News ID: 346402
Publish Date: 28 April 2012 - 10:25
Seminaries Vice President:

Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani Clung to Imam Khomeini's Ideology Steadfastly

Navideshahed: Seminaries Vice President referred to the outstanding characteristics of the Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani and he said: “This late source of imitation was never unaware of the issue of changes and creation of disciplines to the seminaries.”?

Hojjat Ol Eslam Val-Moslemin Mahmoud Reza Jamshidi on the threshold of the 5th Demise Anniversary of Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani in an exclusive interview with the reporter of Huzeh News considered the late source of imitation with some marvelous and outstanding characteristics and he declared: “He was born in a clerical and fully religious family and his God-given talent led him to be considered as a brilliant and excellent student in the seminary lessons.”?

The member of Seminary Professors added: “He was so successful in the seminary lessons in a way that during his adolescence learnt the lessons of seminary which would be taught by great clerics and he translated many of the books into Arabic language and he reached the position of imitation at that age.”?

• Training outstanding students and clerics
The manager of Women Seminaries continued: “This divine cleric was one of the best professors for seminaries who would write explicitly; this characteristic cause that his teaching bench be always one of the most wonderful and blessing lessons; in a way that today many of the clerics are considered as students of this late source of imitation.”?

Hojjat Ol Eslam Val-Moslemin Jamshidi outlined: “This great scholar based on the scientific and revolutionary position that he had in accordance to amendment and changes in the seminaries, he would emphasize on the simultaneous growth and development of the seminaries as well and he would never ignore the issue of discipline for the seminaries as well.”?

The Deputy of Seminaries in another part of his speeches pointed out to the political and revolutionary dimensions of the Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani and he said: “Courage, strengths and open-mind aspects were the most highlighted characteristics of this late source of imitation in this field which caused he becomes as one of the fighting characters against Shah’s regime and one of the close friends of Imam Khomeini. Despite of many banishments and tortures, he stood with the school of great founder of Islamic Revolution and he defended the Ahl Beit learning.

• Defending the historical judgment of Imam Khomeini
The member of Seminary Professors stressed on the braveness and doing commissions as one of the other personality characteristics of this late source of imitation and he declared: “He was always the friend and Imam Khomeini in all the fields; in a way that after the demise of the Grand Founder of Islamic Revolution, some people thought that its time to end the historical judgment of Imam Khomneini according to the time requirements, but at this juncture of time, the Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani announced strongly that the judgment of Imam Khomeini will remain in the same form forever.”?
The manager of Women Seminaries referred to this issue that this great scholar wished that the Ahl Beit sciences should be expanded and he added: “This late source of imitation despite of being busy in teaching and being a source of imitation, he established some centers for the purpose of publishing the religious percepts inside and outside of Iran.”?

He also considered the activeness of this great cleric in reviving the Islamic rituals as another characteristic of this godly scholar and he stated: “He emphasized on promoting the remembrance of Ahl Beit in a way that this divine cleric was one of the revivers of Fatemiyeh Decade. In fact he liked to expand the Ahl Beit sciences and this important issue has been mentioned in his testament as well.”?

The End

Hojjat Ol Eslam Val-Moslemin Mahmoud Reza Jamshidi on the threshold of the 5th Demise Anniversary of Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani in an exclusive interview with the reporter of Huzeh News considered the late source of imitation with some marvelous and outstanding characteristics and he declared: “He was born in a clerical and fully religious family and his God-given talent led him to be considered as a brilliant and excellent student in the seminary lessons.”? The member of Seminary Professors added: “He was so successful in the seminary lessons in a way that during his adolescence learnt the lessons of seminary which would be taught by great clerics and he translated many of the books into Arabic language and he reached the position of imitation at that age.”? • Training outstanding students and clerics The manager of Women Seminaries continued: “This divine cleric was one of the best professors for seminaries who would write explicitly; this characteristic cause that his teaching bench be always one of the most wonderful and blessing lessons; in a way that today many of the clerics are considered as students of this late source of imitation.”? Hojjat Ol Eslam Val-Moslemin Jamshidi outlined: “This great scholar based on the scientific and revolutionary position that he had in accordance to amendment and changes in the seminaries, he would emphasize on the simultaneous growth and development of the seminaries as well and he would never ignore the issue of discipline for the seminaries as well.”? The Deputy of Seminaries in another part of his speeches pointed out to the political and revolutionary dimensions of the Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani and he said: “Courage, strengths and open-mind aspects were the most highlighted characteristics of this late source of imitation in this field which caused he becomes as one of the fighting characters against Shah’s regime and one of the close friends of Imam Khomeini. Despite of many banishments and tortures, he stood with the school of great founder of Islamic Revolution and he defended the Ahl Beit learning. • Defending the historical judgment of Imam Khomeini The member of Seminary Professors stressed on the braveness and doing commissions as one of the other personality characteristics of this late source of imitation and he declared: “He was always the friend and Imam Khomeini in all the fields; in a way that after the demise of the Grand Founder of Islamic Revolution, some people thought that its time to end the historical judgment of Imam Khomneini according to the time requirements, but at this juncture of time, the Grand Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani announced strongly that the judgment of Imam Khomeini will remain in the same form forever.”? The manager of Women Seminaries referred to this issue that this great scholar wished that the Ahl Beit sciences should be expanded and he added: “This late source of imitation despite of being busy in teaching and being a source of imitation, he established some centers for the purpose of publishing the religious percepts inside and outside of Iran.”? He also considered the activeness of this great cleric in reviving the Islamic rituals as another characteristic of this godly scholar and he stated: “He emphasized on promoting the remembrance of Ahl Beit in a way that this divine cleric was one of the revivers of Fatemiyeh Decade. In fact he liked to expand the Ahl Beit sciences and this important issue has been mentioned in his testament as well.”? The End
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