News ID: 385125
Publish Date: 27 November 2016 - 10:28

Martyr Hamid Reza Madani Ghamsari Based On the Narration of His Wife

Azam Saberi Ghamsari was born on May 22, 1965 in Ghamsar city located near Kashan city. She got married with martyr Ghamsari in 1983. The result of their 9 years marriage is two children whose names are Reihaneh and Mahdi.

Azam Saberi Ghamsari was born on May 22, 1965 in Ghamsar city located near Kashan city. She got married with martyr Ghamsari in 1983. The result of their 9 years marriage is two children whose names are Reihaneh and Mahdi.

According to the reporter of Chemical Weapons Victims Information Base, Azam Saberi Ghamsari regarding the days that she got married with Hamid Reza Madani Ghamsari says:

Hamid was my cousin. She was a playmate for me during my childhood. When he proposed marriage to me, I was only 17 years old and Hamid was 19 years old.

Exactly on the third night of 1983 New Year, they came to our house with a box of sweets and a ring to propose marriage to me.

Our house was in Ghamsar city located near Kashan city.

Within 2 or 3 days all the ceremonies and the wedding party was done and we were engaged. I came to Tehran along with the family of Hamid.

Hamid went to the battlefields of Iran-Iraq war exactly after three days passing from our marriage. He came back home after 20 days.

Our common life had been started during the war and the situation lasted for 8 years, because Hamid did not leave the battlefields of Iran-Iraq war until the last moment of the war.

The spouse of martyr Hamid Reza Madani Ghamsari continued: The difficult days of the war were continued, but eventually Hamid was exposed to chemical weapons during the military operation of ‘Kheibar’ which took place in Talaeyeh war zone. When he had been exposed to chemical weapons, they had not informed us. They had sent him to Labafi Nezhad hospital located in Tehran city. After receiving treatment, he had left the hospital and he had gone to the battlefields of Iran-Iraq war once again.

But after a while I noticed that my husband had been exposed to chemical weapons, I urged so much to stop him from going to the battlefield, but he would convince me by his words and he would say: "My chastity is under danger, so I must go to the battlefields of Iran-Iraq war to defend my chastity, religion and country.”

Reporter: How was the situation after the war?

Azam Saberi Ghamsari: The war ended and Hamid returned from the war with a tired and wounded body. He never had comforts in his life anymore.

The injury of Hamid got worse. He was dispatched to Germany along with some other chemically injured patients to receive treatment.

Hamid was sent to foreign countries for several times to receive treatment, but his health condition was never good.

In 1990, they dispatched Hamid to London once again, since his health condition was so worse, he had to stay in London for three years continuously. But the health condition of Hamid got so worse in 1993 in a way that even chemotherapy was useless for him.

The doctor of Hamid became Muslim:

During the stay of my husband in London, he needed to receive blood everyday. Everyday he would ask his doctor not to inject non-Muslim blood into his vessels. Since he had a great belief in God, each time that they wanted to inject the blood of non-Muslim people into his body, his body would not accept it and this issue had made the physicians and doctors to be so surprised. In a way that when doctor Kilez noticed this issue after testing for several time, he went and he brought a black African man and he injected his blood into his body, but this time his body accepted the blood.

At the same time, doctor Kilez had told Hamid: "It was the third miracle that occurred for me by the Iranians in this hospital and he became Muslim at the same place. Doctor Kilez was in contact with Hamid as long as he was alive, when Hamid was martyred, he sent a condolence message to us as well.”

Mrs. Saberi at the continuation of her words said: "1993 was a bad year for us, because chemotherapy was useless for Hamid and the chemical gases had polluted Hamid’s blood completely and he had been affected with leukemia.

The final time that he had been sent to London, the physicians had told him that treatment is useless and they can do nothing to treat him. Hamid had asked them to do the final chemotherapy in a way that he arrives to Iran and to be martyred in his homeland. So it happened too, when Hamid arrived to Tehran, he was hospitalized and he was martyred after a few days.

All the friends and comrades of Hamid came to the hospital to visit him during the final days of his lifetime.

On the final day of his lifetime, it seemed that he knew he was going to be martyred, he saw all the persons, but his health condition got worse in the afternoon. After that visiting was forbidden. They took him to the isolated room. It was almost 8:00 o’clock that I went near his bed and he started talking with me…At the end of the night after talking so much, he asked me to turn off the lights, but I did not like to do it, because I wanted to look at him more and more, but since Hamid urged, I turned off the light, I leaned my head into the bed and I closed my eyes for a while.

After a few minutes passing, he asked: "Where am I?” I said: "Dear Hamid, you are in hospital. He asked this question again and he repeated this sentence for three times. But each time that I would say here is hospital, he would say, no here is not hospital. After that he got quiet. I thought was he was sleeping, but at 1:00 o’clock in the midnight a nurse came there and she asked me to leave the room, I was so surprised and I left the room and I observed that all the doctors went to the room of Hamid.

I was shocked so much, but eventually the doctors informed me that Hamid has been martyred.

I did not know what to do, I was so sad and I was feeling dizziness. I asked the doctors to allow me to see him once again.

I went to his room and I looked at him so much and after that I called the uncle of Hamid and I informed him the news. Until morning Izan (calling for prayer) all the relatives were informed about the news and they came to the hospital.

Since it was Friday, we could not do the burial event. So Hamid left us on Saturday, October 17, 1992 and living without him became so difficult for us.

I never forget the first night that Hamid had been martyred. At that time Mehdi was only 5 years old. On the first night that Hamid was not with us anymore, Mehdi asked: "Where is dad tonight? I said: Dad went to stay with the angels.

Mehid again asked: "mom, if our dad feels bad and needs medicines, who will give medicines to him?” I responded: "The angels look after the dad and the dad is not feeling pains and he does not need medicines anymore. Now he has slept. When I said these words to Mehdi, he became comfort and he slept.”

Losing Hamid was a bad shock for our family and our children tolerated many difficulties. Either when he was in the battlefields of Iran-Iraq wand when he returned from the war, our children never observed Hamid to have relaxation at all.

Now each time that I miss him, I go to his grave and I talk with him near his grave.

Each time that I remember that memories that I had with Hamid makes me feel good.

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