News ID: 331935
Publish Date: 15 January 2012 - 08:37
Top Commander:

Iran will Respond to Nuclear Scientists Assassination

Navideshahed: A senior Iranian commander has warned of a crushing response to the Israeli regime as well as the US and Britain for their role in the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists.

“The opponents of [Iran's Islamic] Revolution and the nation's progress should have no doubt that the punitive response to the US, the Zionist regime (Israel) and their criminal accomplices will be delivered in an opportune time,”? said Deputy Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri in a Saturday interview.

The remarks came against the backdrop of Wednesday assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan in a drive-by bomb attack in the capital Tehran, when terrorists riding a motorcycle attached a bomb to his car and sped away.

Insisting that Iran's reaction would deliver a punishing response to “supporters of state terrorism,”? Jazayeri vowed that activation of potentials stemming from the strategic depth of the Islamic Revolution will be on the agenda in efforts to hold the nation's enemies, “particularly the US, Britain and the Zionist regime accountable for their actions.”?

The military official also emphasized that the path to progress and access to strategic technologies, such as the peaceful applications of the nuclear technology, will not be hindered by assassination of our nation's scientists and scholars. He expressed confidence that the scientific advancements of the Iranian nation will accelerate ahead with extra efforts of Iranian youth who feel additionally motivated following the latest terror attack against another Iranian scientist.

The senior commander lashed out at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as well for deliberately releasing the list of Iranian nuclear scientists and administrators, thereby facilitating the track-down and targeting of Iranian experts by intelligence and terrorist networks of the global hegemony. He then emphasized that the IAEA must be held accountable for its negligence.

Tehran has condemned the Israeli spy agency, Mossad, as well as the US and British governments for their obvious role in the assassination of Ahmadi Roshan.

The US, the Israeli regime and their Western allies have engaged in a major publicity campaign, repeating false allegations that Iran's nuclear program may have a covert military aspect and have used the accusation as a pretext to push the UN Security Council to impose four rounds of sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Based on such accusations, they have also threatened Tehran repeatedly with the "option" of a military strike.

This is while in November 2011, a number of major US presidential hopefuls called for covert US efforts against Iran, specifically mentioning the need to assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists and launching military strikes against the country as well as sabotaging its nuclear program.

Such open calls for terror assassination of Iranian scientists do not represent idle threats as a number of them have already been assassinated over the past couple of years. Professors Majid Shahriari and Masoud Ali-Mohammadi are among the victims of such acts of terror.

On November 29, 2010, Professors Shahriari and Fereydoun Abbasi were targeted by terrorist attacks; Shahriari was killed immediately, but Dr. Abbasi, the current director of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, only sustained injuries.

Iran says as the UN Resolution 1747, adopted against Tehran in March 2007, cited Abbasi's name as a "nuclear scientist," the perpetrators were in a position to trace their victim.

The End
Source: PressTV

“The opponents of [Iran's Islamic] Revolution and the nation's progress should have no doubt that the punitive response to the US, the Zionist regime (Israel) and their criminal accomplices will be delivered in an opportune time,”? said Deputy Chairman of Joint Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri in a Saturday interview. The remarks came against the backdrop of Wednesday assassination of Iranian nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan in a drive-by bomb attack in the capital Tehran, when terrorists riding a motorcycle attached a bomb to his car and sped away. Insisting that Iran's reaction would deliver a punishing response to “supporters of state terrorism,”? Jazayeri vowed that activation of potentials stemming from the strategic depth of the Islamic Revolution will be on the agenda in efforts to hold the nation's enemies, “particularly the US, Britain and the Zionist regime accountable for their actions.”? The military official also emphasized that the path to progress and access to strategic technologies, such as the peaceful applications of the nuclear technology, will not be hindered by assassination of our nation's scientists and scholars. He expressed confidence that the scientific advancements of the Iranian nation will accelerate ahead with extra efforts of Iranian youth who feel additionally motivated following the latest terror attack against another Iranian scientist. The senior commander lashed out at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as well for deliberately releasing the list of Iranian nuclear scientists and administrators, thereby facilitating the track-down and targeting of Iranian experts by intelligence and terrorist networks of the global hegemony. He then emphasized that the IAEA must be held accountable for its negligence. Tehran has condemned the Israeli spy agency, Mossad, as well as the US and British governments for their obvious role in the assassination of Ahmadi Roshan. The US, the Israeli regime and their Western allies have engaged in a major publicity campaign, repeating false allegations that Iran's nuclear program may have a covert military aspect and have used the accusation as a pretext to push the UN Security Council to impose four rounds of sanctions against the Islamic Republic. Based on such accusations, they have also threatened Tehran repeatedly with the "option" of a military strike. This is while in November 2011, a number of major US presidential hopefuls called for covert US efforts against Iran, specifically mentioning the need to assassinate Iranian nuclear scientists and launching military strikes against the country as well as sabotaging its nuclear program. Such open calls for terror assassination of Iranian scientists do not represent idle threats as a number of them have already been assassinated over the past couple of years. Professors Majid Shahriari and Masoud Ali-Mohammadi are among the victims of such acts of terror. On November 29, 2010, Professors Shahriari and Fereydoun Abbasi were targeted by terrorist attacks; Shahriari was killed immediately, but Dr. Abbasi, the current director of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, only sustained injuries. Iran says as the UN Resolution 1747, adopted against Tehran in March 2007, cited Abbasi's name as a "nuclear scientist," the perpetrators were in a position to trace their victim. The End Source: PressTV
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