According to Fars News Agency Epic and Resistance Team, the memories of the Sacred Defense Era are so sweet, interesting and fantastic for all the war veterans and even for us that we review them after many years. The following text is one of these interesting texts:
Mehdi Bakeri looked at his watch. Three hours had passed from the appointment that he had made with his brother Hamid. But still he had not come there. He got worried about this issue. He was praying that Hamid not to be captured by the border commissioners. He took out the final letter that Hamid had sent him through one of his friends and he reread it once again:
Dear Mehdi, Hello, how are you, One month has passed from our final visit. I’m fine and I’m sorry for you. Even though you are trying to finish your military service, but you try to pay the costs of my education as well. These costs are paid in a foreign country! I’m studying in Aachen city of Germany. Dear Mehdi! Right now that the flames of fires have reached the rotted stack of the Shah’s regime, I can not tolerate staying in this city anymore. This time that I come to Syria, I will trip to Iran with some important smuggled things. Our appointment is December 8 at the place that you know it! Yours sincerely, Hamid Bakeri!
Mehdi observed a shadow that was getting closer from far distances. He came down from the hills. He started running. Hamid had two big sacks with himself and he arrived there as he was sweating. They found each other. Hamid put the sacks on the ground and he sat at the same place due to tiredness. Mehdi hugged him. He rubbed his shoulders and he asked: “What is wrong Hamid? You have become so tired?!”?
Hamid was breathing so hard and laughed and then he said: “I was so lucky; I thought that the members of SAVAK wanted to capture me.”?
- What, a member of SAVAK?
- Yes, I will describe it in the way.
Hamid got up. Mehdi picked one of the sacks. Since the sack was so heavy, his body bent down. They moved towards the rented mule that Mehdi had brought it there and they put the sacks on the mule.
After that Hamid said: “When I got on the bus in Syria, I observed a thin man who had big eyes and he had stared at me. He was looking at me continuously, at first I did not pay attention to this issue; but when we got close to the boundaries of Iran, I thought that I can not tolerate this situation. I thought maybe he is a member of SAVAK. When I arrived near the border, the bus stopped in front of a restaurant. After that I picked my sacks secretly and I started moving towards this place by foot without others to notice the issue.”?
- Now let me know, what are the things that are inside the sacks which are so heavy?
- Weapons and munitions!
- It is so good. By these things we can stand against the forces of SAVAK so well. Hamid jumped on the mule. Mehdi pulled the tether of the mule and they moved towards the village.
Hamid said: What should I say in the meeting?
Mehdi laughed and he said: “You started again. I told you that the commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and Army are supposed to gather and to manage and arrange the future generations. You are somehow my deputy. You have to do something that is my responsibility too. Don’t worry. The chief of the meeting is the brother of Hemmat, the commander of the Army Mohammad Rasul Allah (May God send greetings to him). You will get familiar with him as well.”?
Hamid smiled and he said: “Ok, the younger brother should respect the elder brother!”?
Mehdi pushed Hamid out. Hamid got on a Trill Motorcycle and he moved towards the headquarters.
Hamid knew most of the commanders. He sat near Hussein Kharazi at a corner and he said: “Haj Hussein! Where is Haj Hemmat?”?
- He will come here from any place that he is.
Someone knocked on the door and Hemmat entered the meeting room. All of the persons got up. Haj Hemmat shook hands with the commanders and he had a conversation with them. Hamid got so surprised when he saw him. Hemmat reached Hamid. When he reached Hamid, at first he looked at him for a moment and after that both of them had been so surprised about this visit. Both of them stared at each other for a moment; after that they noticed the issue and they hugged each other.
Kharazi asked: “What is wrong Mr. Hamid? You said that you did not know Haj Hemmat?”?
Hamid laughed and he did not say anything. At the end of the meeting, Mehdi arrived there and he greeted and he sat near Hamid. But he noticed that every few minutes Hamid and Hemmat look at each other and they laugh. He got so surprised. He did not know why these two persons were laughing for.”?
When the meeting was ended, Hemmat came towards Hamid and Mehdi. Mehdi asked: “What are you laughing for you two persons?”?
Hamid laughed and he said: “Mr. Mehdi, do you remember the story of my trip from Turkey to Iran? Do you remember that I said that maybe a member of SAVAK was following me?”?
Mehdi got surprised and after a moment he said: “Yes, I remember that, so what you want to say?”?
Hamid put his hand on the shoulder of Hemmat and he said: “The person that I thought he was a member of SAVAK was this man.”?
Mehdi got so surprised. Hemmat laughed and he said: “I also thought that you are a member of SAVAK and that you are following me. That is why when we arrived to the restaurant close to the borders, I escaped towards the borders of Iran!”?
Mehdi laughed and said: “Poor you, both of you walked so much because of nothing. But to be honest with you, the faces of both of you are like the faces of SAVAK members!”?
The voice of their loud laughter covered the whole atmosphere of Karbala headquarters.
