Khomeini. Although he always was put in a situation that looked less important, but no other person except him could be put in that situation. For his supreme guide and leader he was a soldier who remembered the greatest martyr’s , Hossein, words on the night of Ashoora about his soldiers: "I swear to God that I have never seen or heard of soldiers and companions as faithful as you.”

Iran was like a bare desert that nothing could ever grow in it, but suddenly the fire under the ashes flamed up. A divine man’s roar made not only Iran but also whole the Middle East flare up. Broujerdi as a simple soldier (so simple as Jesus himself) was yet a great commander for his nation’s leader, Khomeini. He liked his leader as much as Hossein, and was ready to play the role of great Karbela martyrs (Moslem, Abbas and Ali Akbar) for him. Mohammad (aka Kordestan jesus) left his mother, wife and children and seeking immortality, set out for the West of Iran. He attracted the people of West Iran to him and subdued the devilish and the wicked. It was how he became the "jesus of Kurdestan.” He finally became a martyr in Kurdestan and his most valuable asset, his blood, poured on the cold land of Kurdestan brought light and hope for the next generation. The jesus of Kurdestan is reminded as a gallant cavalier who ascended to heavens in youth. His young countenance is carved on the face of history and his deeds and efforts spoken of and written about time and again.

Peace be upon you, Mohammad You, pure jesus of Kurdestan Heavenly beauty The man of Jihad and endeavor Your ways never end And your name never fades.

source: shehed yaran magazine

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