News ID: 385238
Publish Date: 12 June 2017 - 12:12
Fateme Zolqadr

Investigation in veterans’ affairs in priority of tenth parliament

Nearly ten years passed from imposed war although the wives of martyrs and veterans couldn’t perform their role in life and society in a way that made them satisfy, and their responsibilities and duty mostly limited in raising and training children.

Investigation in veterans’ affairs in priority of tenth parliament

navide shahed: Nearly ten years passed from imposed war although the wives of martyrs and veterans couldn’t perform their role in life and society in a way that made them satisfy, and their responsibilities and duty mostly limited in raising and training children.

Nearly ten years passed from imposed war but the wives of martyrs and veterans couldn’t perform their role in life and society to make them satisfy, and their responsibilities and duty mostly limited in raising and training children. A concern that perhaps for previous generation wasn’t very serious but for young generation of martyrs and veterans’ spouses is an important request which, they are performing role beside of other women. On other hand in a situation that these women are promoters and missioners of martyr’s values and ideals their presence in society could help them to accomplish better their duty.

Furthermore, except indirect influences of war on martyrs and veterans’ wives some of these women directly harmed from war and they experienced different aspects of becoming veteran.

In situations that many veteran women requested for their veteran salary but they are those who faced with many problems and couldn’t utilized from facilities and health services which, is their right, and many of them are hardly trying to get these facilities for their treatments.

In this case, we could point out to those veteran women’s problems who their sickness become worse because of expensive treatment and high costs of hospital services. Additionally before this, emphasize was on physical-treatment’s needs of veteran women but the thing that less emphasize on it was mental damages which, were accrue because of physical problems and had negative effects on their family, social and professional life and are influential on children.

In this case after victory of Islamic Revolution "the martyr and veterans affairs foundation” was established for investigating veteran affairs, and its purpose was serving to its target population, attracting their satisfaction and expanding interaction with other members of society with aim of expanding martyrdom culture. Moreover, the purpose of this foundation is martyrdoms, veterans, prisoners of war and their families. 

The way of supporting and funding of the foundation is different according to the families and spouses. Additionally, investigating needs and concerns of spouses is important because their speeches published variously in different media and the way of supporting of institutions is different depending on situation of spouses, perhaps the legislation institution of the country could serve them with approving veteran women law.

In four years of ninth Islamic Parliament all laws that was needed for veterans were approve in sentence of "Removing barriers to production” and "the law of permanent provisions” and it was in force and were approve for sixth developing program.

Moreover, the first suggestive budget bill of eleventh government was related to year of 1393 that in the first year of its working approved to the parliament and the last budget bill was in 1396 which, by President Hasan Rouhani gave to the parliament.

The duty of Parliament in two parts of making law and supervision define on performing laws. The most attention of the parliament is about female-headed household which, the spouses of martyrs and veterans included to this part. The ability of these women is the first priority of tenth parliament in the way that they could work for themselves. These laws could include supporting from rights of families or economical laws or supportive laws which, had mostly social and cultural aspects, so as I said priority of the parliament is to support them from harmful groups. This harm could include harms of war or social damages. The Islamic Parliament adjust different aspects of social and economic laws in a way that all these laws become considered and enforcement which, these women affairs could transfer to all legal provisions.

S: shahede banovan
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