News ID: 385304
Publish Date: 03 November 2017 - 13:41

The stars of Christ in the holy defense galaxy

From the soils of “Hajj Imran” to the farewell to the Church of “Tarhmanshats” The martyr “Yurik Sardarin Seth”, the 6th of September, went to the forefront of the “Hajomran” area for the last time, and three days later, while guarding the area, he was martyred by the death of his quiver mortar and returned to the Church of Targemachates to eternal paradise.
From the soils of "Hajj Imran” to the farewell to the Church of "Tarhmanshats”According to a Defapress reporter from Arak: With the invasion of the invading land of the country, all the strata of men and women, both old and young, saw their mission as a barrier against the aggression of the enemy.

The wicked women brought their husbands, fathers and brothers to the fronts, and themselves, with strong faith in the supreme headquarters, took their determination and willpower into enemies.
The song of the Shotgun and the Mortar was heard in different cities, no matter which religion you follow and which of the scriptures you follow.

The war that began across the country shouted at the Resistance Together, and the sons of the Holy Mary, like their Muslim brothers, tighten their boot straps to prove to the perpetrator that taking possession of even a bounty of water and the soil of their sleep is in vain and unpredictable.

They also threw their Kalashnikovs and placed themselves on the front lines and, like "Hemat" and "Hadi", made immortality in the heavens.
Today, more than 30 years have passed since those days, and the sons of Mary as other martyrs shine in the sacred defense.

The martyr "Yurik Sardarian" was the eighth child of the village of 11 "Alexander" and "Tarlan", who was seen on October 16, 1343, in the village of Klave.

He spent four years of elementary school at his birthplace, Arak, and then moved to Tehran with his six brothers and two daughters.

Graduated fifth grade lessons at the Armenian Naieri School in Tehran and after graduating from Turka, he studied at the Dynamo Workshop on Saadi Street to study the profession.

This martyr Valemkham was present at the fronts for nearly 20 months from 22 months of military service, and on the 6th of September last he returned to the front lines of the Hajj Omran area, and three days later, while guarding the area, with mortar shelling, Martyred

The purified body of Yurik was buried in the Armenian cemetery following a religious ceremony at the Holy Truman Church with the presence of a large crowd of Armenians in Tehran, parliamentarians, army and state institutions.

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