Now that the western authorities and medias consider the Tehran meeting as a very strong and powerful bomb that the Islamic Republic of Iran has exploded it in the dept of shared battle of the America and its allies; also after the statements of the supreme leader, regarding the presence of Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of United Nations and Mohammad Morsi, the Egyptian president in this summit, this event can be considered as two dreadful blows. The Persian Medias that are headquartered in the Western countries including B.B.C, Radio America, Radio Farda…have attempted to focus on the presence of Ban Ki-Moon and Morsi in order to reduce the international dishonoring of the United States of America. This event has taken place in a way that as Novel Abzerator says, it has endangered the dignity and honoring of the United States. They attempt to consider the declarations of these two guests as something which is against the goals of the summit. Therefore the following text tries to have a brief point to this twofold issue.
A: Presence of Ban Ki-Moon in the Tehran’s summit after the combined oppositions of the United States of America, Israel and some of the European countries like England has taken place. In a way that that the presence of Secretary General despite of the continuous oppositions and threats. The first was that his presence despite of the continuous oppositions and threats which showed the superiority of the summit from the threats and secondly admitting to this summit which consisted of the two third of the members states of the United Nations members.
It should be described that Ban Ki-Moon could suffice only to sending a delegate and a message! But the meeting of Tehran was the first Non-Aligned Movement summit which was being held after the wave of Islamic Awakening, the changes and revolutions of the region, the defeat of United States in its military attack to Afghanistan, forceful retreating from Iraq, the climax of Wall Street movement, the unprecedented economic crisis of the United States of America and Europe…and tens of big events of the world and region. Therefore according to this issue that the Islamic Republic of Iran was the host of this summit and according to the outstanding role of this country (Iran) internationally and regionally, it could be considered as a Milestone in the international equations. So Ban Ki-Moon as the secretary general of the United Nations could not ignore presence in this summit. Therefore by attendance of Ban Ki-Moon in the summit of Tehran, although it had been taken by the official invitation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but it was a forceful yielding to the Islamic Republic of Iran too and it can be strongly said that if the summit place was somewhere else (not in Iran), the abovementioned obligation would not exist at all.
The Persian Medias that have been headquartered in western countries work only in the level of acting against the Islamic Revolution, but the international and official medias of West consider the speeches of Ban Ki-Moon in Tehran summit as challenging the policies and outlooks of the Islamic Republic of Iran while, in the declaration of Mr. Ban Ki-Moon , no new issue and unsaid exist. Also these words had been previously mentioned by him by the official tribune of the United Nations. In fact it means his words were not something that had not been previously mentioned in the international level. Therefore no expectation would be guessed other than what he expressed during the summit. Therefore how can we accept this issue that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not paid attention to this matter when it wanted to invite him and suddenly it has encountered it during the Tehran summit?!
But on the other side, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, for the first time as the Secretary General of United Nations during his visit with the supreme leader of Islamic Revolution faced with the documentary approach that was along with reasons and undeniable documents of the Islamic Republic of Iran in proving the realization and logical point of the domestic and foreign policies of Islamic Iran. He also experienced the same aspect at the time of the speeches and statements of the supreme leader of Iran during the Tehran Summit in order to have a response for that. It is possible that it be said that before that Ban Ki-Moon was familiar with the comments and reasoning of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore in Tehran summit, he did not face with some unfamiliar words! It should be said: There is no doubt that the Secretary General of United Nations has been previously familiar with many of the reasoning and documents that were pointed out for realization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but what is really important is that until that time he had not got the opportunity to hear and see these reasoning and documents and to be responsible to respond them simultaneously. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon had already seen and heard these witnesses and reasons while he had leaned the chair of the United Nations as the Secretary General and it is obvious that the Secretary General is not obliged to respond them when he was there. But when he met with the supreme leader of Iran, the direct side of the reasoning was Mr. supreme leader and based on the international rules, he was responsible to respond them and his silence based on the culture and protocols that have been divined politically means as the inability for responding and accepting the reasoning and comments of the other side. Accordingly, from this angle also Mr. Ban Ki-Moon by his presence in the Tehran summit left a very big and significant point for the advantage of the Islamic Republic of Iran internationally.
