News ID: 385275
Publish Date: 25 October 2017 - 09:58
With General martyr Borojerdi about Ayatollah Ashrafi Esfahani

He had a young mood

I were with martyr Ashrafi Esfahani for more than two years, that’s mean in all my serving in Bakhtaran I was with him.

He had a young mood

I were with martyr Ashrafi Esfahani for more than two years, that’s mean in all my serving in Bakhtaran I was with him. Indeed, according to problems in the region I couldn’t be with him much but any time that I went to him by seeing his deep divine position and his high mood my faith also become more straight and his words was a sign for his deep insider wisdom. That great man, when wanted to spoke about Saddam and people like him bring delicate and strong example about power of Almighty that how God destroyed these kind of people in history and put their destiny a sign for us. This wisdom and divine light cause him that in political situations obey Imam Khomeini’s states, and always he said that we must obey and act to things that Imam insist on.

He in his lectures in Friday Prayer, because of his oldness all his body was shacking but with all these conditions spoke with decisiveness which, that’s is a young man is speaking and no danger threatens him.

Though Ayatollah Ashrafi Esfahani had more than eighty years old but his mood was completely young. I've seen so few people that live simply and pay no attention to wordy affairs.

About character of this great man, I am not qualified to say much but this is obvious that he was the top five great and scientific clergies who for convicting deviation lines publish notifications. Until four of them became martyr in alter praying.

S: Retrieved from the book "Ascension to the divinity in blood signet”

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