News ID: 344228
Publish Date: 15 April 2012 - 08:09
For the Martyrdom Anniversary of Khalid Islamboli:

I Killed the Pharaoh of Egypt

Navideshahed: He had made his decision. From the morning of September 24, he would review and practice the parade ceremony along with the unit that would be commanded by him. All the time of practicing, Khaled was thinking of assassinating Sadat. After the practice, Khaled personally investigated and identified the place of marching and everything was ready for the promised da

Mohammad Anur Sadat, the Arabic president of Egypt had been assassinated and a few times had passed since 12:30, October 6, 1981 and the abovementioned news became the most important news in the world news agencies and Medias. Indeed it was mentioned that First Lieutenant ‘Khaled Ahmad Shoghi Eslamboli’ one of the military men of Egypt’s Army is the prime suspect for this event.

Why Khaled Eslamboli had done this work? Maybe it is better in order to find an answer for this question; we go back to the past and to think about the Egypt from the time of Jamal Abdol Naser, the former president before Sadat.

Who is Khaled Eslamboli?
Khaled EbN Ahmad Shoghi Eslamboli was born on November 14, 1957 in Moloy neighborhood located in Al-Sayed province of Egypt. Khaled had one brother and four sisters in his family. His father was Ahmad Shoghi, the attorney of a company and his mother’s name was Ghadriyeh Ali Yosof. Mohammad, his brother was two years older than him and he was the university student studying in the final year of Business College of Asiyut University. Mohammad was one of the active members of Islamic society. A few times before October 6, 1981, the trip of Mohammad Eslamboli to Mecca was occurred simultaneously with the uprising of Wahhabism extremists against Saudi regime. The Saudi Arabia’s fundamentalists had taken part in that uprising under the leadership of Jeihan Al-Atibi and they had succeeded to occupy Masjed Al-Haram (a mosque). This confluence among the trip of Mohammad Eslamboli to Mecca and the uprising in Saudi Arabia had caused that the Egyptian regime to have doubts about Mohammad so intensively and eventually they arrested him with the charges of Islamic activities. A few times before the capture, he had been deprived of education with the charges of taking part in a religious camping of Islamic Societies (Ekhvan Al-Moslemin). In fact he had been banned from the education for a year and he had been arrested by the Egypt’s police due to tearing the photo of Anur Sadat. Mohammad had created some marvelous effects in the formation of Khaled’s personality.

Mohammad was so interested that his brother ‘Khaled’ to enter the conflicting activities against the Egypt’s authoritarian regime the same as he himself.

Ansiyeh and Somayeh, his two sisters had respectively graduated from the Business Excellence Schools of Asiyut and the Human Sciences University.

Khaled had accomplished his education in the school of Christian Propagandists of Notardam. This school had been established among the Muslims in order to mislead the beliefs of Muslims. Generally the family of Eslamboli in the first place was an educated family and they were aware of the day conditions of Egypt and in the second place especially by Mohammad, they would be considered as a family who would get involved in the conflicts against the regime. When Khaled was rejected in the exam for being a pilot, he had joined the Artillery Excellence School as well. He graduated from this school in 1978 with an excellent grade. After being graduated, he was introduced to the Artillery unit in Kastib garrison and he started working in this garrison.
The trips of Khaled to Ansar Al-Mohammadiyeh Mosque caused that the authorities of Military Intelligence Administration to summon him in 1980 and to be investigated. Registering Khaled Eslamboli as a dangerous person was the result of this investigation. At this time, he got familiar with the Islamic Society Organization and he set up some friendly relations with Abdol Eslam. Abdol Eslam Faraj told Khaled: “In Islamic countries, especially Egypt, the infidels are the governors and its situation won’t be amended except by the government and conformity of tradition perceives of the current governors are the same as the Mongolian governors and the black era that Egypt is staying in is the same as the Mongols era; an era which won’t be ended except by the fall of infidel governors.”?

On Wednesday, September 23, 1981 that the First Lieutenant Khaled Eslamboli had been summoned by the commandership office of his unit. In this summoning, major Mokaram Abdol Aal announced that Khaled should march on October 6 in front of Saadat. According to this demand, Khaled in addition of taking part in this parade he had to command 12 cranes delivering cannons 130 mm. Of course at first Khaled wanted to deny taking part in this ceremony, but finally he had to accept this commission according to the demand of his commander. But now his objective was not only taking part in the parade, but also he wanted to assassinate Sadat who had been put in the hearts of many Egyptians, Arabs and even Muslims as a sign of hatred and disgust. He had made his great decision. He had made his decision. From the morning of September 24, he would review and practice the parade ceremony along with the unit that would be commanded by him. All the time of practicing, Khaled was thinking of assassinating Sadat. After the practice, Khaled personally investigated and identified the place of marching and everything was ready for the promised day.