Exactly due to this issue that by apologizing from the supreme leader, the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem wires and reasons: “Mr. Ban Ki-Moon had been trapped in a trick that had been widened for him by the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei”? and Benjamin Netanyahu after the end of the first round of summit appeared in the Israeli television and he said that since Ban Ki-Moon kept quiet at the time of hearing the claims that would consider Israel as "fierce wolves", "fake state" and "nation is doomed to fall in front of his eyes, in fact he confirmed them. Also a few hours after the meeting, Mr. "Michael Mandel Baum» the experts of in Hopkins University foreign policy expert and advisor to the U.S. Joint Bush and Obama, says to the ABC television network that we must accept this bitter reality that the presence of Ban Ki-moon in the meeting in Tehran on charges of silence means that the U.S. and Israel must be so sorry that there was more striking than expected and ...
Therefore presence of Mr. Ban Ki-Moon in the summit of Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran against the illusion that the Persian Medias headquartered in the west has been for the advantage of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Unfortunately some of the naïve domestic medias consider the same way that the Persian Medias headquartered in the West do; one of the biggest and most effective winning cards of the Islamic Republic of Iran was that incidentally by the illogical declaration of him regarding Israel, Syria and Iran’s nuclear program has been meaningful and it has been converted to the winning card of Iran and if the abovementioned declaration did not exist, this winning card would not be formed in this big scale.
B: Presence of Mr. Morsi in Tehran took place while the official authorities and Medias of West consider it as grimace of the new president of Egypt to the United States and Israel, due to the delusion transmittable aspect of Persian Medias has been pointed out mostly as negative and lesser as positive, in fact it is assessed like this! Why?!
They claim that Mohammad Morsi had a comment that was different from the outlook of Islamic Republic of Iran regarding Syria and in addition of supporting the opposition party of Syrian government, he also attacked Bashar Assad by words so obviously. But this coin has another side too and Mohammad Morsi adopted some a stance that from one side it has raised the southing of criticism by the United States of America, Israel, Europe and their allies and at the same time, the abovementioned Medias urged for the sensor of these parts of his speech. Although the Egyptian president had a different outlook regarding Syria, but in the Tehran summit, he considered Iran as brother and strategic ally of Egypt as well and he emphasized on the need to continue resistance against the occupier regime of Quds too. He also described the structure of the United Nations as something which requires reformation in order to leave its oppressive position and he also stressed on the unity of Shiites and Sunnis in order to fight against the arrogant powers. In other words, Mohammad Morsi in Tehran Summit described the new identity of Egypt. He described the new identity of Egypt as: "axis of resistance", "fighting against Israel," "strategic alliance with Iran," "unity of Shiite and Sunni resistance axis", "Egyptian opposition against Wahhabis and Salafists outlook," " considering the current structure of the UN as a cruel structure, and most important of all, he emphasized that the nature of the present regime in Egypt is Islamic and the surprise for the U.S. and its allies is that this regime is not secular anymore. So in this case, the Tehran summit was an opportunity for Mohammad Morsi that based on the saying of Scott Horton that had said another born of Iran and it had informed of isolating Washington in the world equations. Therefore according against what the Persian language medias headquartered in the west have said during the few days, specially B.B.C, Mohammad Morsi attended Tehran summit and he ended what they would consider as the identity of the nature resulted from the Egypt’s revolution and it alone was one of the great and good results of the Tehran summit for the Islamic Republic of Iran. So holding this summit in the capital of Iran, which is the standard bearer of the Islamic Awakening was a standard flag of fighting against the arrogant powers and its leading commander which is the Zionist regime and omitting this regime from the political geography of the world without this presence would not be possible. Thomas Friedman in the notes dating back to August 31, 2012 in New York Times by mentioning some of the abovementioned issues, he pointed out to the new president of Egypt and he wrote: “Mr. Morsi, your attendance in the Tehran summit was a big mistake that was done by you. By your presence in Tehran summit, you connected the new government of Egypt with Iranian government and you ignored the Camp David treaty. You talked about creating a religious government in Egypt…Mr. Morsi, you should be sorry for what you have done!”? and at the continuation of this report writes: “The Egyptian authorities had said that Mr. Morsi will stay in Tehrna only for a few days, in order to hand over the chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement to Iran. Was it really? He could do it through post or video conference and not to help Iran’s lone Greyhound in the region”? and tens of such samples that their lists is so long.