The End
By: Davoud Amiriyan
According to Fars News Agency Epic and Resistance Team, the memories of the Sacred Defense Era are so sweet, interesting and fantastic for all the war veterans and even for us that we review them after many years. The following text is one of these interesting texts:
Mehdi Bakeri looked at his watch. Three hours had passed from the appointment that he had made with his brother Hamid. But still he had not come there. He got worried about this issue. He was praying that Hamid not to be captured by the border commissioners. He took out the final letter that Hamid had sent him through one of his friends and he reread it once again:
Dear Mehdi, Hello, how are you, One month has passed from our final visit. I’m fine and I’m sorry for you. Even though you are trying to finish your military service, but you try to pay the costs of my education as well. These costs are paid in a foreign country! I’m studying in Aachen city of Germany. Dear Mehdi! Right now that the flames of fires have reached the rotted stack of the Shah’s regime, I can not tolerate staying in this city anymore. This time that I come to Syria, I will trip to Iran with some important smuggled things. Our appointment is December 8 at the place that you know it! Yours sincerely, Hamid Bakeri!
Mehdi observed a shadow that was getting closer from far distances. He came down from the hills. He started running. Hamid had two big sacks with himself and he arrived there as he was sweating. They found each other. Hamid put the sacks on the ground and he sat at the same place due to tiredness. Mehdi hugged him. He rubbed his shoulders and he asked: “What is wrong Hamid? You have become so tired?!”?
Hamid was breathing so hard and laughed and then he said: “I was so lucky; I thought that the members of SAVAK wanted to capture me.”?
- What, a member of SAVAK?
- Yes, I will describe it in the way.
Hamid got up. Mehdi picked one of the sacks. Since the sack was so heavy, his body bent down. They moved towards the rented mule that Mehdi had brought it there and they put the sacks on the mule.
After that Hamid said: “When I got on the bus in Syria, I observed a thin man who had big eyes and he had stared at me. He was looking at me continuously, at first I did not pay attention to this issue; but when we got close to the boundaries of Iran, I thought that I can not tolerate this situation. I thought maybe he is a member of SAVAK. When I arrived near the border, the bus stopped in front of a restaurant. After that I picked my sacks secretly and I started moving towards this place by foot without others to notice the issue.”?
- Now let me know, what are the things that are inside the sacks which are so heavy?
- Weapons and munitions!
- It is so good. By these things we can stand against the forces of SAVAK so well. Hamid jumped on the mule. Mehdi pulled the tether of the mule and they moved towards the village.
Hamid said: What should I say in the meeting?
Mehdi laughed and he said: “You started again. I told you that the commanders of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps and Army are supposed to gather and to manage and arrange the future generations. You are somehow my deputy. You have to do something that is my responsibility too. Don’t worry. The chief of the meeting is the brother of Hemmat, the commander of the Army Mohammad Rasul Allah (May God send greetings to him). You will get familiar with him as well.”?
Hamid smiled and he said: “Ok, the younger brother should respect the elder brother!”?
Mehdi pushed Hamid out. Hamid got on a Trill Motorcycle and he moved towards the headquarters.
Hamid knew most of the commanders. He sat near Hussein Kharazi at a corner and he said: “Haj Hussein! Where is Haj Hemmat?”?
- He will come here from any place that he is.
Someone knocked on the door and Hemmat entered the meeting room. All of the persons got up. Haj Hemmat shook hands with the commanders and he had a conversation with them. Hamid got so surprised when he saw him. Hemmat reached Hamid. When he reached Hamid, at first he looked at him for a moment and after that both of them had been so surprised about this visit. Both of them stared at each other for a moment; after that they noticed the issue and they hugged each other.
Kharazi asked: “What is wrong Mr. Hamid? You said that you did not know Haj Hemmat?”?
Hamid laughed and he did not say anything. At the end of the meeting, Mehdi arrived there and he greeted and he sat near Hamid. But he noticed that every few minutes Hamid and Hemmat look at each other and they laugh. He got so surprised. He did not know why these two persons were laughing for.”?
When the meeting was ended, Hemmat came towards Hamid and Mehdi. Mehdi asked: “What are you laughing for you two persons?”?
Hamid laughed and he said: “Mr. Mehdi, do you remember the story of my trip from Turkey to Iran? Do you remember that I said that maybe a member of SAVAK was following me?”?
Mehdi got surprised and after a moment he said: “Yes, I remember that, so what you want to say?”?
Hamid put his hand on the shoulder of Hemmat and he said: “The person that I thought he was a member of SAVAK was this man.”?
Mehdi got so surprised. Hemmat laughed and he said: “I also thought that you are a member of SAVAK and that you are following me. That is why when we arrived to the restaurant close to the borders, I escaped towards the borders of Iran!”?
Mehdi laughed and said: “Poor you, both of you walked so much because of nothing. But to be honest with you, the faces of both of you are like the faces of SAVAK members!”?
The voice of their loud laughter covered the whole atmosphere of Karbala headquarters.
The End
By: Davoud Amiriyan