Operation October 16

Khaled’s Uprising Model

Abdol Halim Ramezan, the attorney of Khaled Eslamboli in one of the sessions of the military court in addition of defending the defendant’s case had said: “I have come to this court only because of God’s satisfaction and I’m proud of myself that I’m defending such a guy; because he was able to give back the dignity of Egypt and the treacherous coup of Sadat weakened the sinew of Egyptian nation and destroyed it. The guys like him, in fact are Hussein and his followers that not only they are not working for the world, but also they are only working for God’s satisfaction in the Karbala scene and they made and uprising. Now the uprising of Khaled and his friends is an uprising sourced from Hussein (AS) who fought to defend the dignity of Islam, Arabs and the dignity of humans and for satisfaction of God; their great work and activities made the dark hearts of Egyptian people to shine; Sadat would consider himself as the final Pharaoh of Egypt and that is why the guys who have killed him with the charges of being a Pharaoh have committed no sins and they are not guilty at all; because the murdered person himself had confessed to his own crime.”?

When Ramezan likened Khaled and his friends the same as Imam Hussein (AS) and the martyrs of Karbala, they were crying in tears as well and they chanted ‘Allah o Akbar’.

The testament of martyr Khaled Eslamboli

Hello to father, mother, sisters and brother!

It is necessary that you follow the Islamic perceives and to do what the holy book Koran has asked you to do. I invite you to obey the demands of God. I hope that you will forgive me for the troubles that I make for you. God chose us for martyrdom in the way of himself and he led me towards martyrdom and I hope that he will gather all of us in the heaven near each other. The governor of our today’s society rebelled and he made some violations. The Islamic nation can not get rid of him; except killing him. My mother, you should not be upset at all, because we will be considered in the list of martyrs based on the God demand. My letter will be given to you when we have left this world and we are in the resurrection world.

I ask God to protect and look after my sisters Ansiyeh and Somayeh and my brother Mohammad. The money that I have given to my sister Ansiyeh should be divided among the poor and deprived people and her children Fatemeh and Moraveh should be grown up with good behavior, ethics of Islam and Shari'a.

We made a decision together in order to kill the pharaoh of Egypt, maybe God will rescue us by this work from being the friend of Zionists who are considered the core of corruption and violation and I hope that God will save Sadat and his spouse that have been drown in sins and crimes.

I testify that there is only one God and I admit that Mohammad is the prophet of God, by Khaled Ahmad Shoghi Eslamboli