But regarding the stance of Mr. Morsi regarding Syria it should be said that the outlook of the Egyptian president in this field with other stances that have been mentioned in this ground during this summit of Tehran are not consistent and it seems that they are really unlikely that Mr. Morsi not to be aware of this inconsistency. It should be noted that when Mr. Morsi talked about the need of fighting against Zionism and Israel and supporting the pivot of resistance, how can they accept that Israel should stand against Bashar Asad and to support the rebels in Syria. Or it could be something strange if he would accept that training the terrorists in the Turkey military bases under the management of Israel experts that have been supported financially by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and what could be his description in this field? Who can consider Israel, the United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey as the fans and supporters of democracy and Islamic revolutions or as Mr. Morsi said, the Arabic springs! And now that Hosni Mubarak, Al Saud, Al Khalifa and Ali Abdollah Saleh ban Ben Ali…that had obvious violations in the coalition, the Syrian government would not support the Palestine’s resistance party? It was yesterday that Mr. Jamal Fahmi from the journalists union from Egypt in an interview with Al-Vatan considered the declaration of Mr. Morsi in supporting the opposition group of Syria as an insult to the people of Egypt and he considered it as unwanted game in the ground of the Zionist enemy.
Mr. Morsi in the Tehran summit announced the new identity of Egyptian government and this identity is not consistent with the rebels of Syrian government which is sided with United States of America, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey and for sure the comment of Morsi will be changed in the near future.
The End
By: Hussein Shariatmadari
Now that the western authorities and medias consider the Tehran meeting as a very strong and powerful bomb that the Islamic Republic of Iran has exploded it in the dept of shared battle of the America and its allies; also after the statements of the supreme leader, regarding the presence of Ban Ki-Moon, the Secretary General of United Nations and Mohammad Morsi, the Egyptian president in this summit, this event can be considered as two dreadful blows. The Persian Medias that are headquartered in the Western countries including B.B.C, Radio America, Radio Farda…have attempted to focus on the presence of Ban Ki-Moon and Morsi in order to reduce the international dishonoring of the United States of America. This event has taken place in a way that as Novel Abzerator says, it has endangered the dignity and honoring of the United States. They attempt to consider the declarations of these two guests as something which is against the goals of the summit. Therefore the following text tries to have a brief point to this twofold issue.
A: Presence of Ban Ki-Moon in the Tehran’s summit after the combined oppositions of the United States of America, Israel and some of the European countries like England has taken place. In a way that that the presence of Secretary General despite of the continuous oppositions and threats. The first was that his presence despite of the continuous oppositions and threats which showed the superiority of the summit from the threats and secondly admitting to this summit which consisted of the two third of the members states of the United Nations members.
It should be described that Ban Ki-Moon could suffice only to sending a delegate and a message! But the meeting of Tehran was the first Non-Aligned Movement summit which was being held after the wave of Islamic Awakening, the changes and revolutions of the region, the defeat of United States in its military attack to Afghanistan, forceful retreating from Iraq, the climax of Wall Street movement, the unprecedented economic crisis of the United States of America and Europe…and tens of big events of the world and region. Therefore according to this issue that the Islamic Republic of Iran was the host of this summit and according to the outstanding role of this country (Iran) internationally and regionally, it could be considered as a Milestone in the international equations. So Ban Ki-Moon as the secretary general of the United Nations could not ignore presence in this summit. Therefore by attendance of Ban Ki-Moon in the summit of Tehran, although it had been taken by the official invitation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but it was a forceful yielding to the Islamic Republic of Iran too and it can be strongly said that if the summit place was somewhere else (not in Iran), the abovementioned obligation would not exist at all.
