News ID: 385142
Publish Date: 20 December 2016 - 15:47

General Secretary of the World forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of thoughts: today Iranians are fighting for Iraqi and Iraqis are fighting for Iranians

The General Secretary of the World forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of thoughts in an interview with reporter of Navid Shahed said: today Iranian for Iraqi and Iraqis for Iranian scarify and become martyr.

Navideshahed: The General Secretary of the World forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of thoughts in an interview with reporter of Navid Shahed said: today Iranian for Iraqi and Iraqis for Iranian scarify and become martyr.

Ayatollah Mohsen Araki on the sidelines of the press conference of thirtieth international conference of Islamic Unity in central museum of Martyrs, in an exclusive interview with Navid Shahed’s reporter talked about dialogue of scarification and martyrdom that is one of main components of Islamic unity.

The General Secretary of the World forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of thoughts declared: after years of imposed war of Ba’th against Iranian people, now Iranians are the most popular nations in the world and in heart of Iraqi people.
He while tears flowing from his eyes, continued: one of the most Martyrdom’s scenes is this kind of martyrdom that since revolution era we are observing it, and that is Iranian dedication for Iraqis and Iraqi sacrifices for Iranians… If our nation knows we’ve had a few thousand Iraqi martyr in fighting with regime of Ba’th-which are 4 hundred Iraqi veterans- then today they will know answers of their questions about resistance front.
The General Secretary added: if our fighters are fighting against Isis and Takfiris, is the answer of that kindnesses and scarifications of Badr Army. Our brothers in that time came to help us and now we are observing Iranian youth martyrdom courage for defensing from Shrines of Alollah.

Ayatollah Araki emphasized: this great lesson of martyrdom must present in our art, drama and medias and these martyrdoms are objective representation on unity.
He in continue with mentioning to this point that today Iranian are defeating from Syria borders, Sonni for defeating from their country are becoming martyr, declared: Sonni scholars’ martyr are dying in the path of revolution and this is pure expression of Islamic unity, as Sheikh al-Islam Mamusta was one of great revolution’s martyrs who become martyr by hypocrisy.

The General Secretary of the World forum for Proximity of Islamic Schools of thoughts noted: one of great effects of unity is in martyrdom and it is reflected in martyrs positioning.

At end, Ayatollah Araki mentioned: Afghani, Iraqi, Iranian, Syrian, Fatemi, Alavis, Hasaniyon, Hussenion are defeating from one purpose and today the culture of martyrdom dialogue reach to youths of Islam World and this mobilization of today’s youth generation in Islam World is result of martyrdom dialogue and resistance and Islamic revolution.

The press conference of thirtieth international conference of Islamic unity with subject of "unity and the necessity of opposition with Takfiri movements” held in 23th of Azar at conference hall of martyrdom museum in Tehran.

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