The End

Mohammad Anur Sadat, the Arabic president of Egypt had been assassinated and a few times had passed since 12:30, October 6, 1981 and the abovementioned news became the most important news in the world news agencies and Medias. Indeed it was mentioned that First Lieutenant ‘Khaled Ahmad Shoghi Eslamboli’ one of the military men of Egypt’s Army is the prime suspect for this event. Why Khaled Eslamboli had done this work? Maybe it is better in order to find an answer for this question; we go back to the past and to think about the Egypt from the time of Jamal Abdol Naser, the former president before Sadat. Who is Khaled Eslamboli? Khaled EbN Ahmad Shoghi Eslamboli was born on November 14, 1957 in Moloy neighborhood located in Al-Sayed province of Egypt. Khaled had one brother and four sisters in his family. His father was Ahmad Shoghi, the attorney of a company and his mother’s name was Ghadriyeh Ali Yosof. Mohammad, his brother was two years older than him and he was the university student studying in the final year of Business College of Asiyut University. Mohammad was one of the active members of Islamic society. A few times before October 6, 1981, the trip of Mohammad Eslamboli to Mecca was occurred simultaneously with the uprising of Wahhabism extremists against Saudi regime. The Saudi Arabia’s fundamentalists had taken part in that uprising under the leadership of Jeihan Al-Atibi and they had succeeded to occupy Masjed Al-Haram (a mosque). This confluence among the trip of Mohammad Eslamboli to Mecca and the uprising in Saudi Arabia had caused that the Egyptian regime to have doubts about Mohammad so intensively and eventually they arrested him with the charges of Islamic activities. A few times before the capture, he had been deprived of education with the charges of taking part in a religious camping of Islamic Societies (Ekhvan Al-Moslemin). In fact he had been banned from the education for a year and he had been arrested by the Egypt’s police due to tearing the photo of Anur Sadat. Mohammad had created some marvelous effects in the formation of Khaled’s personality. Mohammad was so interested that his brother ‘Khaled’ to enter the conflicting activities against the Egypt’s authoritarian regime the same as he himself. Ansiyeh and Somayeh, his two sisters had respectively graduated from the Business Excellence Schools of Asiyut and the Human Sciences University. Khaled had accomplished his education in the school of Christian Propagandists of Notardam. This school had been established among the Muslims in order to mislead the beliefs of Muslims. Generally the family of Eslamboli in the first place was an educated family and they were aware of the day conditions of Egypt and in the second place especially by Mohammad, they would be considered as a family who would get involved in the conflicts against the regime. When Khaled was rejected in the exam for being a pilot, he had joined the Artillery Excellence School as well. He graduated from this school in 1978 with an excellent grade. After being graduated, he was introduced to the Artillery unit in Kastib garrison and he started working in this garrison. The trips of Khaled to Ansar Al-Mohammadiyeh Mosque caused that the authorities of Military Intelligence Administration to summon him in 1980 and to be investigated. Registering Khaled Eslamboli as a dangerous person was the result of this investigation. At this time, he got familiar with the Islamic Society Organization and he set up some friendly relations with Abdol Eslam. Abdol Eslam Faraj told Khaled: “In Islamic countries, especially Egypt, the infidels are the governors and its situation won’t be amended except by the government and conformity of tradition perceives of the current governors are the same as the Mongolian governors and the black era that Egypt is staying in is the same as the Mongols era; an era which won’t be ended except by the fall of infidel governors.”? On Wednesday, September 23, 1981 that the First Lieutenant Khaled Eslamboli had been summoned by the commandership office of his unit. In this summoning, major Mokaram Abdol Aal announced that Khaled should march on October 6 in front of Saadat. According to this demand, Khaled in addition of taking part in this parade he had to command 12 cranes delivering cannons 130 mm. Of course at first Khaled wanted to deny taking part in this ceremony, but finally he had to accept this commission according to the demand of his commander. But now his objective was not only taking part in the parade, but also he wanted to assassinate Sadat who had been put in the hearts of many Egyptians, Arabs and even Muslims as a sign of hatred and disgust. He had made his great decision. He had made his decision. From the morning of September 24, he would review and practice the parade ceremony along with the unit that would be commanded by him. All the time of practicing, Khaled was thinking of assassinating Sadat. After the practice, Khaled personally investigated and identified the place of marching and everything was ready for the promised day. Operation October 16 Khaled’s Uprising Model Abdol Halim Ramezan, the attorney of Khaled Eslamboli in one of the sessions of the military court in addition of defending the defendant’s case had said: “I have come to this court only because of God’s satisfaction and I’m proud of myself that I’m defending such a guy; because he was able to give back the dignity of Egypt and the treacherous coup of Sadat weakened the sinew of Egyptian nation and destroyed it. The guys like him, in fact are Hussein and his followers that not only they are not working for the world, but also they are only working for God’s satisfaction in the Karbala scene and they made and uprising. Now the uprising of Khaled and his friends is an uprising sourced from Hussein (AS) who fought to defend the dignity of Islam, Arabs and the dignity of humans and for satisfaction of God; their great work and activities made the dark hearts of Egyptian people to shine; Sadat would consider himself as the final Pharaoh of Egypt and that is why the guys who have killed him with the charges of being a Pharaoh have committed no sins and they are not guilty at all; because the murdered person himself had confessed to his own crime.”? When Ramezan likened Khaled and his friends the same as Imam Hussein (AS) and the martyrs of Karbala, they were crying in tears as well and they chanted ‘Allah o Akbar’. The testament of martyr Khaled Eslamboli Hello to father, mother, sisters and brother! It is necessary that you follow the Islamic perceives and to do what the holy book Koran has asked you to do. I invite you to obey the demands of God. I hope that you will forgive me for the troubles that I make for you. God chose us for martyrdom in the way of himself and he led me towards martyrdom and I hope that he will gather all of us in the heaven near each other. The governor of our today’s society rebelled and he made some violations. The Islamic nation can not get rid of him; except killing him. My mother, you should not be upset at all, because we will be considered in the list of martyrs based on the God demand. My letter will be given to you when we have left this world and we are in the resurrection world. I ask God to protect and look after my sisters Ansiyeh and Somayeh and my brother Mohammad. The money that I have given to my sister Ansiyeh should be divided among the poor and deprived people and her children Fatemeh and Moraveh should be grown up with good behavior, ethics of Islam and Shari'a. We made a decision together in order to kill the pharaoh of Egypt, maybe God will rescue us by this work from being the friend of Zionists who are considered the core of corruption and violation and I hope that God will save Sadat and his spouse that have been drown in sins and crimes. I testify that there is only one God and I admit that Mohammad is the prophet of God, by Khaled Ahmad Shoghi Eslamboli The End
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