The Persian Medias that have been headquartered in western countries work only in the level of acting against the Islamic Revolution, but the international and official medias of West consider the speeches of Ban Ki-Moon in Tehran summit as challenging the policies and outlooks of the Islamic Republic of Iran while, in the declaration of Mr. Ban Ki-Moon , no new issue and unsaid exist. Also these words had been previously mentioned by him by the official tribune of the United Nations. In fact it means his words were not something that had not been previously mentioned in the international level. Therefore no expectation would be guessed other than what he expressed during the summit. Therefore how can we accept this issue that the Islamic Republic of Iran has not paid attention to this matter when it wanted to invite him and suddenly it has encountered it during the Tehran summit?!
But on the other side, Mr. Ban Ki-Moon, for the first time as the Secretary General of United Nations during his visit with the supreme leader of Islamic Revolution faced with the documentary approach that was along with reasons and undeniable documents of the Islamic Republic of Iran in proving the realization and logical point of the domestic and foreign policies of Islamic Iran. He also experienced the same aspect at the time of the speeches and statements of the supreme leader of Iran during the Tehran Summit in order to have a response for that. It is possible that it be said that before that Ban Ki-Moon was familiar with the comments and reasoning of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore in Tehran summit, he did not face with some unfamiliar words! It should be said: There is no doubt that the Secretary General of United Nations has been previously familiar with many of the reasoning and documents that were pointed out for realization of the Islamic Republic of Iran, but what is really important is that until that time he had not got the opportunity to hear and see these reasoning and documents and to be responsible to respond them simultaneously. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon had already seen and heard these witnesses and reasons while he had leaned the chair of the United Nations as the Secretary General and it is obvious that the Secretary General is not obliged to respond them when he was there. But when he met with the supreme leader of Iran, the direct side of the reasoning was Mr. supreme leader and based on the international rules, he was responsible to respond them and his silence based on the culture and protocols that have been divined politically means as the inability for responding and accepting the reasoning and comments of the other side. Accordingly, from this angle also Mr. Ban Ki-Moon by his presence in the Tehran summit left a very big and significant point for the advantage of the Islamic Republic of Iran internationally.
Exactly due to this issue that by apologizing from the supreme leader, the Israeli newspaper Jerusalem wires and reasons: “Mr. Ban Ki-Moon had been trapped in a trick that had been widened for him by the supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei”? and Benjamin Netanyahu after the end of the first round of summit appeared in the Israeli television and he said that since Ban Ki-Moon kept quiet at the time of hearing the claims that would consider Israel as "fierce wolves", "fake state" and "nation is doomed to fall in front of his eyes, in fact he confirmed them. Also a few hours after the meeting, Mr. "Michael Mandel Baum» the experts of in Hopkins University foreign policy expert and advisor to the U.S. Joint Bush and Obama, says to the ABC television network that we must accept this bitter reality that the presence of Ban Ki-moon in the meeting in Tehran on charges of silence means that the U.S. and Israel must be so sorry that there was more striking than expected and ...
Therefore presence of Mr. Ban Ki-Moon in the summit of Non-Aligned Movement in Tehran against the illusion that the Persian Medias headquartered in the west has been for the advantage of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Unfortunately some of the naïve domestic medias consider the same way that the Persian Medias headquartered in the West do; one of the biggest and most effective winning cards of the Islamic Republic of Iran was that incidentally by the illogical declaration of him regarding Israel, Syria and Iran’s nuclear program has been meaningful and it has been converted to the winning card of Iran and if the abovementioned declaration did not exist, this winning card would not be formed in this big scale.
B: Presence of Mr. Morsi in Tehran took place while the official authorities and Medias of West consider it as grimace of the new president of Egypt to the United States and Israel, due to the delusion transmittable aspect of Persian Medias has been pointed out mostly as negative and lesser as positive, in fact it is assessed like this! Why?!
