News ID: 385199
Publish Date: 15 March 2017 - 10:14

Release ceremony of the book titled "With Iranian Chemical Warfare Survivors: Twenty years of International Medical Relief" was held

Release ceremony of the book "With Iranian Chemical Warfare Survivors: twenty years of International Medical Relief" by Dr. Shizuko Tsuya and Persian translation of Yaser Shahbazi was held on Monday.

Release ceremony of the book titled

Release ceremony of the book "With Iranian Chemical Warfare Survivors: twenty years of International Medical Relief" by Dr. Shizuko Tsuya and Persian translation of Yaser Shahbazi was held on Monday 13th, February 2017 from 5:30 pm till 6:50 pm at Ostad Shahnaz Hall in artists' forum with the cooperation of the Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support (SCWVS) and Tehran Peace Museum (TPM).

In beginning of the ceremony and after welcome messages expressed, Dr. Araghchi, deputy for Legal and International Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran (previous Iran ambassador to Japan) delivered a lecture. Expressing satisfaction to be in company of warfare survivors, Dr. Araghchi stated regarding the fact that most Iranians are not aware of chemical warfare survivors' sufferings in years after the war, this book serves as a milestone attempt in line with expanding the awareness level of the public about the impacts and consequences of employing chemical weapons throughout the world.

 He referred to the chemical weapons victims as the humanity resources and said: "aspiring for the establishment and guaranty of sustainable peace through communication, informing and teaching, civil activities, international networking and looking for common merits, have deep roots in beliefs of the revered victims."

In the following, the book was released in presence of Dr. Araghchi, Dr. Shizuko Tsuya and a number of chemical warfare survivors and the guests of the ceremony.

The next lecturer, Mr. Majid Rajabi Me'mar, director of the artists' forum, welcomed the audience and said: "The artists' forum had been a military base eighteen years ago but have changed to an art and culture center concurrently and this is obviously indicator of the role of art and cultural measurements in reducing wars."

Succeeding the display of a short clip titled:" Thirteen Years of Companionship", Mr. Asadoallah Mohammadi, a chemical warfare survivor and TPM volunteer guide, recited the message of TPM which a part of that is as follows: "As the experience has proved, geographical bounds, language, race, borders and various beliefs could be removed, we could get close to each other, understand each other and live on the basis of humanity essence which had been laid within every human being."

Afterwards, the Japanese piece of music "Sakora" was displayed alive by music band "Mehr Nava" and the supervision of Nazli Bakhshayesh. 
Meanwhile the program, Dr. Tsuya expressed pleasure of attending the program and said that she had truly learned and realized the impact of peace in life in recent years. The chemical warfare survivors may have been limited to physical disabilities but heart and goal supersede those limitations. She also stated: "Warfare survivors' lives have changed to a new style in succeeding years and in my opinion, not only do the warfare victims possess any limitation, but also they serve as main pillars of worldwide peace. Every individual can talk of peace; however, warfare survivors' words are the ones which impress. Thus, to cherish them is a must."

Mr. Shahbazi was the last lecturer of the program and stated:" This book was about chemical warfare survivors and had also addressed them, transference of such a feeling to audience revealed cumbersome to me, indeed. I was not acquainted with Dr. Tsuya before launching the translation; however, meanwhile the process of translating I came to know her and It appeared to me as I have been with her throughout the twenty years of travel, as I've experienced with her all joys and agonies."

The book titled "With Iranian Chemical Warfare Survivors: Twenty years of International Medical Relief" alludes to twenty years of Dr. Tsuya's efforts in international medical relief, with a focus on thirteen years of cooperation Japanese non-governmental society MOCT, SCWVS and TPM. MOCT society (defined as bridge in Russian language), aims at establishing a bridge between nations in opposition to weapons of mass destruction. Getting familiar with the society, this group found out the extensive employing of chemical weapons against Iran and then tried to cooperate with the SCWVS and the TPM through medical researches, informing, and educational, cultural and scientific interactions. The three organizations had also previously published the "Atlas of Mustard Gas Injuries" in three languages.

The book " With Iranian Chemical Warfare Survivors: Twenty years of International Medical Relief", has been published by "Rasanesh Novin Publication" in illustrated form in 182 pages. The book is available at Tehran Peace Museum for the public to provide it.

S: tehran peace museum
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