News ID: 385145
Publish Date: 26 December 2016 - 08:52

With family of Christian martyr “Robert Lazar”, On the occasion of Christian New Year

visiting and having dialogue with martyrs’ family always have a notable feeling especially with martyrs’ mothers, in particular if visitation be with a Christian martyr family in beginning of Christian New Year.

Dedicated of Navid Shahed on occasion of Christian New Year: visiting and having dialogue with martyrs’ family always have a notable feeling especially with martyrs’ mothers, in particular if visitation be with a Christian martyr family in beginning of Christian New Year.

Easter smell comes from all over this small house, from Christmas three, Nuts and candies that were settled on the table, from kind mother’s look, even from picture frame that was hanging besides the decorated pine three. Everything is ready for New Year.

Mother and his elder son welcomed us and with their sweet accent greeted us and wanted from us to sit around the table. "Blonia” the mother, and "Alfred” the elder brother are family of Christian martyr in Holy Defense era and they are our hosts.

When we entered their house, there were two picture frames on the wall, one picture of martyr Robert Lazar and one was picture of Imam Khomeini and The Supreme Leader.

Blonia sent his youngest child for fighting with Ba’th of Iraq in case of defeating from homeland and in this path was shed his pure blood.

Robert without informing his family took dispatch book and went to Jihad path and after 40 days military trainings went to GilanQarb region and defeating from his country.

The mother said: I said to Robert that don’t go to soldiering, it is war and there are thousands risks, but Robert answered: the enemy attacked to my country and killed my countrymen, I couldn’t see all my countrymen scarifying themselves for homeland and I only look at them, I must attend too.

Alfred said: before he went, he donated all his stuffs between his friends, jacket, ring, linen, shirt and … anything that was new he gave it to his friends and he said to them that I will go to war and I never come back, forgive me.

The mother fell in tears and remembered the memories of that day.

Robert went and attended to the path of Jihad and was fight with his Muslim brothers for defeating from the homeland. He was injured once and was sent to Tehran and admitted in a hospital but he was exited to go back to the battles. His sick leave was not finished that he wanted to go to the battles. His family insisted to him that stay until you become better then you can go. But Robert without listening to them said that my friends are waiting for me and they needed me.

Alfred said: his soldiering was finished but he didn’t want to come back. I went after him to bring him back but he didn’t accept. Robert after resolution became martyrdom. Firstly they said to us that he became prison. Then when we went to house of his fellow, he said that Robert was behind the gun until his last moments.

With family of Christian martyr

Robert’s fellow said: whatever I said we must go back, he didn’t accept to come until a shell was hit the stronghold and he was injured. When the enemy came to us, they hit my head with butt stock and I fainted. When I regained conciseness in Ba’qube, I asked that do you brought someone with me? And they said: No.

The story of 8 years mother’s ignorance from his 22 years son was begin. It was the year of 75 and it was supposed to funeral 1000 martyr in Qods day in Tehran. The mother hug the picture of his son and went to martyrs funeral. She was inspired that Robert is also with these martyrs.

Alfred said: it was Thursday and from Me’raj called us that our brother is come back and he is going buried with those 1000 martyre. The day after was Qods day. My mother didn’t know anything but she was inspired. When neighbors heard about Robert, they came to my brother’s funeral. All of them gathered in church and were mourning and said these mottos: today is mourning day and today Holy Christ is attributing” and "congratulate to union of Muslim and Christina.”

I asked from mother that are you missed Robert? Do you see him in your dreams? She fell in tears and said: Robert always is with me, anytime and anywhere. We live with together but he didn’t come to my dreams and I missed him a lot.

Blonia narrated a sweet memory, it seems that she didn’t want to make us sad. She said: last year, a few days was left to Christmas, we has the honor of hosting from the Supreme Leader. That day was the best day of my life and I never forget it. She said: this man is very honorable, brave and free. We Iranians are proud of this man.

I asked from Alfred that if enemy tries to attack our country, are you going to defeat from country. He answered me: I spent two years of my serving soldiering in Panjvin region but I didn’t achieve the proud of martyrdom like Robert and if the enemy tries to attack I would scarify my life. Now also I like to go to Syria with Shrine defeaters and scarify my inconsiderable life.

When Blonia heard the word of Shrine defeaters said: the authorities must attributed martyrs, today Christian and Muslim are living in peace with each other and this is because of martyrs’ brevity, they mustn’t let the blood of martyrs become wasted and look after martyrs’ family and make sympathy with them.

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