They claim that Mohammad Morsi had a comment that was different from the outlook of Islamic Republic of Iran regarding Syria and in addition of supporting the opposition party of Syrian government, he also attacked Bashar Assad by words so obviously. But this coin has another side too and Mohammad Morsi adopted some a stance that from one side it has raised the southing of criticism by the United States of America, Israel, Europe and their allies and at the same time, the abovementioned Medias urged for the sensor of these parts of his speech. Although the Egyptian president had a different outlook regarding Syria, but in the Tehran summit, he considered Iran as brother and strategic ally of Egypt as well and he emphasized on the need to continue resistance against the occupier regime of Quds too. He also described the structure of the United Nations as something which requires reformation in order to leave its oppressive position and he also stressed on the unity of Shiites and Sunnis in order to fight against the arrogant powers. In other words, Mohammad Morsi in Tehran Summit described the new identity of Egypt. He described the new identity of Egypt as: "axis of resistance", "fighting against Israel," "strategic alliance with Iran," "unity of Shiite and Sunni resistance axis", "Egyptian opposition against Wahhabis and Salafists outlook," " considering the current structure of the UN as a cruel structure, and most important of all, he emphasized that the nature of the present regime in Egypt is Islamic and the surprise for the U.S. and its allies is that this regime is not secular anymore. So in this case, the Tehran summit was an opportunity for Mohammad Morsi that based on the saying of Scott Horton that had said another born of Iran and it had informed of isolating Washington in the world equations. Therefore according against what the Persian language medias headquartered in the west have said during the few days, specially B.B.C, Mohammad Morsi attended Tehran summit and he ended what they would consider as the identity of the nature resulted from the Egypt’s revolution and it alone was one of the great and good results of the Tehran summit for the Islamic Republic of Iran. So holding this summit in the capital of Iran, which is the standard bearer of the Islamic Awakening was a standard flag of fighting against the arrogant powers and its leading commander which is the Zionist regime and omitting this regime from the political geography of the world without this presence would not be possible. Thomas Friedman in the notes dating back to August 31, 2012 in New York Times by mentioning some of the abovementioned issues, he pointed out to the new president of Egypt and he wrote: “Mr. Morsi, your attendance in the Tehran summit was a big mistake that was done by you. By your presence in Tehran summit, you connected the new government of Egypt with Iranian government and you ignored the Camp David treaty. You talked about creating a religious government in Egypt…Mr. Morsi, you should be sorry for what you have done!”? and at the continuation of this report writes: “The Egyptian authorities had said that Mr. Morsi will stay in Tehrna only for a few days, in order to hand over the chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement to Iran. Was it really? He could do it through post or video conference and not to help Iran’s lone Greyhound in the region”? and tens of such samples that their lists is so long.
But regarding the stance of Mr. Morsi regarding Syria it should be said that the outlook of the Egyptian president in this field with other stances that have been mentioned in this ground during this summit of Tehran are not consistent and it seems that they are really unlikely that Mr. Morsi not to be aware of this inconsistency. It should be noted that when Mr. Morsi talked about the need of fighting against Zionism and Israel and supporting the pivot of resistance, how can they accept that Israel should stand against Bashar Asad and to support the rebels in Syria. Or it could be something strange if he would accept that training the terrorists in the Turkey military bases under the management of Israel experts that have been supported financially by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and what could be his description in this field? Who can consider Israel, the United States of America, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey as the fans and supporters of democracy and Islamic revolutions or as Mr. Morsi said, the Arabic springs! And now that Hosni Mubarak, Al Saud, Al Khalifa and Ali Abdollah Saleh ban Ben Ali…that had obvious violations in the coalition, the Syrian government would not support the Palestine’s resistance party? It was yesterday that Mr. Jamal Fahmi from the journalists union from Egypt in an interview with Al-Vatan considered the declaration of Mr. Morsi in supporting the opposition group of Syria as an insult to the people of Egypt and he considered it as unwanted game in the ground of the Zionist enemy.
Mr. Morsi in the Tehran summit announced the new identity of Egyptian government and this identity is not consistent with the rebels of Syrian government which is sided with United States of America, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey and for sure the comment of Morsi will be changed in the near future.
The End
By: Hussein Shariatmadari