According to Navideshahed, martyr Haj Davoud Karimi in a visit with his comrades in the Constructional Jihad Organization in the spring of 2004 said: “At the beginning of the war, Bani Sadr had decided to make the Iranian forces to withdraw and to move towards Dezful and to plan a guerilla war. Since I had done some activities against his ambition, so Bani Sadr would not let me to attend some of the conferences; when I observed the situation like this, so I went to Imam Khomeini and I informed the news to him. I had a short visit with him on the first day. On the next day when I met him, I saw Ayatollah Khamenei was there as well. He asked me “Why have you come here? I expressed the issue to him once again. When Imam Khomeini heard the story, he said: “You Islamic Revolutionary Corps should not withdraw and I will talk with Bani Sadr to improve the situation.”?
Imam at the end said: “You should discuss the issue with the government and Islamic Parliament as well.”?
I went to Mr. Rejayee and I explained the issue to him. After reading my report, he went to the cabinet and he expressed the issue to the Islamic Parliament as well and he said that the Siege of Abadan must be broken.
The news was broadcasted to the whole country and the war zones as well, so this issue caused that no one to withdraw.
After a while I went to the Islamic Parliament and I talked about the fall of Hoveizeh and I supplied them with some information regarding this issue. When Bani Sadr noticed that I have revealed everything to the Islamic Parliament, he named me as a military denying that is why I was dispatched to Tehran and I continued my services as an authority for the military training. After a few time I started my work as the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Corps.
It should be noted that establishing the guerilla teams and the night attacks against the enemy was one of the ideas of Haj Davoud which were planed in Martyrdom Awaiting Headquarters. So the guerilla teams would attack the enemy during the nights. By changing the name of Gulf to the Martyrdom Awaiting Headquarters, a strong military unit was founded in south of Iran.
As the unknown martyred comrades of him have said, he was present in the battlefields since 1985 as a Basiji fighter and he was unknown for others.
Source: The Voice Narration and interviews of martyred comrades of Haj Davoud Karimi, Constructional Jihad Organization, Spring 2004, Information Base of Chemical Weapons Victims.
The End
According to Navideshahed, martyr Haj Davoud Karimi in a visit with his comrades in the Constructional Jihad Organization in the spring of 2004 said: “At the beginning of the war, Bani Sadr had decided to make the Iranian forces to withdraw and to move towards Dezful and to plan a guerilla war. Since I had done some activities against his ambition, so Bani Sadr would not let me to attend some of the conferences; when I observed the situation like this, so I went to Imam Khomeini and I informed the news to him. I had a short visit with him on the first day. On the next day when I met him, I saw Ayatollah Khamenei was there as well. He asked me “Why have you come here? I expressed the issue to him once again. When Imam Khomeini heard the story, he said: “You Islamic Revolutionary Corps should not withdraw and I will talk with Bani Sadr to improve the situation.”?
Imam at the end said: “You should discuss the issue with the government and Islamic Parliament as well.”?
I went to Mr. Rejayee and I explained the issue to him. After reading my report, he went to the cabinet and he expressed the issue to the Islamic Parliament as well and he said that the Siege of Abadan must be broken.
The news was broadcasted to the whole country and the war zones as well, so this issue caused that no one to withdraw.
After a while I went to the Islamic Parliament and I talked about the fall of Hoveizeh and I supplied them with some information regarding this issue. When Bani Sadr noticed that I have revealed everything to the Islamic Parliament, he named me as a military denying that is why I was dispatched to Tehran and I continued my services as an authority for the military training. After a few time I started my work as the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Corps.
It should be noted that establishing the guerilla teams and the night attacks against the enemy was one of the ideas of Haj Davoud which were planed in Martyrdom Awaiting Headquarters. So the guerilla teams would attack the enemy during the nights. By changing the name of Gulf to the Martyrdom Awaiting Headquarters, a strong military unit was founded in south of Iran.
As the unknown martyred comrades of him have said, he was present in the battlefields since 1985 as a Basiji fighter and he was unknown for others.
Source: The Voice Narration and interviews of martyred comrades of Haj Davoud Karimi, Constructional Jihad Organization, Spring 2004, Information Base of Chemical Weapons Victims.
The End